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18. JUNI 2005
Ausbruch aus Justizanstalt Hirtenberg verhindert

Beamter entdeckte an der Außenmauer einen Tunnel, auch Plan und Werkzeug für die Flucht wurden gefunden. Bereits drei Ausbrüche in dieser Woche.

Ein geplanter Ausbruch aus der niederösterreichischen Justizanstalt Hirtenberg ist in der Nacht auf Samstag offenbar gerade noch verhindert worden. Nach Angaben des Justizministeriums entdeckte Justizwachebeamter unter der Außenmauer der Anstalt im Bereich des Triestingbaches einen Tunnel mit einem Durchmesser von 50 Zentimetern. Die Justizanstalt löste Stillen Alarm aus. Es wurden Ausbruchswerkzeug und ein Plan für die Flucht sichergestellt

Die Ermittlungen liefen am Samstagnachmittag auf Hochtouren. Kriminalisten waren damit beschäftigt, die Fluchthelfer auszuforschen - und auch im Inneren der Anstalt wurden die intensiven Erhebungen mit Einvernahmen von Insassen fortgesetzt. Welcher Häftling im Besitz des bereits sichergestellten Ausbruchsplanes und des -werkzeugs war, war ebenfalls Gegenstand von Untersuchungen: "Wir haben aber schon einen Verdacht", so Christoph Pöchinger, Sprecher von Justizministerin Karin Miklautsch. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass mehrere Häftlinge an der Planung des Ausbruchs beteiligt waren.

Durchsucht. Insgesamt 150 Justizwachebeamte waren am Samstag in Hirtenberg im Einsatz. Bei einer genauen Kontrolle jedes Haftraumes wurden mehrere unerlaubte Gegenstände - wie etwa Mobiltelefone - gefunden und den betreffenden Häftlingen abgenommen.Vorarbeiten. Wie das Justizministerium mitteilte, war davon auszugehen, dass bereits auch im Innenbereich der Justizanstalt Vorarbeiten für einen Ausbruch im Gange gewesen waren. Aus diesem Grund wurden im Rahmen eines österreichweiten Alarmierungssystems Einsatzgruppen aus 15 Justizanstalten in Wien, NÖ und der Steiermark verständigt.

Gang in die Offensive. "Wir haben uns entgegen der üblichen Usancen des Justizministeriums entschlossen, den Erfolg einer unserer vielen erfolgreichen Aktionen zu veröffentlichen, damit die Bürgerinnen und Bürger dieses Landes sehen, mit welchem Einsatz die Justizwache für die Sicherheit in Österreich arbeitet", betonte Justizminsterin Karin Miklautsch (BZÖ) in einer ersten Reaktion.Spurlos verschwunden. Noch keine Spur gibt es indes von den beiden georgischen Häftlingen, denen in der Nacht auf Freitag in der Justizanstalt Ried im Innkreis in Oberösterreich ein filmreifer Ausbruch gelungen ist. Die beiden Georgier im Alter von 22 und 33 Jahren hatten die Gitterstäbe ihrer Zelle in der Justizanstalt durchsägt und sich mit Leintüchern filmreif abgeseilt. Da neben dem Gefängnis eine Leiter gefunden wurde, vermutete man Fluchthilfe, so der Leiter der Justizanstalt Josef Zeilberger.

[  kleine.at

17. JUNI 2005

Justizministerium: "Unangenehme Häufung - kein Anstieg" Miklautsch-Sprecher: Biometrie-System und Verstärkung der Außensicherung sind geplant

Wien - Das Justizministerium versucht nach dem neuerlichen Ausbruch aus einem österreichischen Gefängnis zu beruhigen. "Es gibt eine unangenehme Häufung innerhalb der letzten Zeit", räumte der Sprecher von Ministerin Karin Miklautsch, Christoph Pöchinger, ein. "Wir sind aber nach wie vor unter dem Jahresschnitt des Vorjahres. In keinster Weise ist ein Anstieg zu verzeichnen."

Nur wer ins Gebäude kommt- kann raus

Trotzdem werde auf derartige Vorfälle reagiert, betonte Pöchinger. So habe man in der Justizanstalt Wien Josefstadt nach der Flucht des mutmaßlichen Geldfälschers Ivan Ivanov ein Biometrie-System installiert. Ivanov war mit Hilfe eines falschen Anwaltes einfach aus dem Gefängnis hinausspaziert. Nun ist das Verlassen des Gebäudes durch den Hauptausgang nur mehr möglich, wenn die biometrischen Daten der Person bereits beim Eintreten registriert wurden. Ein solches Biometrie-System ist laut Pöchinger auch in der Justizanstalt Wien-Simmering im Einsatz.

Verstärkung der Außensicherung

Geplant sei auch die Verstärkung der Außensicherung in den Gefängnissen. Zum aktuellen Ausbruchsfall in Ried im Innkreis wollte Pöchinger noch nicht konkret Stellung nehmen. "Wir haben einen Verbindungsoffizier hingeschickt, der uns im Detail informieren wird." Bei der Flucht in Ried im Innkreis handelt es sich um Ausbruchsfall Nummer neun und zehn in diesem Jahr. Im Vorjahr waren es zwölf gewesen. Im "Rekordjahr" 1994 52. (APA)

[  derstandard.at

13. JUNI 2005

flucht eines mannes aus einem hochsicherheitsknast in caracas

Drug Trafficker Evades Venezuel's Most Secure Detention Center

CARACAS, Venezuela (AHN) - Venezuelan Information Minister Andres Izarra confirmed local media reports which said the Colombian suspect, identified as Jose Maria Corredor, was taken out the heavily-guarded DISIP headquarters early on Saturday in a car driven by a DISIP officer. Corredor is an accused international drug-trafficker that is wanted by the U.S. for smuggling cocaine. The DISIP security police headquarters, a circular, fortress-like building known as the Helicoide, is considered one of Venezuela's most secure detention centers.

"Obviously, this was a drug-trafficker with a very large financial capability," said Izarra. The escape is an embarrassment for Venezuela because it occurred at a time when President Hugo Chavez's government is pressing Washington to extradite a Cuban exile wanted by Caracas for the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner. Left-winger Chavez has warned that unless Cuban-born Luis Posada Carrilles, a former CIA collaborator who faces immigration charges in the United States, is extradited, his country's ties with Washington could be affected.

[  allheadlinenews.com

01. JUNI 2005
Offenes Fenster: Angeklagter floh aus Gerichtssaal

Über einen grünen Polsterstuhl unter dem geöffneten und nicht vergitterten Fenster gelang die Flucht: Der inhaftierte Babi V. floh gestern aus dem Saal 105 des Berliner Landgerichts. Nach dem Sprung auf die Turmstraße blieb er zunächst wenige Momente benommen liegen, konnte dann aber seinen Verfolgern entkommen.

Es war 11.45 Uhr, als der 23-jährige V. seine Chance witterte. Nach einer Verhandlungspause wurde er, der sich mit seinem Vater und zwei anderen Männer wegen Drogenhandels verantworten muss, zurück an seinen Platz geführt. Ein Wachtmeister begleitete ihn, drei weitere standen in der Nähe. Babi V. sah, dass das hintere Fenster des Saals im ersten Stock geöffnet war. Plötzlich lief er los, sprang an den überraschten Wachtmeistern vorbei auf den Stuhl, dann auf den in Kopfhöhe befindlichen Fenstersims und drei bis vier Meter in die Tiefe.

Dass in dem Saal ohne Gitter vor den Fenstern gegen einen inhaftierten und nicht gefesselten Angeklagten verhandelt wird, ist Alltag. „Hier führen die Strafkammern des Landgerichts regelmäßig ihre Verhandlungen auch in Haftsachen durch, sofern keine Anhaltspunkte für besondere Sicherungsmaßnahmen vorliegen“, sagte Sprecherin Gabriele Cirener. So eine Maßnahme wäre etwa die Vorführung eines Inhaftierten in Handfesseln. Im Falle von Babi V. aber wurde keine besondere Gefährdungslage gesehen. Das Fenster sei nur kurz zum Lüften geöffnet worden. Ob die für das Landgericht äußerst seltene Flucht zu Konsequenzen führt, müsse geprüft werden.

[  tagesspiegel.de

01. JUNI 2005

kurze flucht aus dem wagoner county knast / oklahoma

Officials scour area for inmate

Prisoner escaped using a shiv made from mop bucket JESS DUNN CORRECTIONAL CENTER - A massive manhunt was on Monday for a state prison inmate who escaped the Wagoner County Jail about 1 a.m., after making a shiv from a mop bucket and overpowering a jailer, Wagoner County Sheriff Johnny Cannon said. Charles Edward Moore Jr., 21, had been transported from Oklahoma State Reformatory at Granite to face a January charge of attempted escape from Wagoner County Jail. Law enforcement combed the area between Jess Dunn Correctional Center and Oklahoma 16 looking for Moore, who Cannon said is considered armed and dangerous.

Moore is a 5 foot, 7 inch black male weighing 180 pounds. He also had armed himself with a homemade shiv when he escaped from the jail earlier "and tried to go out a window he couldn't go out of," Cannon said. This time, Moore held a shiv to 21-year-old detention officer Daniel Millard's neck and then to his ribs until they reached the kitchen door of the jail and Moore took off, Cannon said. Millard, who has three months' experience, was not injured, Cannon said.

The shiv Moore fashioned was found in an abandoned car he is believed to have stolen near Wagoner, said Wagoner

County Deputy Sgt. Kelly Burke. The vehicle had been hot-wired but was disabled when lawmen found it on a county road off Oklahoma 16 near Jess Dunn, Burke said. A Jess Dunn corporal on her way to work Monday about 7:30 a.m. noticed a man walking on Oklahoma 16 about a mile west of the big bull statue on Pecan Ranch, said Lt. Tim Thomason of Jess Dunn. The corporal had heard of no escapes, but stopped and questioned the man in sunglasses because he was wearing a navy blue sweat shirt with a hood that appeared to be way too small for him, like a child's "hoodie," Thomason said.

The man told the officer he was on his way to Haskell to visit a friend, Cannon said. "The officer later positively identified the man as Moore from a picture after they found an abandoned vehicle just east of here," Burke said. "Since he left the shiv in the car, we're going to assume that he does have another weapon and is armed and dangerous." When Moore left the jail, he had been wearing gray sweat pants cut off at the knees, white tennis shoes and a white T-shirt, Burke said.

Department of Corrections records show Moore was convicted in August 2000 for possession of a stolen vehicle in Wagoner County. In July 2001, he was convicted of possession of a firearm by a minor after being adjudicated delinquent on a felony. In October 2004, he was convicted of possession of a firearm after former conviction of a felony, two kidnapping counts, and two counts of robbery with a firearm. Moore also has used the alias Charles or Demarco Bell and Charles Demarco, records show. Cannon said at 8:30 a.m. about 30 police units were on the ground searching for Moore, including special units from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol; Muskogee, Broken Arrow, Fort Gibson and Tulsa police; Wagoner County and Muskogee County sheriff's departments and reserve deputies.

An airplane from Tulsa was flying over the wooded area where they believed Moore was cornered, Cannon said. Much of the area is densely wooded, with hills and ravines. Much of the open land has tall grass on it. Thomason said by late afternoon high tech equipment was in use, as well as canine units, officers on horseback and ATVs searching off the roads and other officers in vehicles staggered along the perimeter. Shortly before 7 p.m. Cannon said the OHP sent a command post from Oklahoma City and was bringing in a helicopter with a heat sensor. A command center at Jess Dunn had 40 or 45 parole cars there at the time and other units were still guarding the perimeter, Cannon said. "I don't think he has a chance of making it out," Thomason said.

[  muskogeephoenix.com

30. MAI 2005

flucht aus dem gericht in sydney.

Man escapes from court, allegedly steals car

A PRISONER has escaped from a Sydney court after he jumped from the dock and allegedly stole a car, hitting a police officer as he drove off.

Steven Allron Eatts, 25, was to face Central Local Court today on charges including break and enter with intent to steal, malicious damage and assaulting a police officer. But a New South Wales Corrective Services spokesman said Mr Eatts jumped the dock and escaped about 3pm (AEST). Police called to the court were flagged down by a motorist who reported being the victim of a carjacking. An officer who tried to stop the car was allegedly hit by the vehicle, a police spokeswoman said. "Police are now seeking a 2004 model, red Mitsubishi Lancer sedan, NSW registration ATF 67H, last seen being driven along the western distributor," she said. "One of our officers was allegedly hit by the vehicle as it's driven away ... we believe he has only sustained bruising."

The corrective services spokesman described Mr Eatts as being of Aboriginal appearance, 172cm tall, slim build, with brown eyes and brown hair. Police urged the public not to approach the car or Mr Eatts, and to ring 000 instead.

[  news.com.au

30. MAI 2005

flucht eines verletzten mannes aus einem bewachten krankenhauszimmer.

...while another escapes from hospital custody

Belize City police were left with egg on their faces this weekend after a murder suspect pulled a Houdini act. Twenty-one year old Mark Medina was spotted by police as he showed up for a concert on Saturday night at the Belize City Centre. When cops identified him as the man wanted for questioning in connection with the murder of Ordel Duncan in the Pickstock hutment area earlier this month, Medina attempted to hightail it out of the compound, but the police disabled the would be get-away car by shooting out the left rear tyre of his Nissan pickup. Medina then abandoned his ride and tried to outrun the police, but an officer who was quick on the trigger, ended the escape bid with a bullet to the suspect's right leg. Medina was taken to the K.H.M.H. for treatment and admitted under police guard.

Around six on Sunday morning, however, Medina was able to outmanoeuvre the guard and disappear into the morning. According to Police Press Officer G. Michael Reid, Medina used the excuse that he needed to use the bathroom, and the officer fell for it. Once inside the restroom, Medina, gunshot wound and all, was able to climb through a window and walk away from detention. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Mark Medina is asked to call the nearest police station.

[  new.channel5belize.com

29. MAI 2005

flucht aus einem knast im norden von victoria.

Man escapes from police jail cell

A PRISONER who fled a jail cell in northern Victoria this afternoon is on the run, as police try to figure out how he did it.

Police are searching for the man who escaped from the Shepparton police station shortly before 4pm (AEST). Police have idea how the man, being held over burglaries and thefts, managed to get out of the cell. He is described as of Aboriginal appearance, 36 years old, 185cm tall, with short, dark hair, and wearing blue jeans and a black jumper. Police are advising anyone who sees the man to contact them.

[  thecouriermail.news.com.au

29. MAI 2005

flucht aus dem cebu knast.

Another inmate bolts CPDRC

A 28-year-old inmate bolted out of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center in barangay Kalunasan yesterday morning, making him the second man to defy the so-called state-of-the-art prison since it began operation last December.

Governor Gwen Garcia flared up when she received the report and immediately sacked the warden Algier Comendador with Alfred Abella. She also replaced tower personnel with blue guards and immediately ordered an investigation. The escapee was identified as Hector Recaña, of Cordova town, who was detained for theft charges. He was among the inmates assigned in the kitchen to cook the meals of prisoners, a situation that partly worked in his favor. Recaña sneaked out of the kitchen when nobody was watching, climbed over the perimeter fence and jumped to freedom.

Some of the guards were alerted to Recaña?s escape and pursued him on foot. Some witnesses said Recaña fled toward Guadalupe Church where he got into the baggage compartment of a waiting taxi, which quickly sped to the uptown area. As of last night Recaña remained at large.

Garcia ordered lawyer Manolette Dinsay, head of the provincial committee on discipline, to probe all the circumstances surrounding the incident.

The governor also suspended anew the newly restored privileges of the inmates, including visitation or conjugal visits, and the family day affair every second and fourth Sunday of the month. Recaña was the second inmate to bolt the CPDRC due to the laxity of the guards. Few months ago, an inmate bored a hole on the wall of his isolation cell and escaped. Policemen, however, recaptured him in Bantayan Island that same day.

[  thefreeman.com

29. MAI 2005

flucht aus einem knast in oklahoma

Authorities Search For An Escapee From The Wagoner County Jail

WAGONER, Okla. (AP) -- Authorities in eastern Oklahoma are looking for an inmate who escaped from the Wagoner County Jail early Monday morning. Authorities say Charles Moore Junior used a sharp object to overpower a jailer around 1 AM, then made his way out through a kitchen door. Authorities say Moore then stole a truck in Okay and drove it toward Muskogee. That's where authorities found it.

Moore was transferred to the Wagoner County jail from the Oklahoma State Reformatory in Granite so he stand trial for an attempted escape six months ago. Officials from Tulsa, Muskogee and Fort Gibson are assisting Wagoner County, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol and the Department of Corrections with the search.

[  kotv.com

26. MAI 2005

3 männer aus dem knast in abu ghraib geflohen

3 prisoners escape from Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail

Search under way for inmates who fled through holes in fence

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Three prisoners escaped from the notorious Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad on Thursday, sneaking through two holes in the perimeter fence before dawn, the U.S. military said. "At approximately 5:50 a.m., during a normal headcount, U.S. forces discovered that three detainees were missing," the army said in a statement.

"The quick-reaction force and all available guards responded and conducted a comprehensive search of the interior and exterior perimeter of Abu Ghraib," it said, but the escapers could not be found. Iraqi security forces and the police have been alerted. The missing prisoners were not identified. Around 3,400 prisoners are held at Abu Ghraib, a jail that was notorious among Iraqis under Saddam Hussein and was made notorious again after the scandal last year in which U.S. soldiers were found to have abused Iraqi detainees.

U.S. Lt. Col. Guy Rudisill, spokesman for detainee operations in Iraq, would not say how many U.S. soldiers were charged with guarding the prison, but said he believed the security was adequate despite the escape. "We have sufficient security," he said. "We're conducting an investigation to find out how this happened." he said.

The breakout is the second from a U.S. detention facility in Iraq this year, following the escape of 11 detainees from Camp Bucca in southern Iraq in April. They made their getaway by digging a 600-foot tunnel under the perimeter fence. All 11 were recaptured within 24 hours.

[  msnbc.msn.com

26. MAI 2005

aus dem haslar abschiebeknast sind in den letzten zwei jahren 13 menschen geflohen von denen 9 noch nicht wieder verhaftet sind. dies hat das innenministerium erst jetzt veröffentlicht, weil sie nach dem seit kurzem bestehenden "freedom of information" - gesetz dazu gezwungen wurden.

Immigrant centre escapes revealed

The Home Office has revealed that 13 men have escaped from Haslar immigration removal centre at Gosport in Hampshire in less than two years. The details were disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act. In a report published last year, prison inspectors repeated a recommendation they had made two years earlier for surveillance cameras to be installed.

A Home Office spokesman said he did not regard the number of escapes at Haslar as "high". Haslar holds about 120 immigration detainees which include failed asylum seekers, illegal entrants and overstayers who are due to be removed from the UK.

Between August 2002 and May last year, 13 detainees escaped - nine of whom are still at large. The figures also showed that there have been 19 attempted escapes in five years. Last year, an inspection report concluded that there were "significant failings" at Haslar, with the need for an "improved, safe and decent physical environment". The report called for CCTV cameras to be installed - a recommendation which had not been acted upon following a previous inspection.

[  news.bbc.co.uk

25. MAI 2005

einer der drei männer die letzte woche aus einem gericht geflohen sind, hat sich "selbst gestellt".

Escaped prisoner hands himself in

One of the three prisoners who fled from court cells in Auckland last week has given himself up. Robbie Paul, 33, escaped from the police cells at the Manukau District Court after he and two others were held there overnight because Mt Eden Prison in central Auckland was full. Police said Adrian Tepania, 23, and Tangata Ponini, 35, were still on the run but were not considered dangerous. They were being guarded at the court by four Department of Corrections officers and the department had started an inquiry into the escape. Detective Senior Sergeant Gary Lendrum said police were confident the two prisoners would be caught soon. He said anyone found to be harbouring them would be charged.

[  nzherald.co.nz

24. MAI 2005

nach 2 von 3 jugendlichen die am vergangenen samstag aus einem knast in mississippi geflohen sind,wird gefahndet, der 3. hatte sich "selbst gestellt".

Juvenile inmates escape

NATCHEZ - Local law enforcement officers are still on the lookout for two of three Juvenile Justice Center inmates who attacked officers Saturday and escaped from the facility. The third inmate immediately turned himself in to the Adams County Sheriff's Office. The three teenage males overpowered two detention officers around noon, a male and a female, assaulted them, took their keys and escaped, jail Administrator Glenn Arnold said. The officers were not seriously hurt.

Arnold said all three inmates had spent time in the facility before and never caused trouble. "We let one guy go for a job interview," he said. "We do everything we can to try to put the kids on the right track, but some of them just don't want to go in the right direction." The facility is a less-than-minimum security prison that employees 10 detention officers who work on four different shifts.

"Sometimes the inmates that are in here are not minimum security," Arnold said. "We just have to do the best we can." He said escapes have happened in the past, always preceded by an attack on the officers. Escapes like Saturday's only happen about once a year, though, he said. Officers frequently enter the cells to deliver food and other items. The cells don't have the same security features that cells in the county or city jails offer. Officers always enter cells in groups of two. The facility has one secure cell that can be used for possibly violent criminals, but Arnold said the three inmates had given no indication of trouble.

[  natchezdemocrat.com

24. MAI 2005

wiederverhaftung nach 23 jahren

Pennsylvania man captured in Arizona 23 years after escape

HARRISBURG, Pa. - A Pennsylvania man was arrested in Arizona on escape charges Tuesday, more than 23 years after he failed to return to prison after a furlough, authorities said. Joseph Coleman, 53, was sentenced in July 1975 to serve 7 1/2 to 20 years in prison on charges including attempted murder, theft, and weapons violations. He was serving his sentence at the state prison in Dallas, Pa., when he failed to return from a four-day furlough in February 1982, authorities said. An investigation by the U.S. Marshals Service Fugitive Task Force tracked Coleman to St. David, Ariz., a town of about 1,700 people, where he was living under the alias Tony Jensen and working at a Wal-Mart store in nearby Tombstone, said U.S. Marshal Michael R. Regan of the Harrisburg office.

Coleman was apprehended at his home around 2 a.m. Tuesday, Regan said. He told authorities at first that his name was Jensen but later acknowledged his true identity, Regan said. Guns were found in Coleman's home at the time of his arrest, so he could face additional charges in Arizona, Regan said. It was not immediately clear when he would be brought back to Pennsylvania on the escape charges, Regan said.

[  timesleader.com

[  SCI Dallas fugitive from 1982 rearrested

24. MAI 2005

4 jugendliche aus dem macomb jugendknast / michigan geflohen.

Stabbing suspect, 3 other teens escape Macomb facility

Macomb Juvenile Justice Center workers could face discipline; four youths arrested. MOUNT CLEMENS -- A former Romeo High School student awaiting sentencing on an attempted murder charge in the knife attack on his girlfriend was one of four youths who escaped from the Macomb Juvenile Justice Center this weekend, County Sheriff Mark Hackel said Monday.

Eric Schorling and three accomplices escaped from the youth home about 10 a.m. Sunday by breaking through a gymnasium door into a section of the center being remodeled, Hackel said. All four youths were arrested a short time later in the Clinton Grove Cemetery on Cass and Dunham in Clinton Township, less than a mile from the youth home. The escape comes as the justice center, formerly known as the Macomb County Youth Home, attempts to deal with a series of problems, including allegations of ineffective leadership, abuse of some inmates and lack of training of personnel. A search is under way for a new director.

The youths are being held in the Macomb County Jail and will be charged as adults with escape, said James Langtry, chief of operations for the Macomb County Prosecutor's Office. Langtry said the four suspects will probably be arraigned today in 41-B District Court in Clinton Township. Schorling, who will be 17 next month, faces a minimum prison term of 81 months in jail in the knife attack in December on his 16-year-old ex-girlfriend at Romeo High School.

Police said Schorling plunged an 8-inch blade into the girl's back, narrowly missing her heart. He will be sentenced June 29 by Macomb Circuit Judge Peter Maceroni. Hackel said an internal investigation is under way in connection with the escape and it's possible justice center personnel could face disciplinary action. "Somebody definitely failed to observe what they (the four youths) were doing, and they should have," Hackel said.

"We had people on it right away, along with Clinton Township police," Hackel said. "It appears they kicked the door open into the old section." One youth is 16, and the other two are 14. They were in the center on a variety of charges ranging from unarmed robbery, assault, and use of alcohol and marijuana.

[  detnews.com

23. MAI 2005

in camp bucca, einem der knäste der usa im irak, brach durch das gewicht eines lasters ein "fluchttunnel" ein.

Escape tunnel roof collapses at military prison camp in Iraq

UMM QASR, Iraq - The weight of a fuel truck collapsed the roof of an escape tunnel being dug at Camp Bucca, where more than 6,000 suspected terrorists and insurgents are being held. Prison authorities said Sunday that the shaft was discovered Thursday when one of the truck's tires plunged into the earth between the two main fences on the camp's perimeter. The 300-foot burrow, about wide enough for a man to crawl through, was 4 feet underground and poorly constructed, said Capt. Jerry Baird Jr. of Nebo, N.C., a member of the North Carolina Army National Guard. "They would have died in that tunnel," Baird said. "It would have caved in on them." No prisoners escaped, authorities said. A small number of prisoners involved in the tunnel's construction were placed in isolation. Camp Bucca, one of the largest detention facilities in the world, is in southern Iraq near the Kuwaiti border.

[  dfw.com

300-foot tunnel found at Iraq camp

Umm Qasr, Iraq - The weight of a fuel truck collapsed the roof of an escape tunnel being dug out of Camp Bucca, where more than 6,000 suspected terrorists and insurgents are being held. Prison authorities said Sunday that the shaft was discovered Thursday when one of the truck's tires plunged into the earth between the two main fences on the camp's perimeter. No one escaped. A small number of ringleaders involved in the attempt were placed in isolation, authorities said.

The 300-foot-long burrow, about wide enough for a man to crawl through, was 4 feet underground and poorly constructed, said Capt. Jerry Baird Jr. of Nebo, N.C., part of the HHC 105 MP Battalion of the North Carolina Army National Guard from Asheville.

"These guys were amateurs. They would have died in that tunnel," Baird said. "It would have caved in on them." The tunnel was found not far from where an earlier, sophisticated 600-foot-long tunnel was dug this year by detainees. Acting on a tip from someone in the camp, authorities discovered it before it could be used. On Friday, the initial excavations for another tunnel project also were discovered, Baird said. Infrared cameras, ground monitors, sensors and guard towers monitor the 2 3/4-mile perimeter of Camp Bucca, where 6,474 men were being held Sunday in nine compounds. The camp, one of the largest detention facilities in the world, is in southern Iraq near the Kuwait border. Authorities also dig trenches with backhoes around the fences looking for tunnels but find their adversaries are quick learners.

"We try to be proactive and dig," said Maj. Robert Kricko of Greenville, Tenn., the camp's executive officer. "They figure out how deep we can dig, and they dig deeper." Boredom and an idle labor force contribute to the camp's security problems, authorities say. Programs to teach literacy and math have recently been launched, and a movie night may be started this week as a reward for good behavior, said the camp's public affairs officer, Capt. Diana Stumpf of Asheville. "We're not going to show 'The Great Escape," she said.

[  denverpost.com

23. MAI 2005

drei männer, darunter einer ein " hochrangiger offizier der ndf " ( national democratic front) sein soll, sind aus dem knast in barangay geflohen.

BORONGAN, Eastern Samar- A high-ranking officer of the communist-led National Democratic Front (NDF) and two others bolted the provincial jail in this capital town on Saturday, without much resistance from a jail guard. Gregorio Tadeos, alias Ka Jonas, NDF secretary general in Eastern Visayas, and cell mates Rogelio Basibas, 30, and Benjamin Madolid, 20, escaped from jail in Barangay Bato after a drinking session with PG1 Renato Rafael Sesesta Jr.

Police and military authorities are hunting Tadeos, 40, who faces charges of multiple murder, robbery, and illegal possession of firearms. Madolid has been charged with homicide and frustrated homicide, while Basibas, with murder. Gov. Ben Evardone has ordered an investigation of the jailbreak. Investigation showed that Tadeos, who had been detained at the provincial jail since Nov. 28, 2004, was friendly with Sesesta.

Sesesta did not follow a standard operating procedure to lock the doors of the cells at 5 p.m. when it came to Tadeos? cell, said provincial jail warden Alexandrino Apelado Jr. Based on investigation, the three went to the guardhouse, about 20 meters from the main building, after dinner at about 7 p.m. on Saturday. Sesesta's partner, PG1 Rodrigo Bagacay did not report for work that night. The four talked while drinking beer, said Apelado. During their drinking session, Sesesta noticed two vans passed by the main gate. He ignored the vans until the third time that that these passed by the jail compound. He then asked an inmate-trustee to check it out. The inmate reported that one of the vans was colored maroon. The other was blue, which was driven by a woman dressed in a habit.

Tadeos then pulled out a .38 cal. pistol from his pants and poked it at Sesesta's forehead. Basibas took the shotgun from the guardhouse and pointed it at the jail guard. "When I heard the shotgun cocked, I ducked and ran away," said Sesesta. "Fortunately, the shotgun had no bullets. I got so rattled that I forgot to fire my .45 cal. pistol," he said Sesesta said the three threatened the trusted inmate not to follow them as they fled to the hills at the back of the jail compound. Apelado said Tadeos decided to escape because he felt his life was in danger inside the jail. A month ago, a prisoner tried to stab Tadeos. With a report from Joey A. Gabieta, PDI Visayas Bureau

[  news.inq7.net

Communist commander escapes from central Philippine jail

A communist rebel commander has escaped from jail in the central Philippines after pointing a pistol at his lone prison guard, a senior official said Sunday. Gregorio Tadeos, 45, also known as Commander Amer, escaped late Saturday from his cell in Borongan town, 580 kilometers (360 miles) southeast of Manila, said Ben Evardone, the governor of Eastern Samar province. Evardone said he had ordered a manhunt and vowed to punish those responsible for Tadeo's escape. The governor also said he has launched an investigation to discover how Tadeos was able to obtain the .38 caliber pistol that he used in his escape.

Prior to his dramatic flight from jail, Tadeo a treasurer in a local chapter of the Communist Party of the Philippines, had been leading other prisoners in a hunger strike to demand better treatment for detainees, Evardone said. The Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People's Army, have been fighting to establish a communist state for the past three decades. Both groups, considered terrorist organizations by the United States and the European Union, suspended peace talks with the government last year to protest Manila's refusal to lobby for their removal from the terror lists.

The military estimates that the rebels had more than 8,000 fighters last year. Despite military offensives, the rebels claim they have a presence in nearly 70 of the Philippines' 79 provinces.

[  asia.news.yahoo.com

23. MAI 2005
Gefangener aus Abschiebungsgewahrsam geflüchtet

Berlin (dpa/bb) - Ein 29-jähriger Türke ist in der Nacht zum Montag aus dem Abschiebungsgewahrsam in der Grünauer Straße in Berlin-Köpenick geflüchtet. Gegen 3.00 Uhr morgens entdeckte nach Polizeiangaben ein Beamter bei einem Kontrollgang die Flucht. Der 29- Jährige hatte mit einem Sägeblatt einen Gitterstab der im ersten Stock gelegenen Zelle durchtrennt und war ins Freie geklettert. Mit einer Stange hebelte er ein Loch in den Zaun und stieg über die Mauer. Die Suche nach dem Flüchtigen verlief bisher erfolglos.

[  tagesspiegel.de

22. MAI 2005

ein angebl gangmitglied soll mit einem anderen gefangenen der entlassen werden sollte seine daten getauscht haben und wurde stattdessen entlassen.

Gang member escapes from jail

Switches identity with fellow inmate

A reputed gang member being held in Monterey County Jail on charges of armed robbery, parole violation and burglary escaped from custody Friday night by assuming the identity of another inmate who was scheduled for release, sheriff's deputies reported. Sebastian Sanchez, 29, left the jail shortly before 9 p.m., Chief Deputy Bert Liebersbach said. Liebersbach said Sanchez apparently exchanged information with another inmate, took his place and walked out of the jail.

A number of inmates were released from court custody Friday night, Liebersbach said. "This appears to be a conspiracy," Sheriff Mike Kanalakis said. "It's not a breach-the-wall escape, but a planned event. We're going to find out and get to the bottom of this." Sanchez was described by Kanalakis as a Sureño gang member and a dangerous fugitive. His escape will be subject to an escape review board, Kanalakis said, to see what went wrong and if violations of policy occurred. The review board was instituted by the Sheriff's Department after other mistaken releases occurred at the jail last year.

In addition to the local criminal charges, Liebersbach said, federal Immigration and Naturalization Service officers placed an immigration hold on Sanchez as an illegal immigrant. Sanchez is described as 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing 153 pounds, with brown hair, brown eyes, and was wearing tan trousers, blue shoes, a black sweat shirt and a hat at the time of his escape.

[  montereyherald.com

21. MAI 2005

3 männer aus dem manukau gerichtsknast geflohen

Trio on the run after breakout from court cells

Three men escaped from the Manukau District Court after being taken there to sleep overnight because of prison overcrowding. Robbie James Allen, 33, Adrian Tepania, 23, and Tangata Ponini, 35, were among 12 prisoners taken from Mt Eden Prison to the court cells on Thursday night, said police. One of the men allegedly stole a key as the 12 prisoners were being taken to their cells at 6pm. They were being guarded by four Department of Corrections officers. The key was inside a glass-panelled office, where guards work and observe the prisoners. But the inmates can also watch their guards and security procedures. About two hours later, the trio slipped out of the cells, went upstairs to the main court area and escaped by breaking a window.

Detective Senior Sergeant Gary Lendrum said Allen had been convicted of burglary and Ponini was in prison for a domestic assault and for breaking a protection order. His female victim had been told of the escape.Tepania was in prison for property crimes.

"They're all sentenced prisoners," said Mr Lendrum. "Because of the overcrowding in Mt Eden they are brought out to the courthouse at night to sleep in the prison cells and then taken back to Mt Eden during the day." Paul Monk, acting northern regional manager for Corrections, said the department had been using court cells to house prisoners in Auckland since mid-March.

Inmates generally spent no more than three days in court cells before being returned to prison. He was concerned at the escape and the department had strengthened security procedures at the court. He said he could not comment on how the men escaped because it was subject to an internal investigation. The men, originally from the Pt England and Glen Innes areas, are not considered dangerous. They were wearing blue, prison-issue tracksuits.

[  nzherald.co.nz

20. MAI 2005

flucht eines mannes aus dem harvey county gericht in newton / kansas

Man Sentenced to Prison, Runs from Courtroom

Law officers are trying to find a man who ran from the Harvey County Courthouse after he was sentenced to prison for violation of parole. Authorities say Chris Davis, 33 walked from a courtroom Tuesday, then sprinted out of the courthouse. Minutes before, district judge Richard Walker revoked probation from a burglary and aggravated battery conviction and ordered Davis to serve a 29-month prison sentence. After the judge left the bench, Davis' court-appointed lawyer left the courtroom. It was then that Davis made his getaway. Prosecutors have filed an escape charge against Davis.

[  wibw.com

20. MAI 2005

ein mann der in u-haft saß und vor seinem prozeß eine woche urlaub hatte um zu heiraten, ist auf der flucht ( das zu erwartende urteil könnte bis zu 13 jahre haft sein).

Honeymoon short as Spokane convict flees marriage furlough

SPOKANE - A man awaiting sentencing for 11 felonies and with a previous conviction for escape was granted a weeklong furlough to get married, then failed to return to custody. Jeremy Allen Arnold, 28, remained at large today and was being sought by police who called him a danger to the community. Spokane County Superior Court Judge Linda Tompkins said the seven-day furlough order she signed gave no indication of Arnold's criminal record, nor did caseworkers tell her. Arnold, 28, was released from the county jail on May 6 to "tie up loose ends" before being sentenced. He married Stephanie Chandler on May 12 at the county Courthouse, where he was supposed to be sentenced May 13 on the felony charges.

Arnold faced as many as 13 years in prison after pleading guilty to two robberies, five burglaries, two counts of intimidating a witness, domestic violence and a drive-by shooting. Authorities now say Arnold faces additional charges and likely more prison time for violating his furlough order. When Arnold did not show up for sentencing, police went to his new bride's home, where they found a court-ordered global positioning monitoring device Arnold was supposed to wear, according to court documents. Chandler said she had no idea of Arnold's whereabouts.

A warrant was issued for his arrest. Tomkins said no one involved with the case told her of Arnold's criminal history. "There was nothing on the face of the furlough order that warned the community might be in danger. No criminal record was attached," Tomkins said, noting she signed 36 orders and held 13 hearings the day she approved Arnold's furlough. Click Here "Our system is so jammed that there is no mechanism to review all of the cases" in which orders come to judges to be signed, she said. "This is one of those I wish I could have checked into." Tomkins said she wasn't making excuses, but views the incident as a lesson learned. "This is something no judge wants to happen," she said. "It's my signature on that order, and I take responsibility, but I also want to use this as an example for why we need more resources."

[  seattletimes.nwsource.com

20. MAI 2005

3 männer sind aus dem manukau gerichtsknast geflohen ( wegen überbelegung des knastes sollten sie dort eine nacht bleiben).

Trio on the run after breakout from court cells

Three men escaped from the Manukau District Court after being taken there to sleep overnight because of prison overcrowding. Robbie James Allen, 33, Adrian Tepania, 23, and Tangata Ponini, 35, were among 12 prisoners taken from Mt Eden Prison to the court cells on Thursday night, said police. One of the men allegedly stole a key as the 12 prisoners were being taken to their cells at 6pm. They were being guarded by four Department of Corrections officers. The key was inside a glass-panelled office, where guards work and observe the prisoners. But the inmates can also watch their guards and security procedures.

About two hours later, the trio slipped out of the cells, went upstairs to the main court area and escaped by breaking a window. Detective Senior Sergeant Gary Lendrum said Allen had been convicted of burglary and Ponini was in prison for a domestic assault and for breaking a protection order. His female victim had been told of the escape. Tepania was in prison for property crimes. "They're all sentenced prisoners," said Mr Lendrum. "Because of the overcrowding in Mt Eden they are brought out to the courthouse at night to sleep in the prison cells and then taken back to Mt Eden during the day." Paul Monk, acting northern regional manager for Corrections, said the department had been using court cells to house prisoners in Auckland since mid-March.

Inmates generally spent no more than three days in court cells before being returned to prison. He was concerned at the escape and the department had strengthened security procedures at the court. He said he could not comment on how the men escaped because it was subject to an internal investigation. The men, originally from the Pt England and Glen Innes areas, are not considered dangerous. They were wearing blue, prison-issue tracksuits.

[  nzherald.co.nz

19.MAI 2005

angeblicher ausbruchsversuch für den ein mann jetzt erneut angeklagt wird.

Inmate faces trial for attempt at escape using a mannequin

An inmate who used a mannequin during a prison break attempt was bound over for trial after a preliminary hearing Wednesday. After testimony from several investigators, Brown County Court Commissioner Lawrence Gazeley found there was enough evidence to believe that a felony had been committed and that Ricardo Johnson probably committed it. According to the complaint, Johnson, 26, had planned to use a rope of braided bed sheets to scale the wall at Green Bay Correctional Institution but his plan unraveled when he set his ropes down and they were discovered by prison staff.

Johnson had altered a classroom pass by an hour, affording him extra time to be unaccounted for, the complaint says. Back at his cell, Johnson had allegedly fashioned a dummy to stand in front of his cell sink in at attempt to fool guards during an afternoon headcount. After hearing testimony from a Brown County Sheriff?s Department investigator and a corrections captain, Gazeley ordered that Johnson stand trial and scheduled him to plead June 6. If convicted of felony attempted escape, Johnson faces an additional three years in prison. He is currently serving a 99-year sentence for a first-degree intentional homicide conviction. Johnson allegedly told investigators he spent three years planning the Feb. 24 escape attempt.

[  greenbaypressgazette.com

19.MAI 2005

fluchtversuch bei der fahrt zum knast

Kane inmate injured in escape attempt

A Kane County Jail inmate suffered a head injury Tuesday after trying to escape from a van taking him to a downstate jail, police said.Jefferson County Sheriff Roger Mulch said Torrie Daniels, 33, was one of 11 Kane County inmates in a van returning to Mount Vernon, where the county jail is located, around 5 p.m. Tuesday.The van exited Interstate 57 and slowly began a turn to head east on Route 15 when two Jefferson County deputies heard a commotion in the back of the vehicle, Mulch said.The deputies turned around to find a van door open and Daniels lying on the road. Mulch said the van was traveling 10 mph or less, and that Daniels had light shackles on his feet and handcuffs attached to a belly chain.Mulch described the vehicle as being similar to a regular passenger van, with locks controlled electronically by the driver or front passenger. However, the locks and doors can be opened manually, he said. As the investigation continues, prosecutors in Jefferson County are considering an escape charge against Daniels, Mulch said.

"Not to sound callous, but sometimes people make stupid choices," said Mulch, the county's sheriff since 2002. "This would be one of those times."After initially being transported to a Mount Vernon hospital, Daniels was flown by helicopter to Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, police said.Hospital officials would not say Wednesday whether Daniels was being treated there, but said a patient was being guarded by two Jefferson County sheriff's deputies.Earlier this week, Daniels was listed in critical condition, police said. As of Wednesday, 50 Kane County inmates were being housed in five different county jails, with Jefferson County being the farthest from Geneva.Kane inmates are sent to other county jails because of problems with overcrowding. The jail's functional capacity is 398, but the jail's population Wednesday was 448. The county is exploring plans to build a new jail.

Kane County Sheriff Ken Ramsey said the incident "highlights the inherent dangers of transporting inmates." Jefferson County has contracts to house and transport inmates for the U.S. Marshal and Kane County, Mulch said. The agreement with Kane has been in place for a little more than a year. Daniels has been held on Kane County charges of selling cocaine to an undercover Aurora police officer since last November. He had been in Kane County for a court appearance earlier this month. Daniels previously served prison time for robbery, drug and domestic battery convictions. He was paroled in September after serving approximately one year for a 2003 unlawful restraint conviction. Kane County court records show Daniels to have a criminal history dating back to 1989, which includes an attempted murder charge that later was dropped as part of a plea agreement.

[  kcchronicle.com

19. MAI 2005

neue sicherheitsmaßnahmen im henry country knast nach der flucht von 4 männern vor zwei wochen

Jail improvements under way

Reducing the number of inmates allowed on the jail yard by nearly half is one of the security measures under way at the Henry County Jail after four inmates escaped two weeks ago. Only 20 to 30 inmates are now allowed on the yard at one time instead of the 49 who were on recreational break when the four men escaped from the county jail May 4. The inmates, who were being watched by two deputies, escaped through a fence that had been cut at the back of the jail. The escapees, who all were back in Henry County Sheriff's custody within four days, were discovered missing after a head count was taken. Although the fence was repaired the following day, Henry County Sheriff Donald Chaffin proposed a second fence be placed around the yard's perimeter. "We are putting an armed deputy out there until we get the fence," Chaffin said. "The escape shouldn't have happened, but it did."

The Henry County Commission awarded Stockbridge-based Joyner Fence a $40,000 contract to build the fence, according to Henry County spokesman Larry Stanford. Joyner Fence, along with other companies, bid on the contract, and will begin installing it within 30 days after it checks its scheduling availability, Stanford said. The second fence will have razor-wire at the bottom, as well as at the top, when it is complete. The fence will also be made of thicker-gauge wiring - which will make it harder to cut through - than the current fence. The Sheriff's Office would also like to see some additional security measures put in. "Once we get the fence up, I would like to get some cameras and extra lighting back there because it is dark," Chaffin said.

The Henry County Jail was built in 1991, and the second recreation yard, where the prisoners escaped, was built around 2000, Chaffin said. He said three or four jail yard-related escapes have occurred. Of the two jailers supervising the yard the day of the escape, Chaffin said one was on the outside perimeter and another was at the doorway leading back inside the jail. He also said one of them was a relatively new jailer. The armed guard was added because jailers aren't armed.

"Jailers aren't armed because most of them aren't state certified to carry a weapon," Chaffin said, adding jailers generally don't carrying guns because a prisoner could overcome them and take it. "If there's a disturbance on the yard, (the jailer outside) has radio contact to people on the inside to come and help him." The proposed county budget for the upcoming fiscal year contains a provision to add eight new Sheriff's deputies to the department. Chaffin said if the budget is approved, he would get the new deputies in July.

[  henryherald.com

18. MAI 2005

fluchtversuch bei dem wärter als geiseln genommen wurden.mehrere verletzte gefangene und polizisten, es gibt aber keine genauen angaben. auch ob menschen geflohen sind wurde nicht bekannt gegeben.

Inmates, staff hurt in Sargodha jailbreak: Staff made hostage

SARGODHA, May 18: Around two dozen jail employees and inmates were reportedly injured in an exchange of fire when gangsters made hostage some district jail staff in jailbreak here on Wednesday. Reports said that a gang of dacoits-cum-killers headed by Azam Kurar managed to hold hostage some of the jail staff. Taking in the situation, the jail authorities alerted the security staff besides summoning of the reinforcement as DIG (Prison) Nasir Warraich was reportedly taking round of the jail at that time.

Reacting swiftly, the police and elite force commandos intercepted the gangsters and foiled their attempt to escape from the jail. However, during some four hours of hostage drama and shootout several policemen and outlaws sustained injuries. But jail authorities and police were not disclosing exact figures of injuries or escape of any outlaws from prison. Outlaw Kurar and over a dozen inmates, under-trial in several cases of dacoity-cum-murder, attempted to escape from jail.

Earlier, these gangsters had also escaped from a police van when they were being escorted to a trial court in Bhalwal tehsil, but they were later re-arrested. The gang was involved in over two dozen cases of dacoity-cum-murder and kidnap for ransom. Meanwhile, the IGP (Prison) suspended two assistant superintendents (jail) and about two dozen security guards on charges of providing inmates the facility of cell phones and sophisticated arms and ammunition. However, an enquiry was ordered against the jail staff, who allegedly provided arms and the cell phone facility to gangsters.

It was learnt that outlaws planned the escape from the jail to teach a lesson to Bhalwal ASP Munir Marith. The ASP had arrested all members of the Kurar gang.

[  dawn.com

17. MAI 2005

3 wärter wurden entlassen und 5 andere vorläuftig suspentiert wegen der flucht von 3 männern aus dem hochsicherheitstrakt des mangilo-knastes.der ausbruch war bereits im märz.

Guam prison officers fired, suspended over prison escapes

In Guam, three corrections officers have been fired and five others suspended following an investigation into the escape of three maximum security inmates in March this year. Corrections Director, Robert Comacho, says the three inmates escaped from the prison in Mangilao after one of them stole keys from the maximum security unit's control centre. The keys unlocked a number of doors, including cells and the main entrance. Once outside the building, Mr Camacho says the three men cut a hole in the fence using wirecutters which had been thrown into the compound from accomplices outside. Mr Camacho says the investigation found that basic procedures, such as checking doors were locked and checking the fenceline for holes, were not being carried out.

[  www.abc.net.au

[ Guam
(auch Guahan) ist eine Insel im westpazifischen Ozean und ist ein nichtinkorporiertes Territorium innerhalb Amerikanisch-Ozeaniens. Die Hauptstadt ist Hagåtña, auch bekannt als Agana. Bekannt geworden ist die Insel durch den dort befindlichen strategisch wichtigen amerikanischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt sowie das spektakuläre Aussterben fast der gesamten einheimischen Vogelwelt durch die wohl während des 2. Weltkrieges durch Truppen- und Materialtransporte der Amerikaner eingeschleppte Braune Nachtbaumnatter (Boiga irregularis) (siehe auch Neozoen)."
aus:wikipedia.org  ]

17. MAI 2005

2 männer aus dem lake city knast geflohen

Jail Looks At Changes After Two Prisoners Escape

LAKE CITY, FL -- Police say it was an escape that had to have taken weeks of planning. The Lake City Jail prisoners had to escape a locked prison cell and then hop over a razor wire fence. Sheriff Bill Gootee said, "Very bold of them to do that and it wasn't something that happened over night. I think it was well into several weeks of planning." The sheriff says Frank Yawn and Allen Unkle slipped through a 13-by-13-inch pipe chase that led them to a small door to the outside. They then threw a blanket over razor wire fence and hopped over. Remnants of the blanket can still be found on the fence surrounding the jail. "We've gotten with the maintenance people in the county to look at the interior of the jail to see how we can better secure the facility," said Gootee.

[  firstcoastnews.com

16. MAI 2005

3 männer aus dem bhilodra knast geflohen

No clue about Bhilodra prison escapees

VADODARA: There is still no clue regarding whereabouts of the three prisoners who escaped from Bhilodra subjail, near Nadiad. Inmates allegedly involved in murder and rape cases had escaped from the jail on Sunday. The escapees include murder case undertrials Pravin alias Bhalo Taklpada and Ramesh Parmar as well as rape and attempt to kill accused Shankar Chauhan. He had made a gaping hole in the wall of the prison and escaped. The incident came to light at 4 pm when three inmates were found missing during the roll call.

The state police were informed immediately and a red alert was sounded to locate them. Inspector general of police (prisons) HR Gehlot said the police were keeping a strict vigil on bus stands, railway stations and other places where the accused might go. "Searches have also been conducted at their residences and other places where they might visit. Men in plainclothes are keeping watch on their close relatives," he said. Gehlot added that preliminary report of an inquiry started in the incident by the prisons department was expected on Tuesday.

[  timesofindia.indiatimes.com

16. MAI 2005

flucht aus dem san bernardino knast

Inmate bolts from county jail
Compton man suspected in carjacking after escape

SAN BERNARDINO - A 24-year-old federal inmate escaped from the Central Detention Center on Monday morning while working breakfast duty on the kitchen staff. Adrian Carrillo, a federal inmate being housed on drug-related charges, sneaked out of the facility at 6:25 a.m. by hiding on a food delivery truck, sheriff's spokesman Chip Patterson said. No one was injured in the escape. Guards were informed that the Compton native was missing and immediately counted heads, Patterson said. An extensive search of the perimeter and facility ensued, but Carrillo was not found. San Bernardino police were notified of Carrillo's escape and watched for a truck last seen leaving the detention center, headed toward Ninth Street and Waterman Avenue. Minutes later, a man reported to San Bernardino police that his white, 1996 Infinity was carjacked at Fifth Street and Mayfield Avenue, about three blocks southwest of where the truck was headed.

The car, with California license plate 3PPZ132, was last seen heading west from the area. "We are not sure that the inmate is the person that carjacked (our victim), but the inmate's description matches,' San Bernardino police Lt. Scott Paterson said. Paterson said Carrillo and the carjacking suspect are described as Latino men, about 5 foot 9 inches with "missing or bad teeth.' The physical description combined with the proximity of both crimes make it a "high probability' they're the same, police said.

Officials believe Carrillo ditched his beige, prison-issued clothes before taking the Infinity. The carjacking suspect did not display a weapon and took the car by force, Paterson said. Police detectives are investigating and sharing the information with sheriff's officials. Officials are still investigating exactly how Carrillo escaped, Patterson of the Sheriff's Department said. Carrillo was in prison on drug charges with the intent to sell, Patterson said. Aside from the probable carjacking, he is not considered armed or dangerous. Central Detention Center, which the department touts as "one of the premier custodial facilities in the state,' houses an average of 550 federal and 275 county inmates daily, according to Sheriff's Department literature. It served as the main jail for the county from 1971 to 1992 before being closed for a short time to be retrofitted to modern jail standards.

In 1994, the Sheriff's Department contracted with the federal government to accept and house federal inmates, pending court procedures or assignment to a federal prison facility. The department says the detention center has become the West Coast hub for housing federal inmates for the U.S. Marshals Service. The detention center has 163 authorized positions, which include sworn and civilian employees, and is the department's second-largest division, according to department literature. In 2001, the detention center renovated its facilities to include new parking areas, metal detectors in lobbies and inmate walkways.

[  sbsun.com

16. MAI 2005

lt einem knastsprecher wurde der 5.fluchtversuch eines mannes aus dem yakima county knast "verhindert".

Murder defendant caught in apparent fifth jailbreak attempt

YAKIMA, Wash. -- A man charged with killing one woman and trying to kill another has been caught in what appears to be at least his fifth jailbreak attempt, officials say. Michael John Braae, 45, a former country western singer and songwriter known as "Cowboy Mike," picked a lock with a toothbrush and tried to escape through a crawl space in late April, Yakima County Jail officials said. Braae, also linked to the disappearance of several women in the Pacific Northwest, damaged windows in his cell last year in an apparent but misguided escape attempt, guards said, noting that he could not have squeezed between the concrete pillars just outside the window.

In February 2003, prison officials in Idaho said they had found evidence of three escape attempts in the time since Braae was caught in July 2001 after a high-speed chase in which he shot at law enforcement officers several times, jumped off a 40-foot bridge into the Snake River and tried to swim away. On April 29, Braae whittled a stubby toothbrush into a makeshift key, picked the lock on a hatch in the four-cell complex where he is confined by himself and slipped into a crawl space, jail security chief Art Crews said. A guard monitoring a hidden surveillance camera missed Braae's abortive getaway attempt but saw him re-enter the cell after Braae discovered the crawl space was a dead-end access to plumbing fixtures. "We had just stopped watching him full-time seven days before, but we knew he would try something again" Crews said. "That's why we had the camera on. He didn't know about the camera."

Other security measures include specially welded steel grates lining the windows and the ceiling of his cell and a requirement that he be strapped into a wheelchair and blindfolded before being taken to court appearances. "This type of individual won't attack you face to face," Crews said Friday. "He'll come at you behind your back and around the corner. He just exhibits a very high degree of criminal sophistication." Nor has Braae limited himself to furtive activity. He has filed 119 administrative grievances since arriving from Idaho in August 2003, claiming that he deserves more food and telephone time, complaining about the wheelchair requirement and accusing guars of eavesdropping on his conversations with his lawyers. Braae is scheduled for trial June 27 on an attempted murder charge. He is acused of shooting a traveling companion, Marchelle Morgan, now 52, and leaving her left for dead on a road south of Union Gap on July 14, 2001. The discovery triggered a manhunt and a wild chase through eastern Oregon that ended in the capture of Braae after he leaped into the Snake River.

Braae also faces charges of murder and rape in Thurston County in the death of Lori Jones, 44, of Lacey. A trial date in that case has not been set. Braae also has been investigated in Douglas and Wahkiakum counties and in Portland, Ore., in the disappearance of other women and is serving a 9 1/2-year sentence in Idaho for aggravated assault and eluding an officer in the pursuit that led to his capture.

[  seattlepi.nwsource.com

15. MAI 2005

flucht von 6 männern aus einem militärknast in conakry. lt. offiziellen angaben sind einige der männer wieder verhaftet, es wird keine zahl angegeben.

Six inmates escape Guinea prison, take cab to state radio to read on-air declaration

CONAKRY, Guinea (AP) - Six inmates escaped Sunday from a military prison in Guinea's capital and commandeered a taxi to the country's national broadcasting headquarters, hoping to read a statement on air, state radio reported. The six men _ three in military attire, the others in civilian dress _ fled the jail in downtown Conakry early Sunday before forcing a passing cab to take them to the nearby headquarters of Guinea's government-run broadcast services, state radio said.

The group was hoping to "sow panic" in Guinea by reading a declaration over the air waves, but armed guards rebuffed the prisoners as they tried to force their way into the building, the radio reported. State radio said authorities had recaptured some of the escaped prisoners and called on citizens to be "patriotic" and help find the others. Neither details of the trio's escape nor the content of their statement were released. The mineral-rich but deeply impoverished West African nation has been tense since January when unidentified gunmen opened fire on a convoy carrying President Lansana Conte in an apparent assassination attempt. Conte, who is in his early 70s, took power in a 1984 coup and has ruled ever since. With no tradition of democracy and no clear successor in place, many fear a power struggle or renewed military clampdowns if the ailing president dies.

[  freenewmexican.com

15. MAI 2005

zwei männer nach einem tag wieder verhaftet

Columbia County escapees captured

The sheriff and off-duty officers nab the suspects in Lake City. Two men who reportedly escaped from the Columbia County Jail early Friday morning were arrested without incident Saturday afternoon by Sheriff Bill Gootee and two high-ranking, off-duty deputies. The presumed escapees, Willie Frank Yawn, 21, Lake City, and Paul Allen Unkle, 28, of Maryland, were recaptured outside a convenience store in Lake City after Major Mark Hunter received an anonymous tip about a van the men likely were riding in and its approximate location, according to Gootee.

"I was on my way back home from a speaking engagement, so I was in uniform, but Captain (Wallace) Kitchings was uptown doing errands when my chief deputy (Hunter) got the tip. So we wanted to check it out before we called in the troops," said Gootee, referring to the uniformed deputies on duty at 1:45 p.m. Saturday. "Like so many things in law enforcement, when this happened, it happened so fast we didn't really have time to call anybody in until we had made the arrests." The events unfolded so quickly that the deputies, who were dressed in their street clothes, were mistaken for potential carjackers or armed robbers. Lake City police were dispatched to the Stop 'N Go convenience store at the intersection of Baya Avenue and Main Boulevard after someone called in to report what appeared to be the hold up of a van but was actually the arrests of the fugitives. "I was able to get to dispatch and explain what was happening but not until they had officers en route," Gootee said.

The van's driver was also taken in for questioning. His name was being withheld late Saturday because he was still being questioned and had not been arrested. Yawn and Unkle each were charged with escape and returned to the jail. Yawn had been held at the jail since Feb. 15 awaiting sentencing for fraudulent use of a credit card, grand theft, dealing in stolen property and violation of probation.

Unkle was arrested on a warrant for failing to register as a convicted felon and subsequently charged with giving false identification to a law enforcement officer for identifying himself as Ben Clark when he was arrested. Unkle was also being held on a Maryland warrant in an assault case. Yawn and Unkle are accused of escaping through a small vent opening in the cell they shared sometime between 11:40 p.m. Thursday and 1 a.m. Friday. They allegedly made their way to a second floor utility door and broke it open before they dropped about 20 feet to the jail yard.

The escapees are believed to have thrown a blanket over the razor wire topping the perimeter fence, but they still received cuts. Kitchings and Hunter noted that both Yawn and Unkle had wounds on their torsos that could have been caused by razor wire and were scheduled to be checked out by medical staff at the jail. A search in the six-mile area surrounding the jail was unsuccessful Friday. Details about where the men went and who may have helped them were not available Saturday, but Gootee said it was possible there could be additional arrests of anyone who may have assisted the fugitives. "We will be conducting a full investigation," Gootee said, adding that it did not appear the men ever left the Lake City area.

[  gainesville.com

15. MAI 2005

flucht eines mannes aus guatemala aus einem knast in mexiko city

Suspected drug lord flees Mexican jail

MEXICO CITY, May 15 (Reuters) - Mexican police searched on Sunday for an accused Guatemalan drug trafficker wanted in the United States who fled a Mexican jail.

Otto Roberto Herrera was being held pending extradition to the United States on charges of trafficking cocaine from Colombia to the United States through El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico, according to the U.S. State Department. Federal agents learned of the escape when they went to the prison on Friday night in search of drugs and arms, the federal attorney general's office said. It was not clear why Herrera was not held in a high-security federal prison. Authorities tried to determine whether prison officials helped Herrera escape. Nearly 50 officials from the jail in Mexico City, including top directors, were called in for questioning by the attorney general's office on Saturday. City officials opened their own probe on Sunday.

Earlier this year, a U.S. government report said Herrera and his Guatemalan-based organization moved up to 7 metric tonnes of cocaine each month from 2001 until the time of his arrest in 2004. Herrera was the latest suspected drug baron to escape in Mexico. Kingpin Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman, also wanted in California, has become Mexico's most wanted man since his escape in 2001.

[  alertnet.org

14. MAI 2005

angriff auf den knast in andijan, dabei wurden laut der heraldtribune bis zu 4.000 gefangene befreit.

Jailbreak: 4000 escape

TASHKENT - An armed crowd shot their way into a prison yesterday, freeing up to 4000 convicts. Local residents said about 100 men shot their way into the prison around midnight local time and also attacked an army garrison.

At least nine people were believed killed and 34 injured in the unrest. The attack happened in Andijan in the most politically sensitive part of the country during a controversial trial of Muslim businessmen. Men armed with automatic rifles and sawn-off shotguns arrived at Andijan jail in a convoy of about 15 cars. They shot the guards, killing some of them and taking others hostage, and pulled open the gates. Convicts poured out, some carrying guns, most dressed in prison uniform. Then they scattered into the city. Some were political prisoners and others ordinary criminals. In the morning, thousands of activists took to the streets protesting the trial of 23 Islamic businessmen on extremism charges.

"The people have risen," said Valijon Atakhonjonov, the brother of one of defendants in the trial. Amid a spate of trials of alleged extremists, the case is notable because most of the defendants are owners of small and medium-sized businesses. Campaigners argue Uzbekistan's courts are closely controlled by President Islam Karimov and that defendants are often tortured. Mr Karimov is a key ally in Washington's anti-terror campaign, having provided US forces with a major air base near the Afghan border since 2001. Uzbek President Islam Karimov and other leaders were flying to Andijan late yesterday to assess the situation. Mr Atakhonjonov told of chaos in the streets, shots being fired into the air by security forces and thousands massing outside the local administration building. However, a government spokesman said city and regional administrative buildings were under government control.

[  heraldsun.news.com.au

13. MAI 2005

ein mann wurde angeklagt weil er versucht haben soll die gitter der zelle im cascade county knast / montana durchzusägen.

Inmate caught sawing way out of county jail

A week after he was charged with having a knife in prison, an inmate was charged with using two small saw blades to try to escape from the Cascade County regional jail. Wednesday, detention officers searching William A. Smock's jail cell found a quarter-size hole all the way through his 2-inch-thick window. The air vent was damaged and missing metal pieces, and the desk chair had been cut with a saw.

Court documents allege that Smock, 37, hid two small saw blades in a deck of cards. Sheriff's Capt. Dan O'Fallon said the escape attempt was discovered in a daily cell check and that Smock hadn't been sawing at the window for more than a day. Replacing the window will cost $2,000, and fixing the damage will take two employees a full day's work, O'Fallon said. Smock was charged in Justice Court on Thursday with three felonies: attempted escape, possessing a weapon in jail and criminal mischief.

Last week, he was charged with possessing another weapon as an inmate. In a routine search, detention officers allegedly found a multibladed knife, cigarettes and other items in Smock's shoes. O'Fallon said it appears Smock brought all the items, including the two saw blades, with him when he was booked into the jail. Officers do a pat-down search of each person booked into jail, but the items were concealed well enough to go undetected. After finding the knife, detention officers strip-searched Smock, including looking inside his mouth, under his tongue and in his hair and ears. O'Fallon said body cavity searches aren't allowed, and it's likely that Smock either swallowed or hid the 2-inch saw blades in his body.

In jail for two weeks, Smock was first arrested on the charge that he was the getaway driver in the April 17 robbery of the Kum & Go at 2525 10th Ave. S. Federal charges could be filed because two sawed-off shotguns were used in the crime. Justice of the Peace Kathleen Jensen raised his bail to $300,000. Smock remains in maximum security.

[  greatfallstribune.com

12. MAI 2004

durch denunziation von anderen gefangenen wurde die flucht eines mannes verhindert

Jail escape foiled by authorities

JACKSONVILLE, FLA. -- Duval County, Fla., authorities say they stopped a jail escape plot by a former Jenison man charged with first-degree murder and facing the death penalty for allegedly killing a 14-year-old boy. Corrections staff learned William Popjes was scheming to escape last weekend, assistant state attorney Libby Senterfitt said. She refused to discuss details, but said tips from other inmates alerted them. Popjes is to appear in court next week on a motion that he be allowed to see his adopted son, Christopher Popjes, who also is jailed for the February slaying of Joshua Corriveau.

[  mlive.com

12. MAI 2005

mann aus dem martin correctional knast/ florida geflohen

Prison escapee cons his way out of town

It was one lucky break after another for a smooth-talking escaped convict. William Hawley disappeared Tuesday from a prison road crew working on the bank of the St. Lucie River after convincing the lone state corrections officer he was sick and needed a break alone under the Evans Crary Bridge. He then conned a good-hearted Stuart senior citizen into driving him to Port St. Lucie with a story about trying to find his pregnant wife.

There, he tricked a resident into giving him a place to stay for the night. And after stealing his benefactor's bicycle the next morning, he happened on a car in a driveway with the keys inside. More details about the Tuesday escape emerged Wednesday, from investigators' reports and witness statements. The con job started Monday, when Hawley complained about stomach problems and took several breaks in the shade of the Evans Crary Bridge, according to records released by the Martin County Sheriff's Office. On Tuesday, at the same location with a five-man crew of minimum-security inmates, Hawley complained of diarrhea and again was allowed to take several breaks under the bridge, Department of Corrections Officer Thomas McCormick told sheriff's investigators.

Between 10:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., McCormick noticed Hawley was missing. The officer sent another inmate to look for him under the bridge. The inmate came back and said Hawley was gone. He called a supervisor at the Martin Correctional Institution, who told him to call 911. Hawley apparently used the head start to change out of his blue prison uniform into a white T-shirt, steal a bicycle and ride into the Cedar Pointe condominium community. He convinced a woman there that his wife was in labor and he needed a ride. She drove him to hospitals from Stuart to Fort Pierce before leaving him at a Burger King in Port St. Lucie. She gave him $20 to buy lunch and drove home unharmed.

At the fast-food restaurant , Hawley met James Michael Doucett, 51. "This guy, he calls himself Bill," Doucett said. "I didn't know he was an escapee, got out of prison." Doucett didn't learn until later that the man he befriended was most likely Hawley. Doucett said "Bill" had a $20 bill tucked in his right sock and said he was looking for an apartment. Doucett said he gave the man the "50-cent tour" of his apartment and gave him some soap for a shower. Doucett also gave Hawley a gray short-sleeve shirt, gray shorts with Special Olympics of St. Lucie County on them, a toothbrush, sneakers and socks.

When Doucett left for work Wednesday morning, he told "Bill" he could use his bike. When Doucett returned from work in Fort Pierce, "Bill" and the bike were gone. The bike turned up in front of a home where a 2003 Chevrolet Impala with custom chrome rims was stolen. It had been left running, with the keys in the ignition. The search for Hawley continues.

[  sun-sentinel.com

12. MAI 2005

einer von zwei aus dem kintock knast / new jersey geflohenen männer wurde wieder verhaftet.

One of 2 Kintock inmates hunted

BRIDGETON -- City police quickly apprehended one inmate who escaped from a Kintock Group halfway house on South Industrial Boulevard early Wednesday morning, but a second escapee remains at-large. The two men reportedly escaped from the older Kintock halfway house located on South Industrial Boulevard after a fire alarm was pulled, opening the facility's doors around 12:30 a.m., according to a police report. The search is on for Adam Smith, a 22-year-old from Lanoka Harbor, Ocean County.

Smith had been paroled to the halfway house after serving time in state prison on aggravated assault, simple assault and resisting arrest charges, according to the state Department of Corrections Web site. Smith is described as a white male with hazel eyes and brown hair, according to police. He is 5 feet, 10 inches tall, weighing approximately 155 pounds.

Police apprehended Joseph M. Chutz, 27, of North Pearl Street, on the property of Leone Industries, located on South East Avenue near Pamphylia Avenue, at 12:45 a.m. He was charged with escape, and lodged in South Woods State Prison. Chutz now could be required to complete his maximum prison sentence, which would not expire until March 2010. He has been sentenced in the past for numerous robberies and burglary. Chutz has a history of escaping from prison, according to the DOC Web site, noting he was charged with escape following a July 7, 1996, incident.

Smith, who was to be released by next March, apparently had hatched a getaway scheme based on information in the police report. Police questioned two individuals who were waiting in an idling vehicle nearby the halfway house at the time Smith and Chutz fled. An 18-year-old male in the vehicle resides in Smith's hometown of Lanoka Harbor, according to the report. He admitted that he knew Smith, having met him a couple of times a few years ago. The 19-year-old female driver resides in Forked River, which, like Lanoka Harbor, is a part of Lacey Township. She told police Smith had contacted her around 11 p.m. Tuesday and told her he needed her to pick him up. She denied that Smith mentioned escaping from the halfway house during the conversation. A manager at the Kintock facility had spotted the vehicle in a nearby parking lot as he chased after Smith and Chutz, according to the report.


fter questioning the two teenagers, police followed them out of the city. Police used a K-9 and thermal imager to attempt to locate Smith, but to no avail.

[  nj.com

11. MAI 2005

flucht eines 14 jährigen aus dem rockville jugendknast / maryland

Search Goes on for Teen Who Fled Rockville Facility

Rockville, Md. (AP) - Authorities are searching for a 14-year-old boy who escaped from a Rockville juvenile detention center where detainees have allegedly been abused. Officials with the Maryland Department of Juvenile Services say the boy scaled a fence around the Alfred D. Noyes Children's Center on Friday.

The teen doesn't have a history of violence. He had been at the center since may fourth on drug charges. Juvenile services spokeswoman LaWanda Edwards tells The Washington Post that this escape wasn't reported for four days because of a glitch in the department's notification system. An independent monitor that investigates the state's troubled juvenile justice system reported in March that boys at the Noyes center were regularly stripped naked and punched by other residents. The report said that staff members sometimes directed the violence.

[  wjla.com

10. MAI 2005

ein mann der aus dem larimer county knast / colorado geflohen ist wurde nach knapp 24 stunden weider verhaftet.

Man who escapes from detention center apprehended

A 26-year-old man who escaped from the Larimer County Detention Center using a handmade grappling hook was caught less than 24 hours later at a Fort Collins home. Craig DeWayne Forbes escaped between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. Sunday during a recreation period at the center. Forbes was in the yard with 20 other detainees when he broke away and was able to bend and break through the wire of a chain-link fence perhaps using a fingernail clipper, said Eloise Campanella, spokesperson for the Larimer County Sheriff's office.

He then used a large hook he had put together from parts of a metal table in the center's game room, and hoisted himself onto a security camera. He climbed atop the camera and onto the center's roof, then lowered himself out of the center using a rope from clothing and bedding material, according to Campanella. Police and dogs were able to track Forbes on foot but lost his trail near the intersection of Drake and Timberline in south Fort Collins, where officials believe he stole a Drahota construction truck. After tracking down Forbes' acquaintances and seeing the construction truck parked nearby, officials knocked on the door at 1707 Palm Drive Monday morning. Forbes surrendered, laying on the floor with his arms out, Campanella said. Officials continue to investigate how Forbes was able to escape from the detention center and if the other detainees knew of his plans.

Forbes was being held on a $300,000 bond for aggravated robbery, two counts of aggravated motor vehicle theft, vehicular eluding, vehicular assault, second degree burglary and theft. He was scheduled to appear in court on May 16.

[  greeleytrib.com

10. MAI 2005

zwei zum tod verurteilte männer sind aus einem militärknast geflohen

'Filmsy' cell blamed in escape of killer mariness

Navy Military Police chief Brig. Gen. Soenarko acknowledged on Monday that the recent jailbreak by two marines convicted for murder was partly caused by the poor physical condition of their cell including the absence of a security system.

He said that the cell was not appropriate for accommodating criminals. "I have asked several times that the convicted murderers be transferred to military detention either in Cimanggis (in West Java) or Surabaya (in East Java), because my cell is not suitable for them. The security system is not so tight as it is used to hold soldiers temporarily for disciplinary reasons," Soenarko told a press conference. Soenarko further blamed the court for not immediately responding to his plea for the removal of the two marines. "Based on procedures, we are no longer responsible for handling the criminals once the case has been submitted to military prosecutors. My cell is not suitable for criminals who have been sentenced to death. We apologize for the (jailbreak) incident," said Soenarko, who was accompanied by Navy spokesman Commodore Abdul Malik Yusuf.

At least 12 officers of the Navy Military Police unit are being intensively questioned to determine whether "there were insiders involved in facilitating the escape", said Soenarko Syam A. Sanusi and Suud Rusli, who were convicted by a military tribunal for the murder of PT Arena Sarana Bakti (Asaba) president director Boedyharto Angsono and his Army's Special Forces (Kopassus) bodyguard, Second Sgt. Edi Siyep, in July 2003, escaped from the Navy detention center last week after cutting through the iron bars of their cell using a saw.

The military court handed down the death sentence for the two and discharged them from their unit in February this year. Two other marine soldiers, Second Corp. Fidel Husni and First Pvt. Santoso Subianto, were found innocent. How the convicts obtained the saw is unknown, though Soenarko suspects the involvement of "insiders". He, however, did not eliminate the possibility that "visitors provided them with the saw". "But I don't think another military unit is involved," he said, referring to allegations that Kopassus might be involved in the incident. Soenarko, who heads the manhunt which involves the Navy's intelligence and military police personnel, said the search for the two convicted marines would continue. He, however, declined to name the location of a possible hideout.

[  thejakartapost.com

9.MAI 2005

fluchtversuch aus dem baton rouge parish knast

Two WBR deputies injured as prisoners attempt to flee during move

Two West Baton Rouge Parish deputies were injured late Saturday night after inmates armed with a stuffed sock and a mop wringer made a failed escape attempt from the parish prison. The incident happened around 11 p.m. as Cpl. Michael Fahey, 28, of Baton Rouge, was moving 20-year-old Donald Gibson of Port Allen and 36-year-old John Jones of Plaquemine to another cell block in the West Baton Rouge Parish Prison, Sheriff Mike Cazes said Sunday. One of the men attacked Fahey with the sock stuffed with batteries and soap, Cazes said, while the other picked up a mop wringer and struck him on the back of the head. Gibson and Jones then grabbed Fahey's keys, jumped the booking desk, unlocked the door and escaped into a waiting area, Cazes said. They were trapped there by another locked door. The sheriff said that one of the men smashed the bullet-proof glass protecting the booking area -- shattering, but not breaking, it.

Both were back behind bars Sunday. Cazes said he plans to meet with the West Baton Rouge Parish district attorney today to determine what charges the pair face. Fahey suffered a fracture to the back of his skull. He was treated at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center and released Sunday. Also injured was 35-year-old Deputy Johnny Moore, who was involved in a car accident while responding to the prison break.

When a driver in front of him turned to get out of the way, Moore "overcorrected and lost control of his vehicle," Cazes said. "The car flipped four times." Moore was taken to Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, where he had surgery Sunday morning to place a pin in his right arm, Cazes said. Moore also suffered severely bruised lungs and three fractures to his lower spine, the sheriff said.

Gibson was arrested Jan. 15, 2004, and is awaiting trial on charges of armed robbery, attempted armed robbery and simple escape. Jones was arrested April 16 and faces charges of aggravated kidnapping and aggravated rape. Cazes said he was grateful to area law-enforcement agencies -- including local agencies in West Baton Rouge Parish, Louisiana State Police, the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office and the Baton Rouge Police Department -- who responded. "I'm just glad -- especially with a jail break -- that when I needed the extra manpower, it was there," Cazes said. "Everybody responded, and that's what helped control the situation."

[  2theadvocate.com

9. MAI 2005

mann während der fahrt zum knast geflohen.

Inmate escapes during transfer to Pittsylvania Co. jail

Police in Pittsylvania County are searching for an escaped inmate. It happened on Sunday around 9:30 p.m. in Chatham. 32 year old Robert Wayne Grasty, Junior was arrested in Danville. During transport to the Pittsylvania County Jail, Grasty apparently took his leg chains off. When the deputy opened the door to take Grasty inside, Grasty ran off.

[  wdbj7.com

9. MAI 2005

11 männer sind aus dem ozami stadtknast geflohen.

11 escape Ozamis City prison as guards were sleeping--report

ELEVEN inmates escaped from an Ozamis City prison while their guards were sleeping, GMA Network Radio dzBB said, quoting a report reaching Camp Crame national police headquarters on Monday. The report said the inmates broke out from a reformatory jail in Barangay (village) Dinago. The report also said the prisoners used a small improvised saw to cut through their cell bars. Police are pursuing the escapees, the report said.

[  news.inq7.net

9. MAI 2005

mann aus dem geraldton knast / west australia geflohen.

WA loses another prisoner

POLICE are hunting another escapee from a West Australian prison as the inquiry into the state's beleaguered jails continues under the chairmanship of an 80-year-old retired New South Wales judge. Kenneth John Ryan, 32, a prisoner at Geraldton prison, absconded while exercising with a group of minimum security prisoners at a public park in Geraldton late on Friday afternoon. A spokesman for Geraldton police said Ryan, who is in prison for theft, remained at large despite extensive inquiries by police.

The latest escape comes six weeks after double murderer Brian William Edwards spent almost a fortnight on the run after escaping a minimum security facility at Karnet Prison in Perth. Edwards, who was on the run for 10 days after walking out of the prison farm, was recaptured at a bush camp 40km south-east of Perth. Despite two previous prison escapes and the shooting of a couple during one of those escapes, Edwards was relocated to the minimum security Karnet Prison Farm, 73km south of Perth, six months ago. That incident has prompted a government inquiry into the prison system, led by Justice Dennis Mahoney.

[  heraldsun.news.com.au

8. MAI 2005

9 männer sind aus einem knast im staat culiacan geflohen, 15 wärter wurden unter dem verdacht der korruption und beihilfe verhaftet.

Mexican authorities detain 15 jailers after jailbreak

MEXICO CITY, May 8 (Xinhuanet) -- Mexican authorities have detained 15 jailers in a probe into an escape of nine felons from a prison in Mexico's western state of Culiacan, the attorney general's office said Sunday.Police found a six-meter-long rope made of sheets near a security tower of the prison after the flight of the jailbirds on Thursday, when prison wards were reported out of the place. Authorities held 15 employees on suspicion of corruption linkedto the escape. They would be brought to Mexico City for further investigation.A nationwide manhunt is under way to net the runaway inmates. Prison corruption was also reported in January, when police nabbed a number of workers suspected of taking bribes from drug dealers in two prisons in central and northern Mexico.

[  xinhuanet.com

7.mai 2005

2 von 4 geflohenen männer immer noch auf der flucht.

Two inmates still missing from Henry County jail escape

The Henry County Sheriff's Office is reviewing security measures following the escape of four inmates who probably had the help of someone on the outside, law enforcement officials said Thursday. Two of the inmates were recaptured early Thursday morning in a wooded area behind a Citgo gas station near Moreland Avenue and Interstate 285 after a woman called police to report two men she thought resembled the escapees, Henry County Sheriff's Lt. Scott Perry said Thursday. "I'm 99 percent sure they had outside help due to the fact that the two we caught this morning had street clothes on," Perry said. Two green prison uniforms were found discarded "right behind the jail," he said.Michael Williams, 29, and Jonathan Scruggs, 22, who police consider "extremely dangerous," remained at large Thursday.

Hubert Sprayberry, 43, and Marvin Cannon, 52, were captured about 8:45 a.m. Thursday after police staked out the area. They were not armed and offered no resistance, and neither man made any statements, Perry said. The four men escaped from the Henry County Jail at 120 Henry Parkway in McDonough at about 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, while about 49 prisoners were on recreational break under the supervision of two deputies, police said. One guard was on the outside perimeter, and another was at the doorway leading back inside the jail, Perry said. The escapees, who were awaiting trial on unrelated charges ranging from aggravated assault and armed robbery to drugs and weapons charges, were discovered missing after a head count was taken. Perry said they now face an additional five to 10 years imprisonment for felony escape charges. According to Perry, a fence at the back of the jail was cut, and police are trying to determine if the hole was made from the inside or the outside of the recreation yard. The Sheriff's Office is reviewing all of its security procedures, Perry said, including having fewer inmates on the yard at one time, increasing manpower, checking the gauge of the fence wire, and putting up an additional fence.

"If you) have a two-fence recreation yard, if you get through one, you still got to get through another one," he said. The initial search overnight had included more than 100 law enforcement agents from Henry County Police S.W.A.T., McDonough Police, Georgia State Patrol and Henry Sheriff's deputies, Perry said. The Georgia State Patrol and Clayton County Sheriff's Office lent their helicopters to help with the manhunt. Henry County Jail's last prison escape was last summer when Gerald Casmere escaped through a hole on a fence in another recreation yard. Within two hours, Henry Sheriff's deputies caught Casmere in a wooded area down the street from the jail, Perry said. Sprayberry has been in jail since Nov. 21, 2004, Cannon has been in prison since Feb. 23, Scruggs and Williams, had been in since March 23 and Dec. 28, respectively. Williams is white, 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds; Scruggs is white, 5 feet 11 inches tall and weighs 150 pounds. Anyone with additional information should call 911 or the Henry County Sheriff's Office at (770) 954-2200.

[  gwinnettdailyonline.com

6. MAI 2005

2 männer aus den zellen des hermanus stadtgericht/ western cape geflohen

Two awaiting trial prisoners escape

Two awaiting trial prisoners have escaped from the holding cells of the Hermanus Magistrate's Court in the Western Cape. Nomathemba Mgwebile, a police spokesperson, said the two men who were being held at Caledon prison were transferred to the Hermanus court this morning to appear on a charge of armed robbery committed in November 2003. "It's not known how the men escaped. Police are still investigating the matter," said Mgwebile. - Sapa

[  sabcnews.com

6. MAI 2005

fluchtversuch einer jungen frau aus dem gericht

Teen attempting escape at courthouse is captured

MUSCATINE, Iowa - A 16-year-old Muscatine female briefly escaped from law enforcement officials at the Muscatine County Courthouse Thursday morning. However, the girl, identified by courthouse officials this morning as Brenda Garcia, was quickly recaptured and brought back to the Muscatine County Jail. According to Muscatine County Sheriff deputy and courthouse security officer, Craig Burmeister, the teen was angry about a sentence she received in juvenile court. "She thought she was going to get probation from the judge and got detention instead," Burmeister said. "She was pretty upset."

When Burmeister attempted to place handcuffs on Garcia around 10:30 a.m., she pulled away and tried to run down a staircase leading from the courthouse's third-floor rotunda. However, another Muscatine County jail official on the second floor ran up and caught her. "The clerk's office called over to the jail and we got help from R.D. Oppelt [Muscatine County Jail administrator] and other jailers," Burmeister said. "From her case file, she was listed as a possible flight risk, so today's events kind of played out that way." No one was injured during the incident. No further charges are expected.

[  muscatinejournal.com

6.MAI 2005

flucht aus dem harris county knast

Inmate escapes from Harris County Jail

Houston authorities are searching for an prisoner who escaped overnight from the Harris County Jail downtown. Terrence Landry, 24, was awaiting extradition to Lafayette Parish, Louisiana, on a charge of aggravated rape, when he escaped on foot late Thursday night. Landry fled about 8:45 p.m. after he was taken to the Harris County Jail's Inmate Processing Center, 1201 Commerce. Landry, who is 5-feet-11, was wearing a red shirt, black pants black shoes, officials said. Landry has also been charged with attempted murder in Louisiana.

[  chron.com

5. MAI 2005

4 männer die in u-haft waren, sind bei der fahrt zum gericht in pietermaritzburg / kwazulu-natal geflohen.

4 escape from cop van at court

Pietermaritzburg - Four awaiting-trial prisoners on attempted murder and armed robbery charges escaped from a police van at the High Court on Thursday. Superintendent Joshua Gwala said a policeman who brought the prisoners to court had opened the van's back door before opening the court's security gates. Four prisoners bolted and disappeared into the centre of the city. Three prisoners remained in the van. Gwala said the policeman was under investigation and a case of aiding or abetting prisoners to escape had been opened. The escapees were identified as Lulu Thusi, 25, Mzwethu Nyembe, 22, Sithembiso Dibiza Dotwane, 24 and Thamsanqa Khumalo, 22. Anyone with information relating to their escape can contact detective-inspector Thembinkosi Mthalane of Pietermaritzburg serious and violent crime unit at 033 845 8502 or 082 934 7365.

[  www.news24.com

5. MAI 2005

nach 25 jahren auf der flucht wieder verhaftet.

Convicted sex offender on the run for 25 years tracked down in Cleveland

CLEVELAND -- A convicted sex offender has been tracked down on Cleveland's near west side after being on the run for 25 years. The suspect escaped from prison more than 20 years ago and moved his one-man crime wave to the Cleveland area. On his Ohio?s driver?s license, he used the name Robert Ross. He used the same name when his mugshot was taken three years ago here in Cleveland. But it turns out that Robert Ross was actually Raymond King, who managed to escape from a Georgia prison back in 1980. "This guy had one of the most extensive criminal records I've ever seen in my life," said U.S. Marshal Peter Elliott. "He had history for rape, abduction, narcotics violations " he's a sexual offender." The U.S. Marshals office here in Cleveland just happens to be the most effective team in the country when it comes to tracking down fugitives. Thursday morning, the Marshals got the tip they needed and arrested king in his apartment on Cleveland?s near west side. He'll be sent back to Georgia to finish off a 14-year prison sentence

[  wkyc.com

5. MAI 2005

zum zweiten mal hat eine frau versucht aus dem espanola knast zu flüchten. nach 18 stunden wurde sie wieder verhaftet.

Woman escapes from Espanola jail a second time

ESPANOLA, N.M. A Chimayo-area woman has been captured 18 hours after her second escape from the Espanola jail. Espanola Police Chief Richard Guillen says 23-year-old Shannon Montoya escaped (Friday) by apparently cutting through wires and disabling electronic locks on the jail's back door. Guillen says Montoya was nabbed the next day at an Espanola automobile parts store. Guillen says Montoya had escaped from the jail about four months ago. He says she was being held on charges of failing to comply with court orders, failure to attend treatment, failure to comply with jail time and contempt of court. Guillen says Montoya now faces a felony count of escape. She's being held in the Santa Fe County jail.

[  www.kvia.com

4. MAI 2005

2 17 jährige sind aus dem pollsmoor knast in tokai / western cape geflohen.

Dangerous youths escape from Pollsmoor

Two juvenile prisoners, on the police's most wanted list up until a few months ago, have escaped from Pollsmoor Prison in Tokai. This is the second set of juveniles to escape from the Medium A prison in the past six months. It is believed that the two 17-year-old prisoners, who are considered dangerous, scaled the walls in the courtyard and then mingled with visitors and walked out with friends. The previous escapees got away in the same fashion. The two teenagers face four armed robbery charges and a further four charges of armed robbery with aggravating circumstances. They were due to appear in court in a week's time and have been incarcerated for a month, awaiting trial. - Staff Reporter.

[  www.capeargus.co.za

4. MAI 2005

fluchtversuch aus dem south county knast / florida

Official: Inmate Tried to Escape

A South County Jail inmate tried to escape Tuesday morning by hanging underneath a school bus taking inmates to court appearances in Bartow. Anthony Collazo, 35, was handcuffed to another inmate when he slipped out of the handcuffs and hid underneath a school bus about 7 a.m., said Polk County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Michal Shanley. A deputy driving a van following the bus noticed an orange uniform underneath the bus and radioed for the bus to stop. While trying to jump a fence, Collazo got caught in razor wire. Collazo was arrested for trying to escape, Shanley said.

[  theledger.com

3. MAI 2005

4 männer aus dem grundy county knast geflohen.

Inmates Escape From Jail After Overpowering Guard

The incident happened around 7:30 P.M. Monday night at the Grundy County jail in Altamont, Tennessee. Grundy County Sheriff Robert Meeks said the jailer was putting an inmate back into a cell when the four suspects forced him to the floor, took his keys and escaped. The Sheriff said despite the fact that the escapees were in street clothes, he believed they would be recaptured quickly because they were all local. Three of the four men had been arrested for manufacturing methamphetamine, and the other was in jail on a theft charge. The Sheriff said the escapees were not considered dangerous.

[  newschannel5.com

3. Mai 2005

mann " versehentlich" entlassen.

Inmate Mistakenly Released From Douglas County Jail

OMAHA, Neb. -- An inmate has escaped from the Douglas County Correctional Center, apparently because of an administrative mistake.The sheriff's office said Marshall Campbell, 46, was released by mistake last night with several other people who had completed their sentences. It was part of a routine procedure Monday afternoon, the sheriff said. Campbell was last seen in a jail room where incoming and outgoing prisoners mix together. That was just before 6 p.m. Monday."We're looking at the possibilities of him with another group that was being released -- of getting cross-contaminated and just walking in and walking out," said DCCC's Capt. John Hubbard.

VideoCampbell is Asian, about 5 feet 9 inches tall and 155 pounds. Authorities do not consider him a danger to the public, but they are eager to locate him.Campbell was jailed this weekend after he tried to avoid arrest, police said. Campbell fled from Omaha police, crossed into Iowa on Interstate 80, then was arrested after he abandoned his vehicle.Campbell had three outstanding felony warrants for not appearing in court on a drug charge.

[  theomahachannel.com

2. MAI 2005

flucht aus dem new orleans parish knast

Police Searching For Escaped OPP Inmate

New Orleans police and deputies are searching for an inmate who escaped Monday from the Orleans Parish Prison. The escape happened at about 10 a.m. as the inmate, Hillery Leduff, was being taken to the prison laundry where he works. Police said Leduff's arrest record includes offenses such as trespassing, drug possession and public drunkeness. He is not considered violent, they said. Officers are searching a several-block radius around the prison. As of Monday at 2 p.m., Leduff was still at large. TheNewOrleansChannel.com will update this story as details become available.

[  yahoo.com

29.april 2005

fluchtversuch von drei männern aus dem homestead knast ( florida)

Convicted Killers Escape, Crash Truck In Canal

Friday afternoon, police captured three escaped convicts who crashed a stolen pickup truck into a South Florida canal. Police said Emil Milosevich, 31, Geoffrey Calvert, 28, and Richard Frazier, 33, broke out of the Dade Correctional Institute in Miami-Dade County. Milosevich is serving time for kidnapping and sexual battery. Both Calvert and Frazier are in prison for homicide convictions.

The men escaped by using a homemade ladder to scale two fences, according to the Department of Corrections. The men then went across the street to a nursery where they robbed and carjacked an employee, police said. Miami-Dade police spotted the men in the pickup truck shortly after driving east on 307th Street. The street dead-ends into a canal, and police said the men crashed the truck into the canal. The men suffered minor injuries and were treated and taken into custody by Miami-Dade police. All three will now be moved to Starke, a maximum security prison.

[  news.yahoo.com

28. april 2005

flucht bei der fahrt zum knast.

Jail Inmate Flees From Transportation Bus

SANTA ANA, Calif. -- A search for an Orange County Jail escapee who ran away from a sheriff's bus today was called off after four hours, but trackers will continue looking for the criminal, officials said. Jose Salcido Rodriguez, 35, escaped at 7:54 a.m. as he was getting off a bus in front of sheriff's headquarters at 550 N. Flower St., said Orange County sheriff's Lt. Lloyd Downing. Rodriguez, who worked in the kitchen at the jail and was not handcuffed, ran"toward downtown Santa Ana, where deputies search for him with the help of a helicopter and bloodhounds.

The search, concentrated around McFadden Avenue, First Street and Shelton Avenue, was scaled back shortly after noon, Downing said, but investigators who track inmates will continue the effort, Downing said. Rodriguez was jailed at the James Musick minimum-security jail in Irvine, and assigned to a kitchen crew at the intake and release center in Santa Ana, Downing said. The most recent escape from the lockup was about three months ago, authorities said. Rodriguez, not considered a threat to the public, was serving time for vehicle theft, possession of a drug for resale, resisting arrest and a probation violation, the lieutenant said. Downing said an immigration hold had been placed on Rodriguez, which means he could have faced deportation after his sentence was completed in July. "There are no indications he has a weapon," Downing said.

[  nbc4.tv

27. april 2005

der am 16. april geflohene mann wurde wieder verhaftet.

Suspect back in custody after Jefferson Co. jail escape

JEFFERSON COUNTY (WATE) -- The inmate who was put on TBI's most wanted list after he ran out of the Jefferson County Jail is back in custody. [ inmate escapes ] Gregory Atkins, 28, ran out of the jail on April 16th while being led from solitary confinement to a booking office so he could use a phone. Deputies in Hawkins County arrested Atkins Tuesday night during a meth lab bust. The deputies brought Atkins back to Jefferson County Wednesday morning. Atkins is suspected of making meth labs in Jefferson County and investigators say he's run from police before. His escape in Jefferson County cost one jailer his job. The sheriff suspended another jailer and gave a written reprimand to a third jailer.

[  wate.com

27. april 2005

zwei männer aus dem marathon detention center geflohen

KEY WEST Around South Florida
Two inmates escape from detention center

Sheriff's deputies searched on Tuesday night for two inmates who escaped from the Marathon Detention Center after apparently climbing onto the roof of the jail's recreation yard and throwing a blanket over razor wire atop a chain link fence. Lonnie Parrish, 24, of North Carolina and Gutier Gonzalez, 46, of Marathon, were last seen between 1:30 and 2 p.m. at the jail. Parrish was arrested in November on battery charges; Gonzalez was arrested a few days ago on charges of violation of probation and theft. The Monroe County Sheriff's Office is asking that anyone with information about the escape call Crime Stoppers of the Florida Keys at 1-800-346-TIPS.

[  miami.com

26. april 2005

nach 3 tagen auf der flucht wieder verhaftet.

Merrill prisoner found after walking out of jail

MERRILL - The Lincoln County Sheriff's Department on Monday found a 24-year-old man who had walked away from jail Friday. Around 8:30 p.m. Monday, the Merrill Police Department and the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department took the man, Jed Travis, into custody at an apartment in the 300 block of Second Street in Merrill after receiving a tip that he was there. An 18-year-old female who rents the apartment denied Travis was there, but he was found in the bathroom, according to the Sheriff's Department.

Travis, who participates in a work-release program, had returned to the Lincoln County Jail on Friday from his job but walked out of the jail lobby while he was waiting to be admitted, according to the Sheriff's Department. He told authorities Monday night that he had not worked a full day Friday and spent his afternoon "goofing off." Fearing that the jail staff had learned of his violation, he fled the jail. Travis is serving a sentence on charges of previous failure to appear, bail jumping, forgery, traffic charges and vehicle theft, according to the Sheriff's Department. He is on probation through 2010 on his charges. He now could face additional charges of felony escape and probation revocation. The woman at the apartment will be referred to the district attorney for prosecution, according to the Sheriff's Department.

[  wausaudailyherald.com

26. April 2005

zweimal versuchte ein mann zu flüchten.

Skinny prisoner slips out again

Less than 24 hours after prison escaper Daniel Minogue was recaptured by police, he managed to bust his way out of another cell so he could visit his girlfriend. Minogue, 23, of Taupo, was picked up in Rotorua on Saturday night for breaching an inner-city booze ban. He had evaded police for six days after breaking out of a Wellington District Court holding cell. However, his second stint behind bars, at Rotorua police station, did not last long. Senior Sergeant Anna Jackson said that, some time on Sunday night, Minogue smashed a toilet cistern to get at some pieces of four-by-two. He used a 1.5-metre piece of four-by-two to prise the bars of the cell window apart. Minogue, a "skinny chap", widened the bars enough to get out of the cell and ended up in the station courtyard, where police cars were parked.

He then bided his time before slipping out the main entrance and went to his girlfriend's house. He was found there by police about 11.30pm. Minogue escaped some time after 7.40pm, the last time he was checked. Prisoners were checked every two hours, Ms Jackson said. Minogue was taken back to the station and placed in one of two suicide-watch cells. These had concrete walls, an internal steel door and no loose fittings. Police would make "modifications" to the 25 other cells to ensure there would be no repeat of the incident. It is the third escape from the station this year. Another thin prisoner, 17, squeezed through a 30cm by 40cm gap there on January 11. Bars were erected after the breakout, which followed an escape eight days earlier by another 17-year-old. Minogue appeared in Rotorua District Court yesterday charged with escaping custody and breaching the booze ban. He was remanded in custody.

[  stuff.co.nz

26.april 2005

bei einem angriff auf das gericht in hazaribagh wurden 19 gefangene befreit, 5 polizisten wurden verletzt.

Prisoners flee as gang raids court

Policemen take positions on the court premises in Hazaribagh. Picture by Vishvendu Jaipuriar Hazaribagh, April 26: As many as 19 undertrial prisoners escaped when armed criminals stormed the district and sessions court here this afternoon. Five policemen were injured when a gang of eight walked into the court compound around 1.30 pm, hurled bombs and opened fire as the undertrials, all lodged in the Jayaprakash Narayan Central Jail, were about to get onto a prison van parked in front of the lock-up.

The lock-up is situated behind the main building of the district court, which is located opposite the district collectorate that houses the offices of the deputy commissioner and police superintendent. The whole operation was executed with clinical precision, leaving the policemen with little time to react. Ram Badan Singh, a policeman standing at the entrance to the lock-up, said the criminals came from both directions. As soon as they reached the entrance, they hurled a bomb. At that time, a policeman, Kamal Nayan Sharma, was taking a headcount of the undertrials before putting them on the prison van. "Suddenly, there was a blast and there was panic all around," Singh said. "The entire area was covered with smoke. We could not see anything," said Badesh Upadhaya, another constable on duty. Five policemen, including Upadhaya, standing close by were wounded in the explosion. Singh fired from his rifle but he was the lone jawan to counter the criminals.

Taking advantage of the chaos, the prisoners, those inside the van as well as those in the lock-up, made a dash to freedom. Two of the injured policemen took up position and started firing, hitting one of the prisoners, Surendra Rajak, in the hand. Another undertrial, Moti Ram Mahto, was caught by a youth near the deputy commissioner's office. Eyewitnesses said all the 19 prisoners fanned out in different directions, getting into cars and two-wheelers waiting for them. A total of 113 undertrial prisoners had been brought to the court. Two others who had surrendered joined them, taking the number up to 115. After they were produced before the judge, 72 were sent back in two shifts, while 43 were waiting for their turn. Superintendent of police Ashish Batra said the prisoners who fled were being tried for crimes ranging from murder to extortion and rape. He said none of the Kashmir terrorists lodged in the jail was part of the group that escaped. The daring raid indicates that the criminals had chalked out the plan after several meetings with the undertrials. Sources said access to the lock-up could be bought for a fee: Rs 40 to meet relatives outside the gate, Rs 60 to take in food and Rs 200 to stay there until the inmate was being sent back to jail.

The appalling condition of the lock-up was highlighted in a report of the former officer-in-charge of Sadar police station, Naresh Sharma, to then Hazaribagh police chief Anurag Gupta. He had suggested several steps to strengthen security at the lock-up. But no action was taken. Seventeen of the undertrials who escaped were identified as Md. Arshad, Kishori Prasad, Umesh Kumar, Manoj of Gumla, Buddhan Rajak, Heeralal Choudhary, Chandra Prakash Sinha, Dharmnath, Charka Yadav, Krishna Kumar Sao, Amrendra Kumar, Teko Ram, Md. Jala Ansari, Manoj Kumar, Bal Mukund, Vijay Bhuyian and Gopal Bhuiyan and two others.

[  telegraphindia.com

25. April 2005

flucht aus dem leicester royal infirmary ( krankenhaus) .

Sick prisoner flees from hospital

A "dangerous" prisoner has escaped after overpowering a prison officer while receiving hospital treatment. Omar Aslam, 21, from Aston, Birmingham, is serving a seven-and-a-half year sentence at HMP Ashwell, near Oakham, in Rutland for grievous bodily harm. He escaped from Leicester Royal Infirmary, where he was being treated for TB, on Saturday night. Det Insp Lee Hill said: "Clearly this man is dangerous and we need to recapture him as soon as possible." He added: "He also has an infectious disease and anyone seeing him should not approach him, but contact the police immediately."

Leicestershire Police have alerted their West Midlands colleagues. Aslam escaped from the hospital after overpowering the prison officer about 2300 BST. He is described as Asian, 6ft 3in tall and of slim build. He is clean shaven with short hair and has one scar on his upper lip and one near to his left eye. At the time of his escape, he was wearing peach-coloured pyjamas. Det Insp Hill said: "It may also be useful to find the pyjamas he was wearing when he ran off. "It is likely that he changed out of them as soon as he could so there is the possibility that he has discarded them somewhere and that he had help in getting away."

[  news.bbc.co.uk

25. april 2005

ein mann, der bereits anfang des monats aus dem knast im lincoln county floh, machte am samstag erneut einen mehrstündigen fluchtversuch.

Inmate Captured Again After Second Escape

An inmate is back behind bars after he escaped from prison for the second time. 20-year-old Christopher Brown was arrested Saturday afternoon in Lincoln County. He broke out of the Boyle County detention center just after midnight. While on the loose, police say Brown broke into his wife's home, assaulted her, and took the car. Police say Brown was able to get out of the jail through an unsecured door. He also escaped earlier this month from the Lincoln County jail.

[  wkyt.com

25.april 2005

kurze flucht von zwei männern, dabei wurde ein wärter verletzt.

New details in Ashtabula prison escape

JEFFERSON -- Two federal prisoners who were being held in the Ashtabula County escaped Sunday but were captured later in the day. Federal officials identified the men as Mike Hegyi and Steven Jackson, who were being held on bank robbery charges. Sheriff Wiliam Johnson says the two overpowered two guards who were escorting them from their cells to church services Sunday. The guards were taken to Ashtabula County Medical Center for treatment of injuries described by Johnson as non-life threatening. U.S. Marshal Pete Elliott says it?s his understanding that a female guard was tied up and a male guard was stabbed during the escape. Johnson said he wouldn?t release more details until Monday morning. Hegyi was captured near the jail and Jackson was found about seven hours later in a nearby creek, according to Elliott.

[  wkyc.com

24. april 2005

flucht von zwei männern aus dem ashtabula knast.

2 Men Escape From Northeast Ohio Prison

Two men escaped from the Ashtabula Prison Sunday. Officials aren't saying how the men got out. They are looking for the prisoners known as Hegy and Jackson. Laid-off sheriff's deputies are said to be helping in the search. No other information is available at this time. A news conference is planned for Monday.

[  yahoo.com

24. april 2005

flucht aus dem liberty county knast (cleveland / ohio) endete leider nach ein paar stunden.

Inmate Breaks Out Through Jail Kitchen

On Sunday April 24, 2004 James Paul Hoagland age 26 of Cleveland escaped from the Liberty County Jail. He was on a work detail in the kitchen at the new jail facility on Beaumont Ave. The escape occurred between 7:50a.m and 8:00a.m and Hoagland was recaptured at 3:45p.m. in the southern edge of San Jacinto County. Sheriff Arthur said all the details on how Hoagland was able to escape from the facility are still under investigation. It is believed that Hoagland got out thru a delivery door in the back, scaled the fence and made it thru the razor wire. He traveled south across the railroad track and Hwy. 90 and then west thru the woods to the river where he stole a truck from Chapman Mobile Homes. He left the truck at a residence on SH 146 north of Snake River and caught a ride to San Jacinto County.

Pct. 6 Constable Royce Wheeler, Deputy Constable Mulkey and Sheriff?s Office Investigator Ashworth located and arrested Hoagland on Wonderland Drive in the south part of San Jacinto County. Hoagland was transported back to the Liberty County Jail by Sheriff Arthur, Ranger Huff and Constable Fairchild. Sheriff Arthur said we were able to get Hoagland quickly because we had a lot of officers and departments working together. I would like to thank DPS Auto Theft, DPS Narcotics, Texas Ranger Sergeant Frank Huff, Liberty Police Department, Constable Pct.3 Chip Fairchild and especially Constable Wheeler, his Deputy and the Liberty Chambers County Narcotics Task Force for their assistance in locating and arresting Hoagland.

[  www.kbtv4.tv

24. April 2005

bei der flucht von 5 männern aus einem knast bei leningrad wurde,lt. der knastleitung, ein wärter erschlagen, ein weiterer verletzt.

5 inmates escape from detention facility in Leningrad region

ST. PETERSBURG, April 24 (Itar-Tass) - Five inmates escaped from the detention facility of the Vsevolozhsky interior department of the Leningrad region on Saturday evening. According to clarified reports, they beat a duty officer to death with chairs and seriously injured his assistant, sources at the Main Interior Department of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region told Itar-Tass. The inmates managed to get out of the ward when one of them was returning to the cell from toilette at around 22:30 on Saturday. Having attacked the security guard, the detainees got out of the prison ward, released one inmate in the neighbouring ward and headed for the standby unit. Urgent measures are being taken to find and detain the fugitives. One criminal (26) is being accused of murder, three fugitives aged 24, 26 and 30 are being charged with looting and robberies, while the youngest escapee, 21, is being accused of rape. It is not the first prison escape from a detention facility in the Leningrad region. Five inmates ran away from a facility in the region?s Tosnensky district.

[  itar-tass.com

22. april 2005

ein mann wurde bei einem fluchtversuch aus einem krankenhaus erschossen.

Ga. Hospital Police Shoot, Kill Inmate Who Fled Building After Overpowering Officer, Taking Gun

Apr. 22, 2005 - Hospital police shot and killed an inmate who fled a medical building after overpowering a state corrections officer and taking his gun, authorities said. The guard was treated Thursday for minor injuries, state police said. Inmate Darius Magby, 32, who was serving a life sentence for armed robbery and drug convictions, died in the emergency room of Medical College of Georgia Hospital, a hospital spokeswoman said. Magby, who was doing his time in Reidsville, almost 100 miles away, had been brought to the hospital for an unspecified surgery, police and Corrections Department officials said. He took the guard's gun while being escorted unshackled into an eighth-floor restroom, then ran down the stairs and left the building, the hospital said. When he pulled a gun out of his prison-issue coveralls and refused a hospital police officer's order to stop, a second officer shot him, the hospital said. A hospital visitor said he heard the commotion on the eighth floor as he waited for his mother to come out of lung surgery.

"The guard backed out of the bathroom and said, 'He's got my gun,'" Scott Strange told The Augusta Chronicle. Then Magby emerged, holding a firearm, Strange said. A doctor said the guard tried to flee from the armed inmate. Soon after, the two struggled over the gun, and the guard ran away a second time, anesthesiology resident John Wages said. Magby "was waving the gun all over the place," Wages said. Inmates who leave prison grounds for a medical appointment are usually escorted by two officers and restrained by leg irons and handcuffs connected to waist chains, Corrections Department spokeswoman Sheree Lipscomb said. Chains may be removed if an inmate has to go to the restroom or for a medical procedure, but Lipscomb said she didn't know if that was the case Thursday. The escape attempt and shooting were under investigation. The guard, who was not identified, will not be suspended or placed on leave during the probe, said Alan Adams, who is responsible for corrections operations in the state prison system. Adams said he didn't know when the guard will return to duty.

The two hospital police officers, whose names were also not released, will remain on administrative leave with pay during the investigation, medical college spokeswoman Toni Baker said. The hospital has had no other such incidents since it began providing prisoner health care in 1997, Lipscomb said. The escape attempt was the latest violence involving prisoners in the state. Brian Nichols, 33, is accused of overpowering a deputy in March and stealing her gun, then killing a judge who was presiding over his rape trial and the court reporter. A sheriff's deputy was killed outside the courthouse, and a federal agent was killed elsewhere before Nichols was taken into custody a day later. Earlier this week, a man facing burglary charges attacked a Fulton County deputy sheriff in the same courthouse. The Fulton County Sheriff's Department said the deputy was trying to calm down the man when he tried to punch her.

[  abcnews.go.com

22. april 2005

zwei am donnerstag geflohene männer wurden am freitag wiederverhaftet

Jail Escape

Mississippi County, MO - Things will change at the Mississippi County Detention Center. That's what the Sheriff says, in light of two inmates who escaped Thursday night. The first inmate is Jeremy Warren, the Sheriff says he and another man, Michael Berry, broke out of jail around 11 Thursday night. Officers found Berry early Friday afternoon and they found Warren Friday morning in his hometown of East Prairie. Sheriff Keith Moore says, the two inmates broke out of the jail, by kicking in a door and squeezing out underneath. This makes the third time this year an inmate has escaped from the Mississippi County Detention Center and Moore has plans to keep it from happening again. He tells Heartland News, he'll put up more bars around the jail and he's thinking about getting full steel doors that inmates can't kick their way through.

[  kfvs12.com

21. April 2005

sieben männer sind aus dem knast in machh ( bezirk balochistan) geflohen. sie hatten aus ihren turbanen seile geflochten.

Seven escape in turban jailbreak

Seven prisoners, including a number convicted of murder, have escaped from a Pakistani jail by using their turbans for ropes. The prisoners broke through a toilet window in the jail in Machh, 50km (31 miles) south of the capital of Balochistan province, Quetta. They then scaled the high-security jail's perimeter wall with the turbans. Most of the convicts were serving terms of more than 20 years. A hunt is under way in nearby villages. Machh is Balochistan's leading jail and houses many criminals facing the death penalty. Abdur Razzaq Shah, the prison's deputy superintendent, told the Associated Press the prisoners were being held in the jail's hospital because of overcrowding. He said the prison was almost twice over its 550-inmate capacity. Mr Shah said the pre-dawn escape occurred when the convicts disconnected an electric security fence. Home department officials are investigating the case. Nine prisoners escaped from the same prison last year, although a number were later rearrested in Dera Ismail Khan in North-West Frontier Province.

[  bbc.co.uk

20.April 2005

flucht von 6 männern, einer wurde wieder verhaftet.

Six inmates escape from detention ward in Bryansk region

MOSCOW, April 20 (Itar-Tass) -- Six inmates escaped from a detention ward in the Bryansk region and wounded a policeman. Only one fugitive has been detained so far, a source in the regional police department told Itar-Tass on Wednesday. The inmates escaped from the detention ward of the district police department on Tuesday morning. ?Six detainees broke the lock, wounded a policeman and escaped,? the source emphasized. They have been kept in custody on charges of committing thefts, rape, premeditated heavy damage to health and a robbery. ?The wounded policeman has been brought to hospital and doctors estimate his state of health as satisfactory,? the source pointed out.

[  tass.ru

20.april 2005

flucht aus dem knast in tampa / florida endete nach einem tag

Police say jail escapee barricaded himself in a friend's home

TAMPA - Tampa police arrested a jail escapee Tuesday night after they say he barricaded himself inside a friend's apartment.James Keaton, 44, of 7305 Heritage Hills Drive in Tampa escaped from jail just after 10:30 p.m. Monday, records show. He had been arrested April 11 and charged with sale of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell, possession of cocaine within 1,000 feet of a school and opposing an officer without violence. Police said they found Keaton about 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at North Boulevard Homes and he ran to 1803 N Oregon Ave., the home of Stacey Laidler, who later told police she was friends with Keaton.

He tried to get her to open the door, but she refused, police said. He kicked at the door dozens of times and tried to take out an air conditioner before he finally found a way inside, according to police. Officers called in a hostage negotiation team and tried to make contact with the pair. Keaton agreed to surrender about 9 p.m. and police charged him with escape, resisting arrest without violence and trespassing on Tampa Housing Authority property. Laidler told police she didn't answer the door or the phone when they tried to call because Keaton wouldn't let her.

[  sptimes.com

20. April 2005

nach 22 tagen auf der flucht wieder verhaftet.

Prison escapee nabbed after 22 days

AN inmate who allegedly stole a prison officer's car to make his getaway from a West Australian prison farm has been recaptured after 22 days on the run. Matthew Wayne Winmar, 19, was serving an 18-month sentence for stealing, burglary and reckless driving offences at Wooroloo prison farm, 55km east of Perth, when he escaped on March 28. He had been transferred to the prison farm from a medium-security jail just a week before his escape. Armed police arrested Winmar at an address in Clarkson, in northern Perth, late yesterday and charged him with one count of escape lawful custody and two counts of car theft. Police also charged a relative of Winmar's with hindering arrest and assaulting a police officer. Winmar's jail-break was one of a string of embarrassments that prompted the WA government to announce a wide-ranging inquiry into the state's troubled prison system.

[  dailytelegraph.news.com.au

20. april 2005

zwei männer aus dem orange county jugendknast / florida geflohen

Teen Criminals Escape From Detention Center

ORLANDO, Fla. -- The state has already installed extra razor wire and is auditing security procedures at the Juvenile Detention Center in Orange County. The changes come after two teenage criminals broke out of the center Tuesday morning.

Investigators think the pair had some help from the inside. Wednesday, canine teams returned to the Orange County Juvenile Detention Center, part of a manhunt for two teenagers investigators say really wanted to flee. "I don't know what to say. I mean, these two obviously decided to take a risk," said During Tuesday's morning recreation period, four prisoners started a fight on one side of the blacktop. Inmates Lacy Chapman and Barry Paul, both 16 years old, climbed their way to freedom and disappeared.

The two juveniles managed to scale a 12-foot high chain link fence topped with razor wire, and right under the nose of surveillance cameras. Only when guards took a head count did they realize anything was wrong. By then, the two had run several miles to an Orange Avenue thrift store, where investigators say they stole new clothes and two bikes and Chapman dumped his JDC jumpsuit, still bloody from razor wire slicing through his leg. "Right now, we're considering them felons because escaping from the juvenile detention center is a felony," said Aiding and abetting is also a felony, and a juvenile justice spokesman said the four other inmates who caused the diversion in the first place did so intentionally, so Chapman and Paul could escape unnoticed. When JDC guards drove the four across town to charge them, police say they tried to break out of the van, but were stopped before they could.

Chapman and Barry are already career criminals at the age of 16, with dozens of charges between them. Both were in custody for probation violations and burglary charges. As for the four who allegedly helped them, they've all been charged with attempted escape and may face more charges.

[  wftv.com

19. april 2005

leider nur kurze flucht aus einem texanischen knast

Inmate captured after brief escape

MOUNT PLEASANT, Texas-A prisoner escaped custody early Saturday while he was being treated at a local hospital but was quickly apprehended.Dustin Henley Ryan, 19, of Mount Pleasant was being treated at Titus Regional Medical Center about 10 a.m. Saturday after claiming he was ill, said Police Chief J.C. Burch.A police officer was posted at the front door of the room where Ryan was to receive treatment but Ryan allegedly walked out of the back door of the room and fled the hospital.Police instantly put out an alert and the suspect and he was captured soon after when a resident called in a person seen hiding under a vehicle in the 300 block of West 18th Street.Ryan will be charged with escape from custody which is a third-degree felony. His bail has been set at $10,000.Ryan had been held in the city jail since April 12 on numerous city warrants and a separate misdemeanor charge of evading arrest/detention

[  texarkanagazette.com

18.april 2005

9 männer geflohen, dabei wurden 2 wärter verletzt. 5 wurden wieder verhaftet. dies sei der 10.ausbruch dieses jahr steht in dem zweiten artikel.


Police yesterday launched a wide manhunt for nine inmates who staged a daring escape from the Dumaguete City jail. The inmates are armed and considered dangerous.They left behind three wounded guards they stabbed with icepicks, including two who were a husband-and-wife team. They carted away several high-powered firearms and handguns but later chucked the former to make their escape easier.Jail warden Waldemar Villanueva was in Cebu City at the time to attend a seminar and buy ammunition.The initial information he got from Dumaguete City was that the escape was set in motion at about 4:30 p.m. by two inmates who, on the pretext of asking medicine from a guard, overwhelmed and disarmed him. The commotion quickly spread, involving other inmates. In the ensuing bedlam, nine inmates managed to make good their escape, divesting some of the guard of their weapons in the process.

When the dust settled, jail guards Jerry Pahulas and Danilo and Rachel Melon lay wounded and had to be taken to the hospital.Villanueva told The Freeman a massive manhunt by different law enforcement agencies immediately swung into action in a bid to contain the inmates in Negros Oriental and prevent their escape to the other nearby provinces, particularly Cebu.The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group in Dumaguete City, however, had a different version of how the incident started.According to CIDG Dumaguete investigator Dominggo Martsan, the inmates set the escape in motion by briefly taking a visitor hostage.In the melee that ensued, they managed to grab two M16 rifles, a carbine, two shotguns, a .45 caliber pistol and a .38 caliber revolver from guards and used them in exchanging fire with the rest of the guards. The escapees were identified as Lyndon Doncoy, John Lengcong, Danilo Dumdum, Roderick Lenihan, Arnel Albanses, Jesus Montegrejo, Dante Nuevo, Roger Turon and Alberto Baticulon.

At least one, Doncoy, was reported having fled alone. He was seen grabbing a Kawasaki Aura motorcycle from a man at gunpoint.Several of the long firearms were found along the suspected escape route, and authorities theorized the escapies found the rifles too cumbersome in their bid for freedom.

[  thefreeman.com

18. april 2005

3 männer aus dem wellington gericht geflohen.

Prisoners on run after court escape

Three prisoners are on the run after escaping from the Wellington District Court on Monday morning. Police are appealing for public help in finding the trio, who were in the custody of Department of Corrections staff when the break out happened just before 8 am."We believe the three inmates, all remand prisoners, created a diversion and while the corrections officers' attention was elsewhere, kicked their way out through an internal door and fled the court buildings," Detective Senior Sergeant Shane Cotter says.

Police believe the men escaped down Ballance Street and have appealed for help from the public to help locate them. Cotter says the escape happened when there would have been a number of people in the area heading to work, especially pedestrians coming from bus stops and the railway station.The men are 31-year-old Lance Roy Seymore Ludwiga, 23-year-old Daniel Minogue and 29-year-old Sonny Pritchard.They are all wearing prison clothing - navy blue and grey crew neck sweat shirts with Rimutaka Prison written on the back, and navy blue track pants.Police are appealing for sightings of the men, and for information from people who were in the district court, Lambton Quay and Ballance Street area at the time of the escape.

[  tvnz.co.nz

18.april 2005

37 gefangene aus dem sekhukhuni polizeiknast geflohen, 11 wieder verhaftet.

37 prisoners escape from jail in S. Africa

JOHANNESBURG, April 17 (Xinhuanet) -- Thirty-seven awaiting trial prisoners escaped from Sekhukhuni police station in Limpopo province, northern South Africa, on Sunday morning after disarminga policeman and grabbing the keys to the holding cells.Superintendent Patty Khumalo said that a policeman went to the cells to give them food, but they took his gun and the cells keys and opened all the cells.Eleven of the 37 were immediately rearrested in Sekhukhuni village, but the other 26 armed were still at large, said Khumalo,warning anyone who came across them not to confront them as they were armed and "very dangerous."They were in custody for alleged crimes such as murder, rape, assault, pointing a firearm and motor vehicle theft, she said.Khumalo advised anyone who knew of the fugitives whereabouts tocontact Sekhukhuni police station.She said there had been 87 detainees in the cells at the time of the escape.

[  xinhuanet.com

18. april 2005

flucht aus dem jefferson county knast

Inmate escapes from Jefferson County Jail

Authorities say Gregory Kenneth Atkins escaped from the Jefferson County Jail Saturday night. The Jefferson County Sheriff says Atkins escaped through a door that was supposed to be secured. Dandridge Police Officer Mellany Courtney suspects Atkins stole a Dodge Intrepid after escaping. The search is on in East Tennessee for a man who escaped from the Jefferson County Jail. 28-year-old Gregory Kenneth Atkins escaped at about 11:00 Saturday night.

Atkins was in jail charged with making meth, evading arrest and aggravated kidnapping. He was held for a little more than a month until Saturday night when officials say Atkins ran out of the jail through a door that was supposed to be secured. Officers say they suspect after Atkins escaped, he ran through the woods behind the jail into a residential area and stole a car."It was a 1995 Dodge Intrepid, maroon color, and it was stolen from a residence," said Dandridge Police Officer Mellany Courtney.

The car had a full tank of gas and Jefferson County tags with license plate number HSK-992. "We have notified all local surrounding counties to be on the lookout for that car," said Courtney. It is not clear which way he headed, but officers say he may have gone back to the area he is from in Grainger County. "Usually they would head back to familiar ground where they can find someone that can help them," said Courtney. Atkins was arrested in March after a police chase and carjacking in Jefferson County. Authorities say he was arrested after his carjacking victim called 911 when Atkins fell asleep. Officers say if anyone suspects they see Atkins, call 911 immediately.Gregory Kenneth Atkins is 28 years old. He is 5'10" and weighs about 160 pounds. He has blond hair and blue eyes.Jefferson County Sheriff David Davenport says he fired the jailer who was in charge of securing the door Atkins used to escape.

[  wbir.com

16./17. april 2005

11 männer aus camp bucca geflohen, alle wieder verhaftet.

Prisoners escape from Camp Bucca over mistreatment

Captured detainees who escaped from Camp Bucca complained of ill-treatment by U.S. armyEleven detainees upset over their treatment by U.S. captors escaped Saturday from the military's largest detention center in Iraq by climbing through a hole in the fence.Ten of the 11 escapees were caught after fleeing Camp Bucca, the largest U.S. detention facility with about 6,000 prisoners, nearly two-thirds of all those in Iraq.The recaptured Camp Bucca escapees were to be held by Iraqi police until they could be sent back to the facility in southeastern Iraq.

One escapee told a media source the group fled through a hole in the fence. "We decided to flee the prison because of the bad treatment and delay in investigations," 24-year-old Hussein Nima said.The prisons have been criticized for holding detainees indefinitely.Lt. Col. Guy Rudisill, a military spokesman, said officials confirmed that 11 prisoners were missing after discovering the hole. He denied allegations of mistreatment, saying the inmates get three meals a day, access to shower facilities, prayer rugs and a copy of the Quran. "We provide them with every humane type of care," said Rudisill, who declined to say why the 11 were being held. The escape came two days after a melee among prisoners left one detainee dead and injured dozens of others, the U.S. military said.

But according to the detainee Nima the fight was between U.S. soldiers and prisoners.Last month, the U.S. military said guards discovered a 600-foot tunnel, dug with makeshift tools, leading out of Camp Bucca. The tunnel reached beyond the compound fence, with an opening hidden beneath a floorboard, but no one escaped, authorities said.Ahmed Abdul Ghafour al-Samarrai, a leading Sunni cleric, urged Iraq's new president to buck U.S. pressure and free thousands of suspected rebelsIn his comments during Friday prayers, al-Samarrai, said that if President Jalal Talabani "wants to begin a new page, he must first release those in jail. Secondly, there must be a full pardon."

Al-Sammarai also urged Talabani to refuse to "obey and kneel to pressure from" Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Most of the 10,500 detainees are held by the American military, and the United States has opposed freeing prisoners or pardoning insurgents.However, there have been growing calls to deal with the detained Iraqis. Outgoing interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi this week sent a message to the U.S. military commander in Iraq, Gen. George Casey, asking him to review the prisoners' cases.

16 killed

At least 16 people were killed, including two U.S. soldiers and a Turkish trucker, in attacks around Iraq, while two Filipinos were wounded as they headed to work at Baghdad airport, police said.In the town of Baquba, at least seven people were killed, including three police, in a lunchtime explosion at a restaurant, an Iraqi army officer said while five more were wounded.It was not immediately known if the blast, which blew out the back of the restaurant, was due to a bomb inside the establishment or to a booby-trapped car outside.

[  aljazeera.com

All 11 Escaped Iraqi Prisoners Recaptured

Apr 17, 2005 - BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi security forces have recaptured the last of 11 prisoners who escaped from a U.S. jail in southern Iraq, the U.S. military said Sunday.The 11 broke out of Camp Bucca, near the southern town of Umm Qasr, at about 1:30 a.m. Saturday after cutting a hole in the jail's chain-link fence.Iraqi security forces searched for them at dawn and quickly rounded up 10, but one remained at large. He was eventually captured Saturday afternoon about 15 km (10 miles) from the jail, the U.S. military said.It was not clear how long the detainees had been at Camp Bucca, which holds about 6,000 prisoners, but the military said they were being held on charges ranging from possessing illegal weapons to attacks on U.S. forces.

"An additional charge of escape will now be added when these detainees are tried before the Central Criminal Court of Iraq," the military said in a statement.Saturday's jailbreak was believed to be the first successful escape from a U.S. detention facility in Iraq.It came less than a month after the discovery of a small network of tunnels at the prison, including one more than 600 feet long that reached beyond the perimeter fence. Those tunnels were discovered before anyone could escape.There has been growing unrest at the prison in recent months. A riot in early April in which 12 prisoners and four U.S. guards were wounded prompted the International Committee of the Red Cross to call for an investigation. At the end of January, four inmates died and six were wounded when U.S. guards opened fire to quell rioting at the jail, the U.S. military said.

[  abcnews.go.com

16. april 2005

der letzten monat aus dem covington county jail geflohene mann wurde wieder verhaftet.

Escapee, accused of murder, nabbed

Opp man captured in California while allegedly trying to make his way to Mexico An accused murderer who escaped from the Covington County Jail last month was captured late Thursday near Bakersfield, Calif.Oscar Roy Doster, a 30-year-old Opp man, was trying to get to Mexico, but was actually headed north when he was injured and was picked up by a passing motorist, the California Highway Patrol said. Doster was being held under guard in a Bakersfield hospital and was expected to be booked into jail late Friday to await extradition back to Alabama. His injuries included a broken thumb, cuts and bruises. "He's not going to get away from us," California Highway Patrol officer Greg Williams told the Bakersfield Californian newspaper Friday.

Covington County Sheriff Anthony Clark said a sheriff's investigator left Friday for California to retrieve the fugitive. Doster's border run went south when a red pickup truck he was driving overheated somewhere near Interstate 5, a major north-south highway, Williams told the newspaper. Doster rolled a four wheeler out of the back of the truck and rode it in the dark along the interstate. He thought if he kept following Interstate 5, it would lead him to Mexico, Williams explained.

But Doster got turned around and was actually heading north when his four wheeler crashed into a ditch. "This guy could make the world's dumbest criminal," Williams told the newspaper. About 11:30 p.m. California time, officers said the Alabamian flagged down a "good Samaritan" near Lost Hills, Calif., a small town about 45 miles northwest of Bakersfield. The driver took Doster to a gas station and called the California Highway Patrol. Police said a warrant check showed that Doster was wanted for the escape and other charges. Doster and two other men broke out of jail in Andalusia about 4:30 a.m. on March 31. One of those escapees, Darrell Ray Henry was arrested a day later by sheriff's deputies in Escambia County, Ala., driving an Andalusia city truck stolen from a city water treatment plant.

James Harnage, a 29-year-old New Brockton man, remains at large. It's Doster's second escape from the same jail. During a 2002 breakout, Doster and another escapee were accused of breaking into an Gantt mobile home, killing Paul LeMaster and taking LeMaster's truck. Doster awaits trial on capital murder, burglary, theft and escape charges from the 2002 incident. He was previously convicted on a sexual abuse charge in 1999 and theft, receipt of stolen property and burglary charges in 1994, according to court records.

Doster and the other fugitive were captured in Ozona, Texas, two weeks after they had broken out in 2002, just miles from Mexico. Clark said Doster had been held in Andalusia for about a year before this escape. The sheriff said he wasn't sure if Doster would again be housed in the Covington jail or if Clark would seek to have him held by the state or another county.

[  www.al.com

15. april 2005

2 männer geflüchtet.

Two robbers escape from Bhiwandi lock up

Two prisoners escaped from the Bhiwandi police lock-up, near Thane, early this morning. The duo, identified as Santosh Foolchand Kesarwani and Abdul Rasheed Sheikh escaped from the lock up by cutting the jail bars with a sharp object.However, the police are not aware as to how the duo came in possession of the object. According to police, the two persons were arrested three days back in connection with a robbery. They were wanted for their alleged role in five other robbery cases.Santosh was a resident of Bhiwandi, whereas Abdul was from Nashik, police said.

[  web.mid-day.com

15. april 2005

flucht aus dem hall county knast

Inmate escapes from Hall County Jail

GRAND ISLAND, Neb. (AP) - A man in jail on a kidnapping charge escaped Friday and should be considered dangerous, authorities said.Luis E. Morquecho, 31, of Woodside, N.Y., and another inmate overpowered a female corrections officer during the escape, which occurred at about 8:25 a.m. CDT, Hall County Sheriff Jerry Watson said. The other inmate fell and injured his leg while climbing a jail wall, Watson said. Watson said a State Patrol dog followed Morquecho's scent into Grand Island, but lost his trail in a residential neighborhood.

The sheriff said escape plans were found during a search of Morquecho's cell. Watson also said a vehicle was waiting for Morquecho in town.Morquecho may have headed east toward New York and should be considered dangerous, Watson said. Morquecho was arrested last year on suspicion of kidnapping a former girlfriend in Nebraska and trying to take her back to New York.Morquecho and the woman were apprehended in Princeton, Ill., authorities said.

[  omaha.com

14. april 2005

der mann der bei seinem fluchtversuch vor 2 tagen verletzt wurde, versuchte aus dem krankenhaus zu fliehen.

Injured inmate fails again in bid to escape

An inmate who was seriously injured in a failed attempt to escape from the O'ahu Community Correctional Center on Tuesday morning, tried to flee from the hospital where he was being treated later that night.Greg Schoenlein, 43, suffered severe cuts when he tried to scale two razor-wire fences at the correctional center early Tuesday. Schoenlein, who was awaiting sentencing for second-degree theft, was missing from kitchen detail and found at about 6 a.m. hiding within an industrial-service area of the prison.Schoenlein apparently scaled one razor fence, but suffered deep cuts on his back, leg and hand as he attempted to get over a second one. OCCC officials found torn pieces of clothing and a pool of blood at a fence on the makai side of the Kalihi facility.

Schoenlein was taken to The Queen's Medical Center for treatment. Because of the severity of his injuries, he was taken for a magnetic resonance imaging exam at about 9 p.m. Tuesday, said Mike Gaede, spokesman with the Department of Public Safety."At that point you can't have metal on so they took the belly chain, handcuffs off him. But he was still in leg irons," Gaede said.When he returned to his room, Schoenlein said he wanted to take a shower, Gaede said. While in the shower with a corrections officer on guard, Schoenlein attacked the guard and the two fell into the hallway. Gaede said three men who were in the hallway came to the guard's aid and subdued Schoenlein. No one was seriously injured in the scuffle, he said.

Gaede said Schoenlein probably wouldn't have gotten too far because of the leg irons and the severity of his injuries. Extra security has been placed in Schoenlein's room and he was expected to spend another day in the hospital before returning to OCCC, Gaede said.Schoenlein faces two attempted escape charges, as well as an assault charge, Gaede said. "He just guaranteed himself a little more time than his original charges," Gaede said.

[  honoluluadvertiser.com

14. april 2005:

flucht aus dem northeastern correctional center.

Inmate escapes prison farm

A convicted burglar who escaped from the Northeastern Correctional Center this week is still at large as of Wednesday afternoon, police said.George Barker, 58, fled the minimum security facility sometime between 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. Tuesday, sparking a manhunt that has so far turned up empty, according to Concord Police Lt. Barry Neal. Corrections officials noticed Barker missing at 2 p.m. during a headcount, then declared him a "walkaway" at 3 p.m. after officers scoured the Barretts Mill Road facility, according to Diane Wiffin, the public affairs director for the Massachusetts Department of Correction.

"You want to search the ground and facility to make sure he's missing before notifying local authorities," Wiffin said. "Everything was followed according to protocol."Police were notified of the escape at 3:23 p.m. and deployed units to specific locations around town, including train depots, and began a search of the immediate area using the department's K-9 unit, Neal said."It's critical that corrections notifies us immediately," Neal said. "The quicker the information is given to us, the quicker we can deploy our staff to apprehend the individual." Barker, who is 5 feet 10 inches and 190 pounds, was last seen wearing jeans and a faded baseball cap and may have arranged for a friend to pick him up when he escaped, Neal said.

Barker, whose last known address is Freemont, N.H., was convicted in Worcester Superior Court of breaking and entering during the daytime with intent to commit a felony. He was sentenced in January 2002 to five to seven years and would have been eligible for parole in 2007.Authorities are still investigating how Barker managed to escape the facility, Wiffin said. But as inmates work toward release, they're often assigned to lower levels of security, Wiffin said. Police received tips throughout the day on Tuesday and Wednesday morning, including a reported sighting in Acton. But nothing substantive has turned up, Neal said.

"We worked with corrections staff on developing intelligence on where he could have gone if he was still in the area," Neal said.At this point, Barker has likely left Concord, Neal said. But if residents encounter him, they should call police and not confront him, he said.State and local police departments from several towns will continue searching for the man, Wiffin said."We're working as hard as we can," she said.

[  www2.townonline.com

13. april 2005

leider dauerte die flucht eines mannes aus dem river bend detention center nur 12 min. jetzt soll er wegen mind.7 verschiedenen "fluchtdelikten" zusätzlich verurteilt werden.

Free for 12 minutes, prisoner facing more charges

LAKE PROVIDENCE, La. Twelve minutes after stealing a patrol car in an escape attempt, an inmate is back in custody at the River Bend Detention Center in Lake Providence.East Carroll Parish Sheriff Mark Shumate says 22-year-old Vontery Dorsey, of Baton Rouge, overpowered a deputy and used the deputy's keys to drive south on U-S 65 yesterday afternoon. Shumate says deputies intercepted him at Transylvania, and Dorsey lost control of the patrol car during a high-speed chase, hitting a culvert and wrecking the car.Dorsey fled the vehicle and ran across a field, but deputes caught him. Shumate says Dorsey now faces three counts of aggravated assault on a police officer, aggravated escape, aggravated kidnapping, flight from an officer, unauthorized use of a movable, two counts of public intimidation and criminal damage to property.Bond on the new charges was not set.Shumate did not provide details on Dorsey's original charge.

[  klfy.com

13.april 2005

durch verletzungen gescheiterter fluchtversuch aus dem o'ahu knast in honolulu.

Inmate found, still behind bars

A 43-year-old man who was being held at the O'ahu Community Correctional Center while awaiting sentencing on a theft conviction may now face a charge of attempted escape as well.Prison officials discovered Greg Schoenlein had gone missing when a kitchen work crew made up of jail detainees including Schoenlein was being taken to the facility's kitchen at about 3:30 a.m. yesterday.Searchers found torn pieces of clothing and a pool of blood at a spot along the fence on the makai side of the detention center, said Mike Gaede, spokesman for the state Department of Public Safety. Based on the amount of blood that was found, prison officials concluded that Schoenlein probably did not make it over the fence and intensified their search within the complex.

Police and Sheriff's Department deputies converged on the prison and along with guards found Schoenlein at 6:02 a.m. hiding within an industrial service area, Gaede said.Schoenlein was treated for several deep cuts before an ambulance took him to The Queen's Medical Center.

[  honoluluadvertiser.com

13. april 2005:

angeblich soll es in den letzten 6 monaten zweimal pläne gegeben haben aus dem hochsicherheitsknast full sutton (bei york) mit helicoptern zu fliehen.

Helicopter escape plot at gangster jail

PRISONERS at a Yorkshire jail are planning a spectacular helicopter escape according to a leaked Prison Service document. The report is said to reveal intelligence about two such escape plots has been received in the past six months - and specifically warns that Full Sutton high-security jail near York is at risk.The document, written by the Prison Service's Deputy Director, Peter Atherton, says: "At Full Sutton, information was received last week indicating plans to drop firearms from a helicopter into an exercise yard. Prisoners would then use firearms to force staff to allow access to an area in which a helicopter could land or hover to pick up prisoners."

The document warns that a number of inmates have the right money and contacts to make an attempt and also says that a microlight aircraft could be used.A prison source told the Yorkshire Post last night: "Full Sutton is at particular risk from this sort of thing because you get the type of criminal who has access to millions of pounds and friends in the right places to help bust them out."There are six maximum security prisons in the whole country, and two of those are in this area - Wakefield and Full Sutton - but where Wakefield specialises in big sex offenders, you are not going to have many people who would want to help somebody like Ian Huntley or Roy Whiting (Sarah Payne's killer) to escape. "Full Sutton is another matter - it specialises in drug barons, terrorists, gangsters and Yardies - just the sort of people who might have access to three or four million pounds."

M25 road-rage killer Kenneth Noye, 58, was moved from Whitemoor Prison in Cambridgeshire to Full Sutton after claims at Whitemoor that mobile phones were being smuggled in.Some top security jails have overhead wires to stop a getaway by air. Last night a Prison Service spokeswoman said: "We do not normally comment on leaked documents. However, this does illustrate the level of risk that we are dealing with; we keep security in all prisons under constant review and seek to reduce risk through operational decisions."

[  yorkshiretoday.co.uk

13.April 2005
Zwei Männer aus Abschiebungsgewahrsam geflohen

Bei einer Kontrolle stellten Mitarbeiter des Abschiebungsgewahrsams in der Grünauer Straße in Köpenick heute früh gegen 2 Uhr fest, dass zwei Männer geflohen waren. Die aus der Ukraine und Mazedonien stammenden Insassen hatten das Gitter ihrer Zelle im 2. Obergeschoss durchsägt, Matratzen herausgeworfen und sich mit zusammengeknoteten Bettlaken abgeseilt. Eine sofort eingeleitete Absuche des Geländes sowie der Umgebung blieb erfolglos.

[  www.berlin.de

12. april 2005

wegen eines fluchtversuches aus einem knast in indiana, bei der sie die grenze zu kentucky überquerte, wurde eine frau in kentucky zu 6 1/2 jahren knast verurteilt. die behörden von indiana wollen die frau deswegen ebenfalls anklagen.

Jail escapee sentenced to prison

Woman led police on 2-state chase

An Indiana jail escapee who led police on a high-speed chase through six counties in two states was sentenced Monday to 6? years in a Kentucky prison.April Pursifull of Rising Sun, Ind., pleaded guilty in Gallatin Circuit Court to some 20 charges, including drunken driving and 18 counts of wanton endangerment - one for each officer or deputy who was involved in the chase, said prosecutor Kurt Kruthoffer.

"They had quite a posse going after her," Kruthoffer said. Pursifull, 25, was being booked in the Ripley County Jail in Versailles, Ind., on charges of theft shortly after 8 p.m. on Nov. 28. She was handcuffed to a bench, but somehow managed to free herself, run out a door and escape. About 40 minutes later, a nearby resident reported his car - a purple 1993 Honda Civic - had been stolen. Aurora, Ind., police located the stolen vehicle on U.S. 50 and began the chase, which continued through the Indiana counties of Dearborn, Ohio and Switzerland.

Pursifull then crossed the Markland Dam Bridge into Kentucky and sped up U.S. 42. She avoided capture by driving down the center of the road, meaning police and sheriff's deputies could not get their cruisers around her, Kruthoffer said.She evaded a police barricade in Warsaw and dodged a pair of stop sticks laid out in an effort to flatten her tires, he said.But she ran several cars off the road and narrowly avoided crashes as she sped around curves at speeds up to 90 mph, Kruthoffer said.Another pair of stop sticks put down near the Boone-Gallatin line punctured her tires and eventually led to her capture, he said.

When caught, a breath test showed her blood-alcohol level was 0.18 percent, Kruthoffer said.In Gallatin Circuit Court in February, Pursifull reached a plea agreement with Kruthoffer in which she pleaded guilty to 18 counts of wanton endangerment, along with charges of receiving stolen property, fleeing or evading police, and drunken driving.In return, Kruthoffer, an assistant commonwealth attorney in Boone and Gallatin counties, recommended the 6?-year prison term."I thought it was appropriate, given the facts and circumstances of the case," he said.

On Monday, Circuit Judge Tony Frohlich imposed that sentence.Pursifull also faces charges of escape and auto theft in Ripley County. Indiana authorities say she faces potential charges in three other Indiana counties.

[  news.kypost.com

12.april 2005

mann nach einem wochenende auf der flucht wiederverhaftet.( wurde denunziert)

Escaped inmate caught at auto parts store

NEWPORT - A Carteret Correctional Center inmate's weekend escape ended early Monday morning just one town away from the Newport prison from which he tried to run.Phillip C. Vick, 35, of Henderson, was apprehended around 2:30 a.m. at Kittrell Auto Parts in Morehead City while apparently attempting to find a getaway car, said acting Superintendent Anthony Florence. "He was trying to get into a car because he wanted to leave the area," Florence said.But Vick was stopped in the act by N.C. Department of Correction officers and Morehead City police, Florence said.Florence said the DOC had information Vick was in that area and notified Morehead City police. Two Morehead officers pulled into Kittrell's and found a man meeting the description that was given.

The suspect, identified as Vick, ran from the officers and was apprehended after a foot chase.Vick had broken into five vehicles at Kittrell's, causing more than $2,000 in damage. He is also accused of stealing several items such as a cell phone and tools, which police later recovered, said Capt. Richard Abell.In addition to the escape, Vick now faces charges from Morehead City Police Department of five counts of breaking and entering a motor vehicle, five counts of injury to personal property, five counts of larceny and attempted larceny of a motor vehicle.Coincidentally, Vick was admitted to the DOC after being convicted of similar charges of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle and injury to property, Florence said.

Vick had been an inmate at the minimum security prison facility in Newport since Jan. 28 of this year, and his original release date was set for July 17.Florence said Vick has pending felony charges against him in another county and apparently escaped because he didn't want to face those charges.Vick scaled a fence around the Newport prison around 8 p.m. Friday. His disappearance was discovered about 30 minutes later during a routine count of inmates.Vick had his first appearance in court in Carteret County on Monday morning and has since been transferred to a medium-security prison facility in Greene County, Florence said.

[  www.kinston.com

12. april 2005

flucht eines mannes aus dem maricopa county towers knast.

Jail escapee likely hid inside food cart

Hunt still on for inmate missing since Monday A maximum-security inmate escaped from Maricopa County's Towers Jail late Monday, and officials are continuing to look for him. Luis Lopez-Erives, 22, likely hid inside a food cart and was wheeled outside, officials said. Inmate clothing was found in a nearby dumpster. Jail officials said Lopez-Erives had a visitor at 7:19 p.m. Monday, and afterwards a detention officer escorted him back to his housing area and left him in the hallway. At about the same time, inmate trustees who work in the kitchen came by to collect the dinner trays and take them back to the adjacent Durango Jail.

Lopez-Erives "seized the opportunity," said Cmdr. Bill Karowski, who oversees the Towers Jail, southwest of 31st Avenue and Buckeye Road. "We think he slipped out with them." He was discovered missing at a 10 p.m. head count. Lopez-Erives was arrested in August after Phoenix police said he and another man led them on a chase through golf courses, neighborhood streets and around the historic Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa. One man was shot during the incident and a Phoenix police officer was fired upon. The inmate was awaiting trial on multiple felony charges, including aggravated assault, armed robbery and vehicle theft. Authorities are investigating whether Lopez-Erives' visitor had anything to do with the escape. Lopez-Erives was among the inmates scheduled for transfer to the new higher-security Lower Buckeye Jail when it opens this weekend.

[  azcentral.com

10.april 2005

mann aus dem carteret knast geflohen.

Prison Escape from Carteret Corrections

A prisoner from Carteret County is on the loose...Corrections officers say 35-year-old Phillip Vick escaped last night... Sometime between 7:30 and 8:30. Vick's orginally from Henderson...that's in Vance County. If you see him... Call police right away. Vick was serving about six months... For driving when he wasn't supposed to... And crashing into someone's property.

[  www.wnct.com

8. april 2005

flucht aus dem franklin county knast

Inmate Escapes From Franklin County Jail

Walker Serving Time For Drug Trafficking, Parole Violation COLUMBUS, Ohio -- A man who was serving time for drug trafficking and parole violation walked away from the Franklin County Jail-Jackson Pike work release facility early Friday. Germaine Walker ran out the lobby of the south Columbus facility at 1:58 a.m., NBC 4 reported. Walker began his work-release program on March 18. He is desribed as black, 5 feet 10 inches tall, with brown eyes and hair that is in dreadlocks. Walker was wearing a blue suit at the time of the escape, NBC 4 reported.

[  nbc4i.com

8. april 2005

kurze flucht von 4 jugendlichen aus dem st. joseph knast.

Juvenile Detention Escapees

Four male youths in a St. Joseph detention center are in custody now, but that wasn`t the case earlier. They escaped after they knocked an employee down at Riverside Treatment Center, then got away and ran two-and-a-half miles South through a field, to Easton Rd. There, they unsuccessfully tried to car-jack a man in his late fifties. That man had only minor injuries from the assult. After the car-jacking attempt, the four seperated. Sgt. Bill Albertson from the Buchanan Co. Sheriff`s Dept. says, "They were taken into custody at four seperate locations between Riverbend Treatment Center at the 5500 block of Easton Road." Names are not yet being released, but two of the escapees are 17-years old and have been booked as adults at the St. Joseph Law Enforcement Center.

[  kq2.com

8. april 2005

angeblich hatten mitglieder der new people's army einen ausbruch geplant. das ganze soll auf video aufgenommen worden sein.

Jailbreak plan of political detainees caught on video

Capitol consultant on security Byron Garcia yesterday presented video footages showing three political detainees at the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, led by Edgardo Sacamay, having a meeting at the isolation cell area last March 23 in the afternoon for a supposed plan to escape during the Holy Week.

The video presented yesterday supported earlier claims that the New People’s Army had planned to rescue political detainees. On the night of March 23 after Sacamay, Geger Geverola and Ronal Sindrijas met with the council of leaders of the inmates at the CPDRC, 15 armed men were reportedly sighted at the vicinity of the provincial jail in barangay Kalunasan, according to Cebu Governor Gwendolyn Garcia. Gwen said that Sacamay requested the council of leaders of the inmates to support their plan. According to the report received by Byron, the rescue plot will be done through the help of the militant group Karapatan. The plan would have been for Karapatan to hold a prayer vigil in front of CPDRC and the other inmates to make a noise to catch the attention of the jail authorities while the political prisoners led by Sacamay would escape through the area between towers 2 and 3, the same area where Marcos Montaño escaped.

Byron presented the video recording from the jail’s security camera to disprove allegations that an earlier footage shown to reporters depicting three inmates smoking marijuana was fake, as reported in one of the daily papers. Gwen asked her brother Byron to prove that the footage presented to her and the media was authentic and not fabricated as claimed by Cebu Daily News quoting an unnamed source.

To prove that the footage showing inmates Jose Golfan, Samuel Narandan, and Joseph Monterde smoking marijuana at the isolation area near the guard station on Maundy Thursday were authentic, Byron showed the video of Sacamay and his group meeting at the same place for a supposed plan to escape. Gwen challenged CDN also to prove the video was fake, as what it had reported. She said that CDN should present evidence on or before Monday that the video presented to her by Byron was prepared by a whack-hack so that she can make a deliberate action. Gwen added that should CDN prove that the video presented to her was “manufactured”, she will fire Byron for fooling her.

[  thefreeman.com

7. april 2005

ein weiterer ausbruch aus dem polizeiknast bojong gede.nachdem am sonntag 7 männer geflüchtet sind, haben am mittwoch 3 männer "die gitter ihrer zellen durhcgesägt und sind geflüchtet".

More detainees escape police cell

Just three days after seven detainees escaped from the Bojong Gede police detention center, three detainees broke out of the East Jakarta police detention center shortly before noon on Wednesday by sawing through the bars of their cell.City police spokesman Sr. Comr. Tjiptono said on Wednesday that officers quickly launched a manhunt for the three after they discovered at 12 p.m. that the cell was empty."They sawed through the bars and made good their escape. We found several pieces of evidence in the cell. We hope we can recapture them as soon as possible," said Tjiptono.

The three fugitives had been detained earlier for traffic violations in a number of different locations in East Jakarta. A source at Jakarta Police Headquarters said that two internal affairs officers had visited the East Jakarta Police Headquarters to investigate whether the escape was due to negligence on the part of officers. "It would have been impossible for the detainees to escape if the guards had checked the cell every two hours as required. They would have seen them sawing through the bars if they had been doing their jobs," he told The Jakarta Post.

The internal affairs division is also investigating the Bojong Gede sub-precinct police chief and several of his officers over the escape of seven detainees from the local detention center on Sunday. The seven, detained for theft and illegal mining offenses, broke out of the detention center early on Sunday morning through a hole they had been digging for several days using spoons and forks. Police had recaptured three of them by Wednesday. Tjiptono said the Bojong Gede officers had been negligent and that the sub-precinct police chief, Adj. Comr. Haryono, had to be held responsible. On Tuesday, Jakarta Police chief Insp. Gen. Firman Gani said that Haryono could be removed from his post, transferred to another post or face a disciplinary hearing if enough incriminating evidence was found. Another police source said that internal affairs had proposed to Firman that Haryono be removed from his job as they had found evidence that he had not been supervising his subordinates properly.

"The Bojong Gede police chief signed the detainees' attendance list right before the escape. How could he have signed the list without checking on the detainees?" the source said. He added that a failure to punish negligent officers would set a bad example for other officers, and lead them to believe that they could get away with their mistakes. "The incident in the East Jakarta precinct shows that the Bojong Gede escape hasn't taught them a lesson as no punishments were imposed on the guilty officers there," he said. Meanwhile, the chief of the Jakarta Police's logistics unit, Sr. Comr. Bambang Kuncoko, said that around 55 percent of the 103 sub-precinct buildings in Greater Jakarta were not adequate for use as detention centers, or command centers for that matter, as they were too old or lacked sturdy bars in their cells.

"Many of the sub-precinct buildings were built over thirty years ago. They badly need renovation. We are still evaluating the possibility of renovating the buildings given that it will cost us Rp 2 million for each meter renovated," said Bambang. Several officers said that deteriorating buildings had contributed to the recent series of escapes.

[  thejakartapost.com

7. april 2005

einer der am 4. april geflohenen hat sich "selbst gestellt"

Mandaluyong jail escapee surrenders

One of three inmates who escaped from a Mandaluyong City detention center surrendered yesterday, claiming family problems drove him to seek his liberty.Arnel Macasaet, 25, said he joined Gerald Francis Bonifacio and Renato Barroa in bolting the police jail to work out problems with his wife. Macasaet said he and his wife had a misunderstanding when the latter visited him at the detention cell, where he had been jailed for possession of illegal drugs last Sunday night.

When he arrived at their residence at 248 Sto. Rosario street in Mandaluyong, Macasaet was convinced by his mother to surrender to Tito Enriquez, head of the City’s Mayor’ Action Command (MAC). Macasaet was presented to Mayor Neptali Gonzales after his surrender yesterday morning.Gonzales vowed to extend help to Macasaet through the city Anti-Drug Abuse Council.Meanwhile, Superintendent Ericson Velasquez, Mandaluyong City police chief said they are still determining the sanctions to be imposed on police officers assigned to guard the jail at the time of the escape. "If we can establish during the course of investigation that there had been lapses on their part and they did not perform what is mandated under the law, they will be charged accordingly," Velasquez said. Those assigned and the jail during the incident were SPO3 Bayani Prianes, PO1 Narido Lobrido, PO2 Edmund Kabilla, and PO2 Jose Lazaro. Velasquez said the four police officers were busy documenting cases when the trio escaped.

[  philstar.com

7. april 2005

ein mann wurde "irrtümlich entlassen", ein weiterer ist bei der fahrt vom gericht geflüchtet.

Two Geiger inmates on the loose

AIRWAY HEIGHTS, Wash. -- Law enforcement officers were looking for two inmates from the Geiger Corrections Center. One was mistakenly released Tuesday and the other escaped Wednesday. Steven J. Siversten, 34, escaped out of a van Wednesday afternoon when he was being transported from Spokane County Superior Court to the Airway Heights facility, Geiger custody manager Brett Sobosky said. He was being returned to Geiger after he failed to post bond on charges of possession and delivery of controlled substances. Sobosky said Siversten kicked out a window of the van and escaped on foot. There were seven inmates in the van, and the driver couldn't stop the escape, Sobosky said.

Eric D. Peterson, 32, was mistakenly released Tuesday from the correctional center. He was sentenced to 15 months in prison Monday after pleading guilty to two counts of possession of a controlled substance, methamphetamine. He was supposed to be returned to the Spokane County Jail. Instead, Peterson was released with two other Geiger inmates who had completed their sentences, Geiger Director Leon Long said. "We had a fairly new officer on," Long said. "Two people were being released and one was supposed to be going back to the jail and was released, too." Last July, Geiger corrections officers released an inmate a year early and didn't realize the mistake until the man's frightened ex-girlfriend called to say he had phoned her, saying, "I'm out."

[  seattlepi.nwsource.com

6. april 2005

28 jahre nach seiner flucht aus dem larendon county knast in south carolina wurde ein mann in orlando, florida, wieder verhaftet.

Escapee Found 28 Years Later

South Carolina - A man, who escaped from a South Carolina jail 28 years ago, is back behind bars. 51 year old, Ernest Boyd, was found in Orlando, Florida. A retired state prison employee tracked him down. Boyd escaped from the Clarendon County Detention Center by climbing over a security fence. At the time, of his escape, Boyd was serving 5 years for Common Law Robbery.

[  abcnews4.com

6. april 2005

einer von 3 am 31. märz aus dem covington knast geflohenen männer wurde wieder verhaftet.

Fugitive arrested after escape

By Lee Weyhrich

Friday evening one of the three inmates that escaped from Covington County jail was captured in east Escambia community of Dixie. Darrell Ray Henry, 34, was captured on Poindexter Lane after escaping the jail with two other inmates and stealing a Dodge pickup truck. "He was caught on Poindexter road which is a little dirt road in Dixie at the Covington line just inside of Escambia," Capt. Chuck McMullen with the Escambia County Sheriff's Department said. Henry escaped from the jail Thursday morning with fellow inmates James Harnage and Ray Doster. Details of the escape are not yet known. "I know the three of them left together and crawled into an air conditioner vent and got out on the roof, but after that I'm not sure what happened," McMullen said.

According to information provided by the Sheriff's department, Henry was found driving a 2002 Dodge truck that had been reported stolen from the City of Andalusia's city garage. "We had actually set up surveillance on a home that Henry had frequented," McMullen said. "Covington County Sheriff Department told us that a Dodge truck had been stolen and pretty soon we spotted it coming down the road toward us. We actually spotted it on the dirt area in front of the house and when he spotted us he turned down Poindexter Lane. He stopped the vehicle and he was taken into custody." Deputies with the Escambia County Sheriff's Office, agents from the 21st Judicial Drug Task Force and an officer from the Alabama Department of Conservation assisted with the arrest. "The other two inmates, Doster and Harnage, are still at large and could be hiding in the woods in the eastern part of Escambia County," McMullen said. "We are asking everyone in that area to make sure to lock doors and vehicles and be cautious of strangers."

McMullen said the two men could be almost anywhere. "We don't have any way of knowing," McMullen said. "They could as easily be here as Covington County. There's nothing, no direct link that says they're here but there's nothing that says they aren't." Henry was serving a sentence on drug charges. McMullen urges anyone that sees Doster or Harnage or any suspicious activity, to call the Sheriff's Office at 809-0741 or just dial 911.

[  atmoreadvance.com

5. april 2005

nach 10 jahre wurde ein aus einem knast in oklahoma geflohener mann wieder verhaftet. er soll dabei die frau eines wärters die ganzen jahre als geisel dabei gehabt haben.

Convict Holds Woman Captive 10 Years

A man who escaped from an Oklahoma prison 10 years ago, had held a prison guard's wife captive all that time. She stayed with the convict out of fear for her family, she said. April 5, 2005 (AXcess News) Campti, TX - A man who escaped from an Oklahoma prison 10 years ago, had held a prison guard's wife captive all that time. She stayed with the convict out of fear for her family, she said. Randolph Dial, held guard's wife captive for 10 years after escaping from an Oaklahoma prison in 1994 A tip from the television show, America's Most Wanted, led police to a trailer in Campti Texas where they arrested Randolph Dial, who had escaped from the Oklahoma State Reformatory in Granite Oklahoma in 1994.

Bobbi Parker, 42, the prison guard's wife, was found a short time later working at a chicken farm near Campti. A spokesperson for the Oklahoma branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) said she was reunited a short time later with her husband, who is now a warden at a Northwestern Oklahoma prison. Dial, who was a trustee convict at the reformatory at the time of his escape, had taught pottery to other inmates and used a kiln which was in the Parker's garage. The convict had taken Parker with him in his escape and drifted until moving into the trailer in Campti. Parker said she was afraid for her family so she stayed with Dial, even telephoning her home on the evening of Dial's escape to tell her children she loved them and would be home soon. A second, but brief call, was placed to a friend of hers days later saying she should contact her children and let them know she was safe, loved them and would be home soon. That was ten years ago. Authorities said it was not uncommon for victims of kidnappings to stay with their abductor out of fear of retribution towards their families. Parker has been reunited with her husband, whom authorities said the reunion went well.

[  www.axcessnews.com

5. april 2005

ein vor 28 jahren geflohener mann wurde in orlando, florida, wieder verhaftet.

SC fugitive captured in Florida after 28 years

(Columbia) April 5, 2005 - A man who escaped from a South Carolina jail 28 years ago has been captured in Orlando, Florida.

Ernest Boyd, 51, had been in and out of Florida prisons several times since escaping from the Clarendon County Detention Center in Manning by climbing over a security fence. Boyd was arrested on Friday, just four days after a retired South Carolina prison employee began looking for him. Ray Corbitt says he checked Boyd's FBI file and found that Boyd had been in an Orlando jail this year. Boyd was serving more than five years in prison for common law robbery at the time of his escape. Corbitt says he only wanted the South Carolina Department of Corrections to let him know if the capture was successful, "Would you believe no one from the SCDC has even called me to say thanks?"

[  wistv.com
S. Carolina fugitive captured in Orlando after 28 years

SUMTER, S.C. - A robber who escaped from a South Carolina jail 28 years ago has been captured in Orlando, Fla. Ernest Boyd, 51, had been in and out of Florida prisons several times since escaping from the Clarendon County Detention Center in Manning by climbing over a security fence, but South Carolina prison officials apparently never realized it.

At the time of his escape, Boyd was serving more than five years in prison for robbery. He was arrested Friday, just four days after a retired South Carolina prison employee began looking for him. Roy Corbitt started his investigation by checking Boyd's South Carolina prison record, which included aliases, a list of possible family members, acquaintances, former girlfriends and arrest records.

"I kept checking his FBI rap sheet and saw that he had been in an Orlando jail this year," said Corbitt. "That's where I hit pay dirt." What bothers Corbitt more than prison officials not finding Boyd despite his time in prison is that no one from the South Carolina Corrections Department has called to thank him. "They thought what I was doing was illegal," said Corbitt. He has been investigated by the state Law Enforcement Division for using prison computers even though he had a letter of approval from the agency.

[  abcactionnews.com

5.april 2005

nach einer woche auf der flucht wurden zwei männer wieder verhaftet.

Vernon escapees recaptured

LEESVILLE, La. A pair of inmates who walked away from a work detail in Leesville a week ago are back in jail. Inmates Terry Schexnider and Paul Day, along with Douglas Kent Carroll the Second, were arrested Sunday in Liberty County, Texas. Schexnider and Day were booked with simple escape, and Carroll, who is Days nephew, was charged with two counts of assisting escape. Sheriff Sam Craft said the three signed waivers of extradition and were returned to Vernon Parish.

[  katc.com

5.april 2005

3 männer aus dem polizeiknast in mandaluyong geflüchtet.

3 escape from Mandaluyong jail

THREE suspects who had been arrested for drug-related violations escaped from their detention cell at the Mandaluyong City police station. Mandaluyong City Police Chief Senior Supt. Ericson Velasquez identified the suspects as Arnel Macasaet, Renato Barroa, and Gerald Bonifacio. They are in their mid-20s, the police chief added. The three could have escaped at about 5 a.m. on Monday by detaching the plywood that covered part of the ceiling of the makeshift toilet inside the cell.

Fellow detainees claimed they had no inkling that a jailbreak was in progress.The cell is at the back of the criminal investigation unit office. Police said the three were still inside the cell when duty officers checked at about 4 a.m.But when a head count of the detainees was conducted three hours later, the three were nowhere to be found. The detainees said they had noticed that part of the ceiling had been pried open.

"We were sleeping. We did not hear them move about," a detainee told the Inquirer.The three had been arrested for drug-related violations in different police operations last week.Because of the jailbreak, police officials ordered all shift supervisors to act as jail wardens.Duty officers would check on the detainees every 30 minutes, according to a memorandum issued hours after the incident. Only last month, suspected Abu Sayyaf members staged a bloody jailbreak attempt at Camp Bagong Diwa, Taguig City.

[  news.inq7.net

3.april 2005

bei einer zellenrazzia sollen bei einem als "babes in the wood beast" bezeichnetem mann beweise für einen geplanten ausbruch gefunden worden sein.


BABES In The Wood suspect Russell Bishop has been caught trying to make an amazing escape from prison. The paedophile was rumbled by warders who raided his cell and found knotted sheets and detailed pencil drawings. They believe the 37-year-old ex-roofer had spent months planning to break out of high-security Wakefield jail, West Yorks, after losing a bid for parole. But staff were tipped off and his plot to scale walls was scuppered. A team of officers from Wakefield's Dedicated Search Team tore apart Bishop's cell on the jail's notorious D-wing on Monday and took away items for evidence.

During the seven-hour search it is believed officers discovered bed sheets tied together to make a ladder and several towels among the plans. To escape prisoners wrap two wet towels around two bars of a cell, attach them to a metal rod - usually a bed leg - and twist them until the bars come loose. Bishop - who has served 15 years of a life sentence for the attempted murder, kidnap and indecent assault of a seven-year-old girl - has now been placed in a high-security solitary confinement cell indefinitely. A Wakefield Prison source revealed last night: "If the prison staff weren't so highly-trained and vigilant then he may have escaped or at least managed to put his plan into action and attempted it.

"Bishop is now regarded as Wakefield's biggest escape threat. "He's under 24-hour observation and the evidence is being looked at - he could be charged with trying to escape from lawful custody. He's served his time quietly up to now and no-one thought he was hatching escape plans. When his cell was raided Bishop looked shocked - he'd tried to keep everything so secret and just couldn't understand how they'd found out. "Since he was refused parole last year he has become a bit obstructive, he really thought he was going to get out. Now he's been told that he can't apply for parole again for two years.

"He is convinced that he will die in jail." The source said his cell has been padlocked with no-one allowed in until the probe is complete. Bishop - a father-of-three - wass originally charged with the murder of friends Karen Hadaway, nine, and Nicola Fellows, 10, in Wild Park, Brighton in 1986, but his trial collapsed amid doubts over forensic evidence.

Just three years after being cleared at Lewes Crown Court he tried to strangle a seven-year-old girl just two miles from where Karen and Nicola's bodies were found. He was convicted and sentenced to life in jail. Last year police began probing the Babes In The Wood murders again using new DNA technology, and changes in the law mean Bishop could be tried again. Wakefield is one of Britain's highest security jails with inmates including Soham murderer Ian Huntley and Sarah Payne's killer Roy Whiting. Last night a Home Office spokesman said: "We cannot comment on individual prisoners."

[  sundaymirror.co.uk

2.april 2005

artikel über die flucht von 3 gefangenen aus dem covington county jail

Citizen calls for sheriff to resign

In light of recent events, one citizen is expressing his outrage over the escape of three inmates from the Covington County Jail, particularly Oscar Roy Doster, by calling for the immediate resignation of Covington County Sheriff Anthony Clark and Jail Administrator Jerry Edgar. Blaine Wilson, a former employee of the Covington County Sheriff's Department and a current employee of the Andalusia Police Department, publicly demanded the two men resign from their positions Friday morning, citing a lack of leadership from within the confines of the Covington County Sheriff's Department.

"In the interest of the citizens, I am demanding their resignation," Wilson says of Clark and Edgar. "It's time for them to go. There have been too many escapes. Who's investigating the sheriff's department and the allegations against it. And, where is the sheriff and the administrator in all of this? We didn't elect Julie Moody, the county attorney to do the talking. It is the sheriff's responsibility. Where is he?"And Wilson feels he's not alone in his call. "We're getting attention statewide," he says. "The people of Covington County are speaking, and I believe most of them feel the same. I know there's opposition to my point of view, but I've been hearing nothing but positive comments."

Wilson bases his claims on lack of leadership in the CCSO by his experiences there, and as an active member still of the law enforcement community ... and he likens it too running a business."In any organization or business, there is a leader, a person in charge.Regardless of what happens, good or bad, it all comes back to those at top," he says. "These two men are the two at the top. They make the decisions and they are the ones who have to answer. The blame lies with them. "I think they haven't shown leadership during this time," he continues. "You have not seen them come to a leadership role in this. The people of Covington County want to hear the truth from them. We haven't heard anything from them, and I'm trying to do what I think is best for my community." Referring to his days as a deputy as proof as lack of leadership, Wilson says there should be documented proof as to the lack of leadership and procedures.

"There should be a list of rules for the jail and sheriff's department, a standard operating procedure, or SOP," he says. "There is not one unless they've just put one in place since all of this happened." Wilson also cites as lack of leadership situations in the jail surrounding the escape."When Doster escaped the first time, a chain and lock was put around the door, where was the chain and lock at this time," he questions. "This jail was not equipped to handle an inmate like Doster. He escaped once before, and why was he put back in this jail?

"You cannot tell me that with a Republican Sheriff, a Republican Governor, and a Republican Commission Chairman that he could not have been housed somewhere else," he continues. "If he had served his state time, don't say it's 'Because he was our prisoner.' There are other county jails that could have housed ... jails that he hasn't escaped from. Doster was too high of a risk to be kept at this facility." Wilson also raised the question over who would be terminated from the sheriff's department following this escape.

"When Doster escaped the first time, Dennis Meeks was terminated," he says. "Before that, when Joey Nichols escaped, it was Hayward Thomas. Who will be terminated this time? Will it be Jerry Edgar, the jail administrator? My question is who? Are you going to continue to blame overcrowding and sing the same old song, just a different verse? Who's going to face the music?" Wilson, who was a deputy during Doster's first escape, says he resigned from his position on April 3, 2003. Doster, along with three other inmates escaped in 2002.

"I was not forced to resign," Wilson says when asked if he was asked by the department to resign and was holding an ill will. "I resigned by letter because I could not continue to work for a department where I continued to see wrongdoing take place." Because of his past involvement with the department, Wilson was asked if he was trying to make a political statement for his future gain, or the gain of another individual who might be running for sheriff in the 2006 election. "I do not have a direct plan at this time to run for sheriff," he says. "Do I want to be employed there in the future? Yes. I know that while I was a deputy, it made me a better person, and I was making a difference. Do I regret resigning in April 2003? No."I do not have an agenda, but I refuse to watch Anthony Clark run as a Republican candidate as the only candidate," he continues.

"I have beeninvestigating the Covington County Sheriff's Department since April 2003, and the jail, and its leaders using archived newspapers, court documents, and files from county, state and federal sources. During this time I have requested this newspaper, the Opp News, and Montgomery television stations assistance in bringing my findings to the public, so it may be a question in someone's mind I'm using it to promote an agenda, and to answer that, is to say if I had received assistance months ago, we might not be facing this situation."

Deep down, though, putting his personal feelings on the election aside, Wilson says he believes Sheriff Clark is a good man. "I do think he's a good man, and that he has the best intentions," he says. "However, I don't think he is in a position to be running the sheriff's department. I think he wants to do what's right, and what's right would be to resign.

"I only want to claim our jail back for our county," Wilson continues. "The only way to do that is to hire someone as jail administrator with state or federal experience who will write an SOP and give the resources needed. To do that, we've got to have a sheriff and commission who will support that administration. The only way to do that is for Anthony Clark and Jerry Edgar to resign.

"There are no examples being set at the top, and there is no direction to be followed," Wilson continues. "Where is the sheriff? Who's in charge? We don't know who's in charge? If he is on the job, then tell us where he is, and if we don't know where the escapees are, tell us that. Let the people be prepared."

[  Citizen calls for sheriff to resign
[  Search broadens to encompass entire county, caution still urged for residents

1. april 2005

bei einem fluchtversuch bei der fahrt von einem krankenhaus wurde ein wärter verletzt ( gekratzt, dies soll sich später infiziert haben)

Jailer injured in escape attempt

A Moffat County jailer was injured Monday in a scuffle with an inmate who allegedly was trying to escape.Deputy John Kurz suffered scrat-ches to his hand that later be-came infected. He was escorting inmate Steve Tamlin from The Memorial Hospital when Tamlin attempted to escape, said Moffat County Sher-iff Buddy Grinstead.

Moments earlier, Tamlin had run from the deputy and pulled the hospital's fire alarm "to draw attention away from himself," Grinstead said. Kurz is being checked for infectious diseases, the sheriff said. The Sheriff's Office has recommended second-degree assault charges in the case that was forwarded to the District Attorney's Office on Thursday. Tamlin was arrested Sunday after Craig police officers were call-ed to a house in the 2000 block of West Third Street at about 7:45 p.m. for a man who appeared to be having a heart attack and displaying "bizarre" behavior. However, Tamlin later said he was high on drugs and admitted to taking methamphetamine earlier in the day, according to a police report.

After being taken by ambulance to the hospital, Tamlin told police he might be under the influence of methamphetamine. Tamlin had been trying to get help to quit using the drug, but he kept using them, his wife, Cheryl, told police, according to the report. She said she feared for her life and the life of her husband if he could not get into a drug rehabilitation program -- the only way to put a stop to his erratic behavior.

Tamlin was charged with unlawful use of a Schedule II controlled substance in the case. He since has been released from jail after posting a $10,000 bond.Grinstead said the assault is less about deputy safety than about the effects of meth."It speaks more loudly to the meth problem," he said. Grinstead said the jail staffers have come to expect an increase in violent behavior from inmates about three to four weeks after the inmates come down from using the drug.

"We see more inmate-to-inmate and inmate-to-detention-officers assaults at that time," Grinstead said. "It's not a manpower issue, we're concerned about the contagious diseases that are the side effects of meth." Moffat County commissioners agreed recently to allow jail officials to hire an additional detention officer. It will allow for three full-time detention officer positions to work around the clock. The added position won't be a "cure" to assaults at the jail, but the measure should help, Jail Admin-istrator Dean Herndon said.

[  craigdailypress.com

1. april 2005
leider nur kurze flucht aus dem franklin county knast.
Inmate Captured Hours After Escape - Zelenak Was With Cleaning Crew

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- An inmate who escaped from a Franklin County jail early Friday morning was captured several hours later in southeast Columbus, NBC 4's Kyle Anderson reported. Officials said Andrew Zelenak, 33, was working on a cleaning crew in the visitation lobby at the Jackson Pike facility when he took off. County deputies, with help from Columbus police -- including the use of a helicopter -- searched the area. Zelenak was wearing a jail uniform when he escaped that included orange pants and a tan top with FCCC written on the back. He was eventually captured at about 5 a.m. along Hilock Road. Zelenak was in jail on charges of receiving stolen property and robbery. He now faces more charges for the escape.

[  nbc4i.com

1.april 2005

2 "verhaftete personen" geflüchtet.

Two arrested persons escaped from a detention ward in the Orlov region

MOSCOW, April 1 (Itar-Tass) -- Two arrested persons have escaped from a detention ward in the Orlov region, police told Itar-Tass. The persons were arrested for robbery and rape, with a court warrant issued for the arrest. In the outdoor yard for walking, the two threatening police with some side arms seized the keys and escaped. According to police reports, it happened on Thursday morning. The search for them has been unsuccessful so far. Investigation is under way in connection with the escape.

[  itar-tass.com

1. april 2005

bei einem ausbruchsversuch mit anschl. riot ( aussagen der polizei ) wurden 3 gefangene und ein wärter getötet, 3 gefangene, ein besucher und 4 wärter wurden verletzt;

Prison escape bid turns deadly

One warder, three inmates killed; 8 injured

A warder and three prisoners were yesterday shot dead during an escape bid by inmates at the Tower Street Correctional Centre in downtown Kingston. Eight others received injuries during the riot at the maximum security facility, which sent some inmates and visitors scurrying for cover. Superintendent Ionie Ramsay-Nelson, head of the Constabulary Communication Network, the police's information arm, told reporters that at about 10:15 am while warders were processing inmates and visitors who had taken food and clothes for relatives and friends, a man in the crowd pulled a firearm. "The warders took evasive action, pulled their firearms, shots were fired and the prisoners and warders were shot," Ramsay-Nelson said. "It was later discovered that four people were shot dead."Initial investigations revealed that the shooting was part of a plot to disrupt the service of the prison and create a mass escape," Ramsay-Nelson added.

After the shooting, prison warder Maurice Whittingham, 28, of Horizon Park in Spanish Town, St Catherine, lay dead, while three of his colleagues - Wayne Lindsay, Roger Mills and Cleopatrick Blake - and aftercare officer Carol Clarke were shot and injured. They were all taken to hospital where Lindsay, 37, who was shot in the left hip, and Mills, who received gunshot wounds to the shoulder and face, were hospitalised. The others were treated and released.The three dead prisoners were identified as Kamar Cottrell, of Highlight View, Gordon Town, St Andrew, who was serving a 15-year sentence for illegal possession of firearm and ammunition, and wounding with intent; Richard Harrison and Jeffrey Jones.

A police source said there was a two-hour standoff by prisoners, which had prevented Cottrell's body from being moved to the morgue. The source said a prisoner who was carrying a gun had threatened to kill inmates on one of the blocks.Three inmates and a visitor to the prison also received injuries and were admitted to hospital. The visitor, who was being questioned by the police in connection with the shooting, was under police guard at hospital. A warder, Dennis Wright, who witnessed the shooting, was admitted to hospital for shock. "He is traumatised and cannot talk... It is like his brain is gone...he saw everything," one of Wright's colleagues told the Observer as tears rolled down his cheeks.

A .38 revolver and six spent shells, which were recovered by warders after the shooting, were handed over to the police. Up to last night, the prison was being searched by officers from the Caribbean Search Centre, Jamaica Defence Force and the Correctional Services.Last night, Peter Phillips, the national security minister, ordered a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the incident and asked that a report be submitted to him within 10 days. At the same time, prison boss Major Richard Reese has instructed that a board of inquiry submit a report to him on the matter by April 14.

[  jamaicaobserver.com

30. märz 2005

zwei am 27. märz aus dem bryan county knast geflohene männer wurden wieder verhaftet.

[  Bryan jail escapees captured

30. märz 2005

15 jähriger aus dem hillbrook detention center geflüchtet.

Teen escapes from detention center

Onondaga County Sheriff's deputies are looking for a 15 year old who escaped from the Hillbrook Detention Center last night.A staff member heard the teen break the window in his room and saw him climbing out. We're told the staff member tried to stop him, but wasn't able to. The teen was being held on criminal charges.The teen is about 5'10” and weighs about 150 pounds. He was wearing a light blue t-shirt and dark blue pants and was barefoot.

[  news10now.com

30. märz 2005

ein gefangener der lt. der polizei ist ein "extrem gefährlicher killer" sein soll ist geflohen.

Australian killer escapes prison farm

One of Western Australia's longest-serving prisoners, locked up indefinitely for murdering a young couple while on the run from jail, has escaped from a minimum security prison farm.It was Brian William Edwards' third escape from prison in a near 40-year criminal career. Police describing the 48-year-old as extremely dangerous, unpredictable and resourceful.He walked out of the minimum-security Karnet Prison farm 73km from Perth on Monday night.

[  nzherald.co

29. märz 2005

ein im januar aus san quentin geflohener mann wurde verhaftet.


A prisoner who escaped from San Quentin State Prison in January was arrested and returned to prison after a traffic stop in East Palo Alto Monday night, a prison spokesman said this morning.Dwayne Polk left the minimum-security area of the prison sometime on the night of Jan. 4 and was reported missing after a check on prisoners that night, according to spokesman Vernell Crittendon.

Crittendon said agents from the state Department of Corrections actively searched for Polk and bulletins were sent to local law enforcement agencies with Polk's photo and a list of addresses he might frequent.Polk was found when East Palo Alto police conducted a traffic stop on University Avenue Monday night, Crittendon said.

Police took him into custody on his outstanding arrest warrant for domestic violence involving a girlfriend in San Jose. He was returned to San Quentin late Monday night, Crittendon said.Crittendon said Polk is now being held in a higher-security area of the prison "where he will more than likely remain for the remainder of his time."Polk now faces additional charges for escape on top of charges in connection with the outstanding warrant, said Crittendon.

[  cbs5.com

29. märz 2005

5 gefangene wurden bei einem fluchtversuch erschossen, ein schwer verletzter starb später im krankenhaus. weiteren 20 - 30 gefangenen gelang die flucht. dies ist "der dritte aufsehenerregende ausbruch in weniger als 2 wochen." am 15. märz flüchteten 5 gefangene, am 27. märz flohen 8 männer. im ruyigi knast, ca.200 km von der hauptstadt bujumbura entfernt, sind 400 männer inhaftiert, 200 mehr als eigentlich vorgesehen. 60% der 7.500 inhaftierten in burundi sind u- häftlinge. einige warten schon seit mehreren jahren auf ihren prozeß.

Guards kill five prisoners in Burundi jail break, unknown number escape

BUJUMBURA, Burundi (AP) - Guards at the main prison in eastern Burundi killed five prisoners and injured one during a jailbreak Monday, when between 20 and 30 prisoners escaped, an official said.The prisoners climbed over the walls of the prison in Ruyigi, 170 kilometers (105 miles) east of the capital, Bujumbura, said Godeberthe Nsabimana, an official in the governor's office."The five were killed on the spot, but others succeeded in disappearing into the brush that surrounds the town of Ruyigi," he said. "Prisoners started shouting from inside the prison to confuse the prison guards. A very big group then jumped out and was followed by a second, as guards tried to follow the first group."

Monday's noontime jailbreak followed the escape of eight other prisoner Sunday night, he added.Lucien Ndikumana, the prison's director, said they could not be certain of how many prisoners managed to escape Monday until guards complete a head count of the estimated 400 inmates who live in the facility, which is designed to hold only 200 people.Most of the inmates in Ruyigi prison have been convicted of taking part in several massacres of the country's Tutsi minority in 1993.The massacres followed the assassination by Tutsi paratroopers of Burundi's first democratically-elected president, who was a member of the Hutu majority. Hutu rebel groups quickly formed, resulting in a civil war that continues and has killed more than 250,000 people, most of them civilians.

[  rwanda.net

[  Prisoners killed in escape attempt

28.märz 2005

leider nur kurze flucht aus dem orange county knast.

Sheriff's Deputies Apprehend Jail Escapee

An inmate who escaped from an Orange County jail was apprehended Monday on a local bus after the driver alerted police, according to the Orange County Sheriff's Department.Emillio Lopez, 23, was spotted by a jogger near the James Musick Facility in Irvine at 6:50 a.m., scaling a 12-foot, barbed wire fence, said sheriff's department spokesman Jim Amormino.With a search team in "quick pursuit" of Lopez, the inmate managed to shed his jail clothes and put on "regular civilian clothes" as he ran several blocks through residential back yards, Amormino said.

Lopez then stopped at a bus station at Lake Forest Drive and Trabuco Road, where a stranger gave him fare for the westbound bus on Lake Forest. The bus driver noticed that Lopez fit the escaped inmate's description, which the sheriff's department had sent to the Orange County Transportation Authority and cab drivers shortly after the escape.Sheriff's deputies were called and they pulled Lopez off the bus at about 8:45 a.m. near Lake Forest and Overlake drives, Amormino said.

Lopez had changed into a black shirt and pants from his prison-issued light blue clothing. Amormino said Lopez had several cuts on his hand, possibly from scaling the fence.Lopez had been in jail for burglary and numerous other charges, including assault and battery, and he now faces a possible felony escape charge, Amormino said.Amormino added the escape "may have been a pre-planned event," as evidenced by the change of clothes.

[  nbc4.tv

28. märz 2005

zwei gefangene aus dem bryan county knast geflohen

2nd Escape in Less Than A Week

Authorities are investigating the escapee of two inmates at the Bryan County Auxiliary Jail. KTEN's Katie Delaune reports.

Officials tell KTEN News that two men escaped from the jail at around one this morning.The auxiliary jail houses an overflow of inmates from the main jail near the sheriff's office.Gary Hurst and Jason Flores walked out of their jail cell and escaped through a tin wall on the outside of the building.If you have know the whereabouts of these two men you are asked to call the sheriff's office at 580.924.3000You may remember just last week, an inmate escaped from the main jail, but was later caught by Grayson County Deputies.

[  kten.com

28. märz 2005

zwei männer aus dem regional treatment center in fergus falls,minnesota, geflohen

Two escape RTC Friday

Fergus Falls police said two men escaped the Regional Treatment Center Friday after overtaking a guard and stealing his keys.Kirk Okstad, 27, and Eli Samuel Anderson, 20, were committed to the RTC's chemical dependency center by Otter Tail County Court.Police said the two are not considered dangerous, and have likely left the area.

[  fergusfallsjournal.com

28. märz 2005

nachdem am 26. schon der zweite tunnel (siehe nachricht vom 26.märz05 weiter unten) gefunden wurde, entdeckten us-soldaten nun einen dritten / Massenausbruch wird vermutet

Tunnel finds at Iraqi prison suggest preparations for mass breakout

Inmates in Iraq's biggest prison had started digging a third escape tunnel in addition to the 180-metre (600ft) and 90-metre passages discovered by American guards last week, it emerged yesterday.The discovery underlined the audacity of an attempted mass breakout which was foiled when mud clogged up latrines, arousing suspicion that it was excavated soil.Dozens, possibly hundreds, of prisoners were believed to have been plotting a flight which would have made Camp Bucca, a 40-hectare (100-acre) site in the southern desert, Iraq's version of The Great Escape.

The third tunnel was a mere 1.5 metres, suggesting work had just begun, but the 180-metre passage, 3.7 metres to 4.5 metres deep and one metre wide, had burrowed past the metal fences and guard towers which ring the compound.The entrance was concealed by dirt over a false wooden floor in the sitting room area of a group of cells containing up to 30 inmates. The diggers used makeshift tools including a bucket cut from a five gallon water container and a shovel made of tent material.

No attempt had been made to escape, prompting guards to speculate that prisoners were waiting to finish the other tunnels for a combined breakout attempt, or for the arrival of the mist that habitually covers this part of the desert near the city of Umm Qasr.The two longer tunnels were found last Thursday after soil was found flushed down toilets and scattered around the perimeter of the camp. It was unclear when the short passage was discovered.

General George Casey, top US commander in Iraq, toured the facility shortly afterwards and awarded a medal to the soldier credited with finding the largest tunnel."There have been a few other attempts at digging a tunnel but nothing of this size," said an army spokeswoman, Major Flora Lee. "I'm not aware of any other instances where this has happened."

Camp Bucca's commanders said they had made guards watch The Great Escape, the 1963 film about allied airmen tunnelling out of a German prison camp, to learn lessons. However, it was not clear whether any of those involved in digging the tunnels were familiar with the film.Built by the US military from scratch, Camp Bucca holds 6,049 detainees, almost two-thirds of the total in Iraq. Eight compounds are each designed to hold about 800 people.There are fields for football and volleyball. Meals include rice, soup and stew. Most inmates are suspected insurgents, with "high-value" detainees kept in Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad.

But what was supposed to be a showcase facility erupted in violence in January, when inmates mounted what appeared to be a coordinated uprising and hurled rocks, sticks and concrete and used makeshift slingshots to pin down guards in watchtowers.Four inmates died and six were injured when guards used live rounds to suppress the disturbance.In a separate development yesterday, a video posted on the internet showed militants purportedly from al-Qaida's branch in Iraq executing an interior ministry official who identified himself as Col Ryadh Katie Olyway.

Before being shot in the head the colonel, reportedly kidnapped a month ago, expressed regret for having worked with the Americans and said the security services were being packed with Kurds and Shias.In the northern city of Kirkuk gunmen opened fire on a cafe frequented by Kurds, killing one person and injuring at least four.The national assembly is due to meet tomorrow to choose a speaker, two deputy speakers and possibly a president. It is only the second time it has met since the election in January.

[  guardian.co.uk

27. märz 2005

3 u- häftlinge geflüchtet

Three awaiting prisoners escape from Free State prison

Three awaiting trial awaiting prisoners have escaped from the Sasolburg Prison, in the Free State, Coenie Harley, of the Sasolburg's Crime Prevention Unit, said today.Harley says the men grabbed a gun from one of the warders and held three of them hostage. He says the suspects requested a vehicle from the warders, but their request was refused. The prisoners then fled on foot with the gun.Zacharia Modise, the Free State and Northern Cape correctional services commissioner, has asked the Sasolburg community to assist with information leading to the re-arrest of the escapees. Modise has however warned residents not to try and apprehend the escapees themselves.

[  sabcnews.com

27. märz 2005

flucht aus dem pitchess knast in kalifornien.

Inmate escapes From Santa Clarita Valley Detention Center

LOS ANGELES -- An inmate escaped from the Pitchess Detention Center in the Santa Clarita Valley Saturday morning.Dozens of deputies and a helicopter have been searching the area since the escape.Authorities said a man named Dewey West escaped from the kitchen, where he was assigned to work. He's 6 feet 6 inches tall and weighs 210 lbs.West was in custody on burglarly charges.

[  /www.nbc4.tv

26. märz 2005

wieder wurde in camp bursa ein tunnel entdeckt, der zweite innerhalb einer woche.

BAGHDAD: US prison guards discovered an escape tunnel from the maximum-security Camp Bucca detention centre in southern Iraq that was dug out with hand tools, a military spokesman said Saturday.Military police found a large tunnel beneath a detainee tent that stretched some 180 metres (600 feet) beyond the prison walls and led all the way to freedom, said Lieutenant Colonel Guy Rudisill, spokesman for US-run detention centres in Iraq.The tunnel, some four metres (12 to 15 feet) below ground, was big enough for one person to go through at a time, Rudisill said.

The prison near the southern port of Umm Qasr is home to 6,049 detainees and had been on heightened alert after guards uncovered a smaller tunnel a week earlier, Rudisill said. Including those held in the infamous Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad, at least 9,349 detainees are currently in US detention in Iraq, Rudisell said.At the beginning of March, US-run detention centres held a record high of 10,600 Iraqis.

[  US guards foil jail-break bid in Iraq

25. märz 2005

ein 14jähriger ist seit 3 wochen auf der flucht. er wird als serieneinbrecher bezeichnet.

Teen serial burglar escapes from custody

A 14-year-old boy, who has 52 convictions on his criminal record and was recently given a two-year detention order, has escaped from custody and has been at large for nearly three weeks.The small boy had been detained in January for two years in the Trinity House Detention Centre, for burgling an elderly woman’s home.He has a litany of convictions for burglaries and over the past two and a half years has been detained by courts in Dublin, Mayo, Clare and Leitrim for his offending, which started when he was aged 11 years.

It is understood the boy, who has numerous previous convictions for escaping from lawful custody, had been brought on a day’s outing from the Trinity House detention centre, in North Dublin, on Sunday, March 13, and escaped from a car when it reached Drogheda.“We believe he is now being looked after by members of his extended family. He has not returned to his parents’ home in Dublin,” said a garda source.

In recent years the boy had been living with his family in west Dublin. Prior to that, he had lived with his family in different parts of the country, but mostly in the west of Ireland.Last October the boy, who had been out-of-school, had been detained for two years on his 50th conviction for taking part in number of burglaries which occurred while he was at large from a young offenders’ detention facility.During that breakout on August 9 last year, he had burgled an elderly woman’s home at Lynwood, Ballinteeer, Dundrum and was later caught trespassing at the home of an elderly man, also in the same area.

The woman had been in her home when the teenager forced entry by smashing a rear window with a rock.On February 6, 2004, he took part in the three burglaries in Terenure within the space of an hour.On December 11, 2003, he was convicted at Clare District Court on four counts of escaping from lawful custody, theft, two counts of burglary, criminal damage, and one charge for skipping court, which resulted in a two year detention order being imposed.

On February 21, 2003, at Ballinrobe District Court, Mayo, he was convicted of 10 counts of burglary and one count of larceny of property from an unattended vehicle.He had been given the probation act on one of the burglary charges with all other charges taken into consideration.On December 12, 2002, when he was 12, he was detained for two years at the Finglas Children’s Centre, by Ballinrobe District Court, for five charges of escaping from lawful custody, trespassing, theft, and criminal damage to property.On May 22, 2002, at Carrick-on-Shannon District Court, he was convicted of stealing €6,350, two larceny charges and 11 burglary charges.

[  breakingnews.iol.ie

24. märz 2005

flucht aus dem gericht

Man sought by gardaí following court escape

A man is still on the run from the gardaí after escaping from custody in Clonmel, Co Tipperary two days ago.Richard Freyne was under escort from Limerick Prison on Tuesday morning when he escaped from Clonmel courthouse at around 10.15am.He should have appeared at the High Court in Cloverhill Prison in Dublin yesterday in relation to a bail application. Mr Freyne had been in custody since 22 February.The 28-year-old from Clonmel is alleged to have been a member of a gang which robbed and gagged a couple in their home a month ago

[  rte.ie

24. märz 2005

nach offiziellen angaben wurden bei einem ausbruch in der provinz kompong cham, 80 km von phnom penh entfernt, 16 ( bis 20) gefangene erschossen weitere 22 (bis 25) geflüchtet, von denen 6 (5) wieder verhaftet wurden.

Guards kill 20 inmates during prison break-out

Prison guards in Cambodia have shot dead at least 20 inmates during a break-out in which about 30 other prisoners managed to escape after taking the warden and two police officials hostage.The break-out occurred at a correctional centre about 80 kilometres from the capital, Phnom Penh.

Police say prisoners armed with knives, sticks and iron bars overpowered four unarmed wardens and ordered them to drive their cars through the gates of the prison, which is near the Vietnam border.They say other wardens then opened fire on the cars, killing at least 20 prisoners.The four hostages were rescued, although two of them are said to have been seriously injured.

[  abc.net.au
Rights activists in Cambodia call for probe into prison deaths
Cambodian rights activists have called for a full investigation into the deaths of 17 prisoners during a botched jail break.Security guards shot dead the inmates on Wednesday as they tried to escape from the prison in Kampong Cham province, bordering Vietnam, by kidnapping four wardens and crashing cars through the gates.Police have revised down the death toll from 20 to 17 as three prisoners, initially counted among the dead, had only been wounded.Kek Galabru from local rights organisation, Licahdo, says a group of human rights activists has travelled to the prison to investigate conditions and the cause of the incident. She says while it is known the inmates took the officials hostage illegally, it is not known whether the guards aimed to "shoot to kill." Police are still hunting for escapees.Provincial police chief Sakhorn says so far six inmates have been re-arrested and 19 others are still at large.Cambodia's opposition Sam Rainsy Party has condemned the killings, which came just two days after security forces shot dead six protesters in a land dispute in the kingdom's northwest. [  abc.net.au
Cambodia police hunt escaped convicts after jailbreak

Cambodian police say they have captured six escaped convicts and are searching near the Vietnamese border for another 24 who fled in a bloody jailbreak.The chief of military police in the eastern province of Kompong Cham where the prisoners escaped from the T5 Correctional Centre, says the search is underway in thick jungle.

The inmates had grabbed the prison warden and two police officers as they toured a prison workshop, forced them into vehicles and tried to ram their way through the gates.Guards killed 16 inmates at the gate and another prisoner died later, while five inmates were wounded, along with the warden and two officers.The Interior Ministry says extra police have been sent to the border area to search for the inmates still at large.

[  abc.net.au

[  Cambodia police hunt escaped convicts after jailbreak
[  Twenty die in Cambodia jailbreak

23. märz 2005

festnahme eines von zwei männern, die außerhalb des knastes arbeiten und von dort flüchteten.

One Of Two Detention Center Inmates Found

XENIA, Ohio -- Detention Center WalkawaysGreene County deputies said they have found a missing inmate. Deputies said they arrested Richard Reeder during a routine traffic stop in Clinton County on Monday night. Authorities said Reeder never returned to the adult detention center after work at his release program.Deputies continue to search for Brian Sammons who also never returned to the detention center.Authorities said both men will be charged with escape.

[  whiotv.com

23. märz 2005

ein vor 20 jahren aus einem knast in massachusetts geflohener mann wurde in chicago verhaftet. der 65 jährige war zur zeit seiner flucht bereits 26 jahre inhaftiert .

[  FUGITIVE Arrested 20 Years After Escape

22. märz 2005

gescheiterte gefangenenbefreiung während der fahrt zum gericht.

Gunman Attempts To Spring Prisoner
A manhunt is underway for a mystery gunman following a foiled escape attempt by a prisoner in central Wellington.An armed man approached three prison guards escorting Rimutaka Prison inmate Arthur Taylor to a pre-planned meeting in Manners Mall.The guards relinquished Taylor and the pair escaped.Taylor was captured a short time later after falling through the roof of a nearby building. Detective Inspector Gary Knowles says the gunman could be anywhere.He says police are evacuating buildings in central Wellington and are extending their search to the lower North Island.Detective Inspector Knowles says police have not been able to identify the offender, but he was wearing a beanie, glasses and a green fluoro jacket at the time of the escape.He says they believe he is armed with a pistol and should not be approached.Taylor is on remand for serious firearms and drugs offences. [  xtramsn.co.nz

22. märz 2005

ein untersuchungshäftling hat sich im letzten jahre selbst die papiere geschrieben nach denen er auf kaution entlassen zu sei. das der mann seit november nicht mehr im knast ist, wurde erst jetzt bemerkt, als er seinen gerichtstermin zugestellt bekommen sollte.

UNDERTRIAL forges court warrants, flees from jail

As per police records, Munat was relieved from PASA detention last September following a High Court order. He was being tried for three other forgery cases in the Vadodara court.Munat managed to send three interim bail orders from the Vadodara court to Porbander jail superintendent M I Sheikh. All orders were received on the same day and Munat was released on November 7 last year.

Jail authorities realised the goof-up when Vadodara court summoned Munat for the trial. “Some 15 days ago, the warrant ordered him to be present in the court. We thought Munat was still in Porbander jail on charges of forging share dividend certificates and his association with Telgi. On contacting authorities there we learnt that he had been freed following court orders,” informed PI (DCB) D M Waghela. After the incident was reported on Tuesday morning, Additional Director General of Police (Prisons) H R Gehlot launched an inquiry into the matter.

The forged warrants with forged names of warranter were produced by Munat for the terms from September 6 to December 15 and December 15 to January 5, 2005.“There has definitely been negligence on part of Porbander jail superintendent M I Sheikh. He should have checked up with court personnel when three orders reached him the same day. The Jamnagar jail superintendent inquiring the case told me that the documents looked real and came complete with court seals and signature,” said Gehlot.“A complaint of forgery and criminal conspiracy would be registered with Porbandar police on Wednesday following which police inquiry along with forensic experts would be undertaken,” he added.

[  cities.expressindia.com

21. märz 2005

fluchtversuch aus dem gericht.

Inmate's escape attempt foiled

A 20-year-old inmate awaiting a preliminary hearing at Magistrate court managed to escaped custody Thursday only to be captured a short time later, done in by an alert citizen and bad luck.Still wearing his jail-issued orange jumpsuit, Marcos Cerda of Clovis surrendered without incident in a nearby alley after he was confronted by police.Officials said Cerda showed initiative by picking the locks on his hand and legs restraints and climbing into the ceiling of a holding cell, but his timing was poor.

At the time of his 2:30 p.m. escape, twice the normal number of Clovis police officers were on duty because of a shift change. “You’ve got shift change at the police department (at that time), which is a block away, plus you’ve got Magistrate court filled with officers waiting to testify,” said Sgt. James Schoeffel of the Clovis Police Department. “This guy picked a real bad time to do something like that.” More than two dozen law enforcement officers responded to the scene, including several wearing body armor and carrying guns. According to court documents, Cerda is facing 15 charges stemming from two separate incidents, including aggravated battery on a household member, unlawful taking of a motor vehicle, larceny, three counts of kidnapping, battery on a police officer and two counts of aggravated battery.

After his escape attempt, he man could be facing more.Prosecutor Drew Tatum said additional charges for escape from custody and criminal damage may be added.Cerda was in a holding pen with several other inmates at Magistrate court when he apparently produced a wire or paper clip and “jimmied” his the locks on his restraints, according to Curry County Adult Detention Center administrator Don Burdine. Free of the restraints, Cerda climbed through a false roof.Officials said he climbed across the building before he fell through the ceiling into a vacant courtroom.A Sheriff’s deputy spotted Cerda jump a railing outside the courthouse and start east along Grand Avenue in his orange jumpsuit, Sheriff Roger Hatcher said.

Wayne Newcomb was at his sister’s house in the 200 block of Axtell Street when he heard on the scanner someone had escaped from custody.Spotting Cerda on the porch next door, Newcomb went outside, jumped the front-yard fence and flagged down an officer cruising the street.At the scene, Schoeffel and another officer went down a driveway to where Cerda was last spotted, he said. The officers commanded Cerda to come out but nothing happened, so Schoeffel went around the side.“I popped around the corner, and he saw me and stuck his hands out and said, ‘I give, I surrender,’” Schoeffel said.Donna Tucker, owner of Green Thumb Nursery at the corner of Axtell Street and Grand Avenue, said she went out to the ally behind her store where she saw several officers creeping around with guns drawn. “My dogs were carrying on like crazy, so I knew someone was close,” she said. Police instructed her to go back inside.

[  pntonline.com

21. märz 2005

[  Police capture 3rd Archuleta jail excapee

21. märz 2005:

am 17. märz flüchteten 3 männer aus dem polizeiknast focal point / ludhiana.

Thieves escape from police lock-up

IN A daring incident, three thieves fled from the Focal Point Police Station by breaking the wall of the lock up early today morning. They had been brought on production remand by the Focal Point police on March 17 from jail, and were to be produced in court again today. The incident has brought to light the carelessness of the police officials.

The absconding trio has been identified as Ramanand, Birbal and Shamsher Singh alias Bittu, all residents of Machhiwara. Ramanand and Birbal are brothers. Sources say the trio had been arrested by Salem Tabri police about two months ago and had been sent to the judicial custody in Central Jail, Ludhiana. They were needed by Focal Point police in some theft cases.Police came to about the absconding trio at about 6 am today when the duty guard changed and the new guard went to check the lockup. After he raised an alarm, other policemen rushed in and found that a hole had been made in a wall of the lockup. The was about one-and-a-half feet wide and about one foot high.

When contacted, Station House Officer (SHO) Surinder Mohan said that there was a water supply pipe in the lockup. The trio might had used the iron clip of the pipe (which holds the pipe on the wall) for making the hole.Later, senior police officials reached the police station for investigation.

[  cities.expressindia.com

20. märz 2005

6 männer aus dem knast in nogales, an der grenze zu arizona, geflohen.

Six inmates escape Mexican prison, may be headed into US

A massive manhunt along the Arizona-Mexico border was underway late Saturday afternoon, after 6 inmates considered armed and dangerous escaped from a maximum security prison in Nogales, Sonora.

Police officials say "they are believed to be headed into the U.S."The inmates overpowered 4 guards, took their weapons, and hand-held police radio.Lt. Raul Rodriguez of the Santa Cruz Co. Sheriff's Department was in Nogales on police business when the escape occurred Friday afternoon.Rodriquez says the fugutives went on a crime spree,"A very violent crime spree, to include a bank robbery, carjackaing with pistol whipping the victims of a carjacking."

It was here in this exclusive neighborhood of Colonia Kennedy where the escapees ran over the husband of a U. S. diplomat. There's no word at newstime on the extent of his injuries.The last vehicle the inmates carjacked, a van, was abandoned on a heavily-traveled highway that leads into the U.S.Their last known location was heading towards the Mariposa Canyon, directly on the bounday of Nogales, Arizona, on the west side.

Police call the men armed and extremly dangerous.

* Benjamin Sanchez Soto was in prison for murdering two police officers
* Cesar Ignacio Diaz Suarez of Arizona jailed for drug trafficking.
* Rene Ozuna Huicoso, another drug trafficker
* Lorenzo Perez Lugo, kidnapping
* Hector Gomez Sandoval, bank robbery
* and Luis Fernando Carlos Valenzuela (unknown why he's in prison).

Police believe they may have split up, but if you come across them, authorities say, do not confront them. They have nothing to lose.

[  kvoa.com

20. märz 2005

zwei wurden an der kanadischen grenze verhaftet.

Two of 3 jail escapees caught at Canadian border

PAGOSA SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) - Montana border guards caught two of three men who escaped from the Archuleta County Jail trying to enter Canada. They were picked up as they approached the Canadian border near Scobey, Mont.Stephen Victor Crouse, 23, and Jonathan David Jackson, 19, had escaped with a third inmate, who still remains at large, Thursday night, said Archuleta County Sheriff's Lt. T.J. Fitzwater. The third escapee was identified as Cody J. Dutton, 19.The Montana lawmen also recovered a Ford pickup that was stolen from a Pagosa Springs garage and a money bag containing $178 believed to have been stolen from a veterinarian in Sheridan, Wyo., Fitzwater said.

"Montana Border Patrol officers saw a vehicle approach the checkpoint at the Canadian border (16 miles north of Scobey) early Saturday and then drive away," Fitzwater said. "The second or third time the driver turned back, they figured they had probable cause and stopped the vehicle."Dutton was in jail for criminal mischief, Crouse for vehicle theft, and Jackson for theft. All three are residents of Archuleta County.They escaped from the jail by lowering themselves through a 25-foot air shaft. It wasn't clear how they got through a bar that is supposed to block movement in shaft.Fitzwater said the escapees stole a 1980s model Dodge pickup from the nearby hot springs and fled the area. They also are believed to have stolen two other vehicles.

[  9news.com

20. märz 2005

ein mann der im januar aus dem knast in coahoma, mississippi, geflohen war, wurde in chicago verhaftet, einer der im juli 2004 floh, in missouri.

[  Last of jail escapees are caught, security beefed up

20. märz 2005

ein mann ist aus dem hartselle knast geflohen, ein vor einer woche aus dem knast geflohener mann wurde wieder verhaftet.

Hartselle police search for second jail escapee

HARTSELLE, Ala. - Authorities in Morgan County are searching for a jail escapee who walked away from work detail - the second inmate to flee from area jails in a week.George Justin Knoblock, 24, of Decatur has been missing from the city jail since Friday, said Sgt. Rick Archer. Knoblock had been arrested on several misdemeanors, including driving under the influence.Knoblock fled the same day another escapee, John Coleman Hoff, was captured in Fairview.Hoff was on trusty status at the Hartselle jail when he walked to a nearby grocery store Friday, Detective Chris Jones said.Hoff then stole a 2002 Ford Ranger and drove to Decatur, where he stole a 1987 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, Jones said. He was captured in Fairview by local police late Friday and taken to the Morgan County jail.

[  ledger-enquirer.com

20. märz 2005

flucht aus dem bunburry regional knast.

Inmate escapes from Bunbury prison

A 20-year-old inmate has escaped from Western Australia's Bunbury Regional Prison.The escape follows a six-hour siege at the prison last week, during which a female education officer was sexually assaulted by a serial rapist.Escapee Michael Leigh Moir is serving a six-month sentence for fraud, car theft and aggravated burglary at the minimum security prison and is not considered dangerous.He is described as caucasian, of medium build with blue eyes and brown hair.Inspector Rob Harrison says there has been no sightings of Moir since he escaped late last night."As with all escaped prisoners the public are cautioned that he may react in an unpredictable manner and they should not approach," he said."Any sightings, we're asking the public to call Crimestoppers on 1800333000."

[  abc.net.au

März 2005

Mehr Artikel zu dem Ausbruchsversuch am 14.März 2000 (siehe unten)

Abu detainees in Bicutan jail agree to give up

A group of suspected Abu Sayyaf Group members who took 129 inmates hostage after a failed escape attempt from maximum security prison at Camp Bagong Diwa in Taguig City have agreed to surrender following negotiations with authorities, a police spokesman said yesterday.Three jail guards were earlier killed when the detainees grabbed their handguns and attacked them during an early-morning breakfast.Senior Superintendent Leopoldo Bataoil, PNP spokesman, said that the Abu Sayyaf suspects have agreed to surrender after government negotiators led by ARMM Governor Farouk Hussin and Party List Representative Mujiv Hataman agreed to the demands of the hostage takers.These included, among others, guarantees for their safety after their surrender, speedy trial, right to air their grievances before media. Under the surrender terms, the hostages were supposed to be released in groups of 10. However as of 9 p.m., no release of hostages took place.

Three jail guards and two suspected members of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) were killed while several others were wounded when at least 10 ASG terrorists attempted to escape from a detention facility inside Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan, Taguig yesterday morning.Police said that the ASG members grabbed the service firearms of jail guards while they were serving breakfast for the inmates at the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) District Jail at Camp Bagong Diwa at 6:30 a.m.A firefight ensued between the responding jail guards and the gunmen that resulted in the killing of three BJMP personnel identified as Senior Jail Officers 1 (SJO) Amadeo Salapati and Rogelio de la Cruz; and SJO 4 Edgardo Dajay.

Police said two Abu Sayyaf members were killed in the first volley of gun fire. The two slain Abu Sayyaf members remained unidentified. Two other jail guards were wounded. They were identified as SJO1 Alberto Lobrio and a certain Bilibil.Police identified the leaders of the escape attempt as Kair Abdulgaffar and Alhamser Limbong, alias "Commander Kosovo," both from Basilan, who were detained at the camp on charges of kidnap for ransom and serious illegal detention. Also part of the jailbreak attempt was a certain Commander Global.

Kosovo was arrested for his alleged involvement in the bombing attack on the Super Ferry in February 2004. Robot and Global were detained for their involvement in the kidnapping of 21 foreign and local tourists in Sippadan, Malaysia some three years ago.Interior and Local Government Secretary Angelo Reyes, outgoing chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Edgar Aglipay, incoming PNP chief Deputy Director General Arturo Lomibao; and Director Avelino Razon Jr., chief of the PNP National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO), immediately proceeded to Camp Bagong Diwa to oversee the negotiations. They set up a crisis management center at the BJMP warden’s office.

An advance command post was also established by Chief Superintendent Marcelino Franco, director of the PNP Special Action Force (SAF) who was designated as ground commander at the vicinity of the Special Intensive Care Area (SICA) in anticipation of assault operations. Sporadic exchange of gun fire occurred until 10 a.m. when authorities agreed to a ceasefire to pave way for negotiations with the hostage-takers.One of the suspects — Hasdi Dais, alias "Lando" — asked Party List Representative Mujiv Hataman and actor Robin Padilla to act as mediators for the negotiations.

Hataman, whose uncle is among those detained at BJMP District Jail after being tagged as an ASG member, immediately proceeded to the hostage scene for the negotiations. Padilla, on the other hand, was in Australia, prompting Dr. Parouk Hussein, Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) governor, to take the actor’s place in the negotiations.

After being given a briefing on the hostage situation, Parouk and Hataman established contact with Dais for the start of the negotiations.At about 11 a.m., the hostage-takers released from their custody an inmate identified as Diki Ikong. He was taken by police authorities to a safe area.The ASG leaders took hostage more than 120 inmates on the first and second floors of the Special Intensive Care Area (SICA) building inside the BJMP District Jail compound.According to Dais, who used a cellular phone in establishing contact with PNP officials, the ASG leaders demanded five conditions for their surrender.

These included respect for human rights of the inmates, speedy trial of their criminal cases, be provided competent lawyers for their legal defense, be given medicine for the inmates and be given opportunity for a media interview after their surrender.As of 6 pm, Bataoil said that they were still waiting for the implementation of a surrender plan for the Abu Sayyaf leaders.The PNP spokesman said that the negotiators led by ARMM Governor Farouk Hussein and Party List Representative Mujiv Hataman agreed to the five demands of the suspects that prompted them to surrender.As of press time, government authorities are still working out the turn over process of the four firearms that were forcibly taken by the Abu Sayyaf from the jail guards.The firearms included three caliber .45 pistols and an M-16 rifle although other sources claimed that the suspects also prepared improvised explosives for their planned attacks.

Bataoil said the negotiators considered the suspects’ demands were "do-ables".Police officials also disclosed that another Abu Sayyaf leader, Hasdi Dais, alias "Lando", also left a detention cell where he earlier took a defensive position at the height of the hostage crisis.Bataoil said that the government negotiators were also asked to sign a document agreeing to their demands.Kosovo’s group were also allowed to pray prior to their surrender, Bataoil added.Despite the surrender of the Abu Sayyaf suspects, NCRPO Director Razon placed all police forces in Metro Manila under full alert status as a result of the foiled escape try.

Razon also ordered an investigation as to why the jail guards were carrying firearms when they entered a maximum security area. "Definitely, someone will be held responsible for this," he emphasized.The NCRPO chief also said that police investigators will determine who smuggled the two cell phones that were being used by the terrorists.

Senators want inquiry into jailbreak

Senators demanded yesterday an inquiry into yesterday’s aborted jailbreak by suspected Abu Sayyaf bandits detained at Camp Diwa in Bicutan, Taguig which they said is a "sad reflection of the serious threats in the country’s peace and order situation" and puts into question the country’s anti-terrorism drive.Three jail guards died in the attempt.

The call for a Senate inquiry was led by Sen. Rodolfo G. Biazon, chairman of the Senate national defense and security committee, who said there is a need to review the handling of prisoners, especially those prisoners charged with serious crimes, by the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)."How come the armed guards were inside the cell? This is not a practice anywhere in the world relative to dealing with prisoners. This laxity in the handling of prisoners, especially those charged with heinous offenses, has been going on for so long," Biazon said.Administration Sen. Manuel Villar, chairman of the Senate finance committee, said lax guards and the brass of BJMP must be held accountable for this "tragicomic incident".

Opposition Sen. Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada said that concerned BJMP officials should be sacked and an investigation should be conducted to find out the causes for the collapse of the jail system ."Officials of the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) led by Secretary Angelo Reyes could also be held liable for failing to properly supervise the BJMP," Estrada said.Senate Majority Leader Francis Pangilinan, for his part, said the Camp Diwa incident should have been avoided completely and lives spared had the justice system been quick enough to sentence the guilty.The latest incident, according to Biazon, saw prisoners belonging to the Abu Sayyaf group grabbing the M-16 rifles and sidearms of the jail guards, opening fire, causing the death of the three jail guards and a fellow bandit, and laying hostage to the entire camp.

The Abu Sayyaf group had staged high-profile kidnappings for ransom and beheadings of its victims, who included foreigners."On April 20, 2004, more than 50 inmates, many of whom were suspected members of the Abu Sayyaf, escaped from the Basilan provincial jail. Three jail guards were injured. Only eight of the prisoners were recaptured. It was found out during the investigation that an inmate’s wife smuggled a .45 caliber pistol inside the jail, which inmates used to overpower the guards. They also seized the shotgun and two M-16 rifles equipped with grenade launchers from the guards," Biazon said.

"Among the ‘most humiliating’ jailbreak was that of Indonesian Fathur Rohman Al-Ghozi, a suspected member of the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group, who escaped with two suspected Abu Sayyaf prisoners from their detention cells in the camp at the headquarters of the PNP in Camp Crame (Quezon City)," Biazon said.

BJMP was informed of escape plan – prosecutor

An official of the Department of Justice (DoJ) said yesterday that the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) had for weeks been aware of the plan of suspected Abu Sayyaf detainees to slip out of their Bicutan jail in Taguig, but said it merely ignored tips about it though these came from reliable sources.State Prosecutor Peter Medalle, one of the prosecutors in handling criminal cases filed against suspected Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) members, said that as early as three weeks ago, he had warned BJMP officials about reports reaching him that certain Abu Sayyaf leaders detained at the Bicutan jail were plotting a jailbreak.

He said his tips seemed to have fallen on deaf ears as the BJMP failed to prevent the attempt yesterday.He said Alhamser Limbong alias "Abu Kosovo", one of the key ASG figures detained at the Bicutan jail, even managed to call some of their colleagues to supply them with arms and ammunition for their escape try.Medalle’s claim that the Abu Sayyaf detainees in Bicutan had long planned to escape was confirmed by Gappal Bannah alias "Boy Negro", a suspected ASG member linked to the Valentine’s Day bombing of a bus in Makati which killed and wounded a number of passengers. (Gabriel S. Mabutas)

[  mb.com.ph

16. märz 2005
23 killed as cops storm Bicutan jail

Twenty-three people including a policeman and three top leaders of the Abu Sayyaf were killed when police stormed the Camp Bagong Diwa jail in Bicu­tan, Taguig, Tuesday to end a day-old revolt.Members of the police Special Action Force moved into the jail after hurling tear gas and flash grenades at the building where the Abu Sayyaf prisoners had entrenched themselves.Police later found an SAF member, Police Officer 1 Abel Areola, dead inside a cell. He had been among the first wave of officers who stormed the building in mid-morning.

Six policemen were wounded, the Metro Manila police chief, Avelino Razon, said, adding that police recovered eight firearms and two hand grenades from the rioters.Besides the 23 slain Tuesday, three prison guards and two Abu Sayyaf members were killed on Monday when the prisoners overpowered the guards and began the revolt. Two other jail guards were injured Monday.Police named three of the dead as Galib Andang, alias Commander Robot; Alhamser Lim­bong, alias Commander Kosovo, believed to be the ringleader of the revolt; and Nadjmi Sabdulla, alias Commander Global. Another ringleader, Ka Lando, who was not a member of the Abu Sayyaf, was also killed.

The other detainees were unidentified.

The Interior and Local Government Secretary Angelo Reyes, who headed the crisis committee for the Camp Bagong Diwa incident, ordered the assault after negotiations with the Abu Sayyaf inmates failed.“They refused to yield arms and turned down our calls and assurances of safety for their safety,” Reyes said in a statement issued hours before the police commandos stormed the five-story prison building.The assault team used the C4 explosives to blow up the gates to the building, which the Abu Sayyaf inmates had blocked.Three of the wounded policemen in the Camp Bagong Diwa siege—Jose Demoquillo and Senior Police Officer 3 Napoleon Cabrera of the Regional Special Action Unit and Police Officer 2 Sandy Caoili—were taken to the Taguig-Pateros District Hospital.

Demoquillo, who was shot in the knee, was with the assault group that made its way from the rooftop to the building’s third floor. The inmates had barricaded the first and second floors.Cabrera, who was hit in the leg, said his team used tear gas to clear the third level. Caoili was with the group that took the first floor. He said they had to clear every cell of weapons and prisoners.“We would not advance until a cell is cleared,” he said.

Caoili said that as his team advanced, Abu Sayyaf members who wanted to surrender were told to lie on the floor. They were then led out of the building with only their underwear to make sure they were not armed.Caoili was approaching Cell No. 14 where Kosovo was being held when an inmate armed with a pistol started shooting at him and his team. He was hit in the left arm.The assault lasted about two hours.At the time there were more than 400 inmates in the building

[  manilatimes.net

[  JAILED Abu Sayyaf members take over detention center
[  Troops storm jail; 23 dead
[  Philippines Militants Threaten Retaliation
[   4 Sayyaf leaders killed in police assault on prison

17. märz 2005

die abu sayyaf gefangenen sollen in andere knäste verlegt werden.

[  Jail transfer mulled for Abu prisoners in Camp Bagong Diwa

18. märz 2005

AT LEAST six Abu Sayyaf members, who might have taken part in the jailbreak attempt, survived the police assault that killed 22 detainees on Tuesday, a junior police official said yesterday."At least six men were mentioned as part of the jailbreak attempt. They're alive," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.The official said fellow detainees had told investigators that the six Abu Sayyaf members helped disarm guards during the routine head count on Monday. (The escape try failed, forcing the Abu Sayyaf men to seize control of the four-story jail that also housed a total of 469 inmates.)

"The detainees said they were involved in the jailbreak. They helped disarm the jail guards. We are not sure if they shot it out with our men," the official said.

Senior Supt. Federico Laciste, head of the investigating team, neither confirmed nor denied the possibility that men involved in the jailbreak attempt were alive."We are looking into everything," the chief of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-National Capital Region said.Laciste promised an investigation so thorough it would be like "writing a book.""We will look into everything," he told the Inquirer.

Investigators would even try to trace the trajectory of the bullets fired by both the assault team and the Abu Sayyaf men.But Rep. Mujiv Hataman, who negotiated with the inmates together with Gov. Parouk Hussin of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, yesterday called for an independent inquiry.

"To investigate is the job of the police. But since they were part of the assault, there should be an independent inquiry," Hataman said.Rep. Francisco "Chiz" Escudero was already calling for one, he disclosed."Doubts must be dispelled. There are many who believed it was a massacre. I've received reports that [Commander] Robot did not fight. Up to the very last minute, Governor Hussin was talking to Global, who said he could not get out because the cells were padlocked. Global had insisted he had no part in it," Hataman said.

"All these must be answered by an independent inquiry," he added.

[  news.inq7.net

die sicht des muslim youth movement of malaysia:

[  Siege of Manila Prison, an Overkill

19. märz 2005
[  Jailbreak probers focusing on collusion
[  No indiscriminate raids - Lomibao

18. märz 2005

3 männer aus dem pagosa springs knast geflohen.

Three Inmates Escape Colorado Prison

Police across the southwest part of the United States are on the lookout for three men who escaped from a jail and are considered extremely dangerous.Police say 19-year-olds Cody Dutton and Jonathan Jackson and 22-year-old Stephen Crouse escaped through the ceiling of the jail on Thursday in Pagosa Springs, Colorado.Police think Dutton is heading to either Farmington, New Mexico or Kingman, Arizona.As for the other two men, police say they don't know what direction they may be headed in or if they're even still together.Police say all three men should be considered extremely dangerous because they were all in jail for violent crimes.There is a reward for the capture of the three men and police say if you spot the men, you could all your local police or the Archuleta County Sheriff's Department at (970) 264-2131.

[  klfy.com

[  Three jail inmates scramble to freedom

16. märz 2005

fluchtversuch aus einem liverpooler knast

Prisoner in escape bid is gangland car bomber

THE inmate who attempted to break out of Liverpool prison with the aid of a "cherry picker" is car bomber Richard Caswell, it emerged last night.The former doorman, 22, made an audacious bid for freedom on Monday night, less than a month before he is due to be sentenced for his part in a series of car bomb attacks linked to a gangland feud.The alarm was raised at HMP Liverpool when a member of the public spotted the cherry picker outside the perimeter wall of the jail in Hornby Road, Walton at around 7.20pm.

It is understood prison officers became aware Caswell was missing around the same time.A team of officers foiled the attempt when they caught up with Caswell in the grounds of the prison and escorted him back inside, where he is now being held in a segregation unit.Both the Prison Service and Merseyside police have launched investigations into the incident and are appealing for witnesses.

Last month, Caswell, originally of Windfield Road, Garston, pleaded guilty to two charges of conspiring with unknown people to cause explosions which could endanger life and damage property.The charges related to two explosions, including the blowing-up of a Volvo car outside a police station in the Tuebrook area of the city, and an explosion in a residential area near Sandfield Park, West Derby.Liverpool Crown Court heard Caswell became involved because of a feud with a Liverpool family but was not the brains behind the operation.He is due to be sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court on April 7.

Last night, the Prison Officers' Association called for the Government to look again at the amount of time inmates are allowed to spend out of their cells.Liverpool POA representative Steve Bains said: "It is inevitable that if prisoners are allowed out for long periods of time it is more likely they will have a chance to slip away."However, he added that this was the first time in the history of the prison that such a serious escape attempt had been mounted.

It is not known how Caswell intended to escape, but Merseyside police are investigating how the hydraulic platform arrived at the scene.Mr Bains said: "If he had the outside connections to get someone to bring a cherry picker, then he has the connections to get someone there with firearms."The officers who apprehended this person acted very courageously and we would be very surprised if following the investigation some of them are not recommended for a commendation."Merseyside police are appealing for information about the cherry picker, a 26 foot long hydraulic platform stolen from the King Street area of Waterloo between 11.15am on Sunday and 8.30am on Monday.

Police are urging anyone with information about where it may have been kept before it was found outside the prison to come forward.Detectives want to speak to any witnesses who may have seen the cherry picker in the Walton area around 7pm and anyone acting suspiciously in the area around the prison during the day.

They also want to speak to the drivers and occupants of two cars that were spotted near the prison at the time of the incident. A Silver Audi, registration number YD51 WCT and a dark coloured Datsun.In January this year, an official report revealed that the drugs and violence of criminal gang culture had "infiltrated" the jail.Chief Inspector of Prisons Anne Owers warned that staff had been "overwhelmed by the imported drug and gang culture" at Britain's largest jail.

[  icliverpool.icnetwork.co.uk

16. märz 2005

flucht aus der karnet prison farm

Prison staff inadequately trained: union

The Prison Officers Union has criticised the Western Australian Government claiming it has failed to ensure the state's prisons have adequately trained staff.The comment follows the escape of a dangerous prisoner from the minimum security Karnet Prison Farm.Paul Cross, 45, was serving a sentence for armed robbery after spending time in and out of jail since the early 1980s.A nationwide search for him continues.

Union secretary John Welch says more needs to be done to help new staff deal with a dramatic rise in the prison population. "I don't know that you could say that there's any direct link between the escape that took place and I do want to say that we believe that our members acted perfectly properly at Karnet Prison Farm," he said."There's no question of them not having done their job as it should be. I think that our concern is that it may be part of a pattern of problems with the department."

Mr Welch says the escape has highlighted serious failures within the department and has called for action to ensure new staff are adequately trained."It's making sure that the department stays on top of what are very serious problems," he said."We have had an enormous increase in the numbers of prisoners in the public prison system and we're now seeing quick recruitment of prison officers for the first time in many years, but we now also need them to focus on ensuring there are the beds and cells available to put these prisoners in."

[  abc.net.au

16. märz 2005

geflohener wieder verhaftet.

[  ESCAPEE captured in Lehigh Acres

15. märz 2005

zwei wochen nach der flucht aus dem gericht in tucson wurde ein mann in phoenix wieder verhaftet

[  City Court escapee caught in Phoenix

14. märz 2005

bei einer mißglückten gefangenenbefreiung im grootte schuur hospital in cape town wurde ein wärter wurde erschossen und ein weiterer schwer verwundet.

Prison warder killed at Grootte Schuur hospital

A prison warder was shot and killed and another seriously injured at the Grootte Schuur hospital in Cape Town this morning when an apparent prisoner escape attempt went wrong. Pierre Uys, the provincial health MEC, believes that six gunmen were in a mission to aid the escape of a Pollsmoor Prison inmate.The prisoner, who was brought in for treatment, was also slightly injured in the attempt. However, police at the scene did not want to speculate on the motive for the situation.Police say four of the six gunmen, armed with automatic rifles and handguns, launched their attack in the waiting room where they were seated among members of the public.

[  sabcnews.com

14. märz 2005

3 wärter und 1 gefangener wurden bei einen ausbruchsversuch von abu sayyaf mitgliedern aus dem hochsicherheitsknast camp bagong diwa in manila getötet.

Five killed in Manila jailbreak

At least five people have been killed in an attempted jailbreak in the Philippines led by members of Muslim militants Abu Sayyaf, police say. Talks to end Monday's stand-off in Manila, which began when a group of about 10 inmates snatched weapons from their guards, have stalled. At least three guards and two prisoners were shot in the fracas, police said. The inmates at the Camp Bagong Diwa maximum security jail in Manila had earlier agreed to surrender.

Food demand
"They changed their minds," said Avelino Razon, police chief for the metropolitan Manila area. Negotiations apparently ground to a halt after the gunmen demanded that food be sent inside the prison. "If they will surrender, lay down their arms and come out, they will get food," Mr Razon said, according to the Associated Press. "We are exhausting all possible means to resolve this peacefully," he said, adding, "the military option, which is the final option, is still there." Mujib Hataman, a Muslim congressman who was negotiating with the inmates by telephone, said they had demanded timely trials, assurances they would not be harmed, the right to air their grievances to authorities, and interviews with the media. Police have surrounded the four-storey building in the Taguig district.

Rebel group
Earlier, the prisoners contacted a local radio station, demanding talks with two senior Muslim officials and film star Robin Padilla, a Muslim convert. Police said they believed the prisoners were led by Alhamser Limbong and Kair Abdul Gapar. Limbong, also known as Commander Kosovo, has been allegedly involved in a mass kidnapping in 2001-02 that left several hostages dead, including two Americans. He has also been charged with carrying out a bomb attack on a ferry near Manila that killed more than 100 people in 2004. Gapar has also been charged with a string of kidnappings. Police said there were about 129 suspected members of Abu Sayyaf out of more than 400 inmates in the jail. Abu Sayyaf - which mainly engages in kidnap for ransom - is one of four Muslim rebel groups operating mostly in the southern Philippines. It has been labelled a terrorist organisation by both Manila and Washington, and is believed by the US to have links with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network. The Philippine government has deployed thousands of troops in the south in an effort to eradicate the Abu Sayyaf.

[  news.bbc.co.uk

Police launch Manila jail assault

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Gunfire and explosions rang out Tuesday as police launched an assault on Muslim suspects who took over a maximum-security jail in Manila in a failed jailbreak that left five people dead. Interior Secretary Angelo Reyes announced Tuesday morning that authorities were giving the inmates 15 minutes to surrender or face an assault, following several hours of fruitless negotiations with the inmates Monday. Police opened fire after the deadline passed. "We have adequately prepared for this particular exercise, this particular offensive that we have to take," Reyes said moments before the assault began.

"We have no other option left. We have made provisions for hasty evacuation, medical attention of those people who might be injured." The inmates, led by suspects from the brutal Muslim extremist group Abu Sayyaf, had agreed to surrender after their botched jailbreak Monday left five people dead, but the deal broke down when they demanded food first, prompting civilian negotiators to leave in frustration. The jail at Manila's Camp Bagong Diwa has about 425 suspects, including 129 suspected members and leaders of the al Qaeda-linked Abu Sayyaf group, which is notorious for deadly bombings and ransom kidnappings in which some hostages were beheaded.

Live television images showed police and security forces at the compound, and gunfire and explosions were heard. Water was sprayed onto prisoners inside, and ambulances were seen moving into position. People were seen climbing over fences to leave the area. Negotiators on Monday had initially said the prisoners had agreed to surrender, but hours later the deal appeared to collapse when the inmates demanded dinner before ending the standoff. Police spokesman Leopoldo Bataoil, who had warned of a major assault if the inmates didn't give up their weapons, said about 10 men were involved in the uprising, led by two Abu Sayyaf members. A spokesman for the Abu Sayyaf suspects, detainee Hazdi Daie, threatened in a telephone interview that if police stormed the building, "then you will hear bombings all over Manila." Monday's standoff began when a suspected Abu Sayyaf member, who was about to be escorted to a morning court hearing, overpowered a guard before he could be handcuffed, took a rifle and shot the prison officers around him, police officials said. Other inmates then grabbed weapons.

Three guards were killed and three other prison officials were wounded and rushed to a hospital, police said. Two Abu Sayyaf members also were killed. It wasn't clear if hostages were being held, police Superintendent Agrimero Cruz Jr. said. But the inmates' spokesman told DZBB radio that the suspects were holding about 100 hostages. Police said only inmates remained inside the aging building. Before the assault began on Tuesday, an armored personnel carrier moved in front of the steel-fenced detention center. Another was positioned outside the gate. In a building across from the detention center, about two dozen police took cover. Several ambulances were on standby. The two Abu Sayyaf leaders are Alhamzer Manatad Limbong and Kair Abdul Gapar, Bataoil said. Limbong, also known as Kosovo, was allegedly involved in a mass kidnapping in 2001-2002 that left several hostages dead, including two Americans, and a ferry bombing a year ago that killed more than 100 people in the Philippines' worst terror attack. Gapar is a kidnap-for-ransom suspect. The Abu Sayyaf is notorious for deadly bombings and ransom kidnappings in which some hostages have been beheaded. A number of Abu Sayyaf suspects have managed to escape from jails.

State prosecutor Peter Medalle, who is handling several cases involving the Abu Sayyaf, told reporters that jail guards were tipped off about a possible prison break three weeks ago because of an intercepted mobile phone conversation between Limbong and Abu Sayyaf leader Abu Solaiman. "We warned them repeatedly ... as late as last week of the planned escape. Apparently, our warnings were ignored," he said. Two years ago, a top terror suspect, Indonesian Fathur Rohman Al Ghozi, escaped from Manila police headquarters while serving a 12-year term for possession of explosives. He was killed in a shootout with police a few months later. Last April, more than 50 inmates, led by suspected Abu Sayyaf guerrillas, used a smuggled pistol to flee from a jail on southern Basilan island. In December, a Filipino suspect who was being interrogated about a bomb found on a bus was fatally shot at a Manila detention center after allegedly killing a guard. Philippine jails are often dilapidated, with inadequate and sometimes corrupt staff.

[  edition.cnn.com

[  3 killed in Manila prison attack

13. märz 2005

2 jugendliche sind aus dem magill youth training center in adelaide geflohen.

Boys on run from detention centre

TWO youths have escaped from a detention centre in Adelaide's eastern suburbs. The pair were among three youths whose escape from the Magill Youth Training Centre was reported about 9pm (CDT) yesterday. A 14-year-old youth returned about 5am today. Police are still seeking a 14-year-old boy, described as being of Aboriginal appearance with long, curly, dark hair. They are also seeking a 12-year-old boy, described as being of Caucasian appearance and of slight build. Both were wearing T-shirts and shorts when they escaped. They were last seen in the Rostrevor area, northeast of Magill.

[  thecouriermail.news.com

12. märz 2005

ein am 28. feb. aus dem blackburn correctional center / kentucky geflohener mann wurde in new jersey verhaftet.


11. märz 2005

ein mann, der seit dem 23. februar auf der flucht war, wurde wieder verhaftet.

Open jail absconder is rearrested

A 21-year-old man who absconded from Prescoed Prison, near Usk, south Wales, has been found, Gwent Police have said. Paul Meek was serving a three-year sentence for conspiracy to commit burglary when he disappeared on 23 February. Officers arrested him after finding him in the Cwmbran area. He has been taken into custody. When Meek went missing, the force said associates of his had recently been released from other jails. Meek is not the first prisoner to have absconded from the jail in recent months. Last October, convicted paedophile Robert Stokes went missing for one night before being recaptured. People living near the open jail are furious at a decision to allow sex offenders to serve some of their sentence at HMP Prescoed.

It followed the introduction of a policy whereby low-risk inmates were moved from Usk closed prison to Prescoed open jail. Local people have protested against the decision but prisons minister Paul Goggins said the policy would continue. Earlier in March it was revealed that there are currently nine sex offenders at Prescoed - that could rise to 20 in the next six months. On Thursday, police confirmed Meek was not a sex offender.

[  news.bbc.co.uk

11. märz 2005

flucht eines gefangenen, der sich aber nach knapp 4 stunden "selbst gestellt" hat.

Inmate escapes St. Martin jail, surrenders hours later

ST. MARTINVILLE, La. St. Martin Parish sheriff's deputies are trying to determine how an inmate escaped from the parish jail. Authorities say 25-year-old Danny Mouton's rush of freedom, however, was short-lived. They say he escaped Saturday night around 7:30, but turned himself in less than four hours later. Mouton surrendered without incident to the Breaux Bridge Police Department and he was returned to the parish jail.

[  www.klfy.com

10. märz 2005

seit dem 23. februar wird ein mann, der aus dem "offenen vollzug" geflohen ist, gesucht.

[  Prisoner absconds from open jail

10. märz 2005

gefangener aus dem mesquite krankenhaus geflohen.

Police seek "dangerous" inmate after escape from hospital

MESQUITE, Texas Dallas-area police are searching for a 51-year-old federal inmate who escaped from a Mesquite hospital overnight. Mesquite police warn that Roy Gardner is armed and has a history of violence. They warn the public to consider him "very, very dangerous." But his sister tells The Dallas Morning News that Gardner is "not as bad as he sounds. The sister says the inmate at the federal prison in nearby Seagoville was being treated for tuberculosis at Mesquite Community Hospital. Mesquite police say he overpowered a hospital security guard overnight, stole his .45-caliber handgun and carjacked a van from a construction worker in the hospital parking lot. The white Chevrolet van has "Ivy Mechanical" painted on its side. Police say the Dallas native had been hospitalized since last month. He has prior convictions for drug possession, burglary and a weapons violation.

[  www.kltv.com

9. märz 2005

fluchtversuch durch einen luftschacht aus einem knast in oklahoma

Durham man tries to escape from Oklahoma jail

Authorities say a Durham man arrested last month driving a murder victim's truck tried to escape from an Oklahoma jail. That's where Keith Kidwell is awaiting extradition to North Carolina. Officials say the 20-year-old tried to climb through a vent in the jail last week. Since then he's been transferred to a larger jail. Troopers in Oklahoma pulled Kidwell over on February 11th for speeding. He was driving a stolen truck belonging to Crayton Nelms. The day before, Nelms was killed at a Kangaroo gas station on North Roxboro Road. Authorities have not charged Kidwell with murder in the case but he is wanted in Durham on a charge of obtaining property by false pretenses.

[  rdu.news14.com

9. märz 2005

die flucht eines 14jährigen aus dem lantz lurry jugendknast blieb 3 tage unbemerkt.

JDC fails to notice escape until mother turns in son

The escape of a 14-year-old juvenile from the Lantz Lurry Juvenile Detention Center Saturday apparently went unnoticed for three days, according to a Texarkana, Ark., police report.The juvenile was located Monday night after his mother, Dodie Dickey of Fouke, Ark., received a call that he was at a friend's house. She said she went to retrieve him herself with a pair of handcuffs."My stepson cuffed him. I said 'put the cuffs on him because he will run,'" Dickey told the Gazette Tuesday.She then called the police and her son was returned to the juvenile center.

Dickey is concerned about the incident because her son has physically threatened her before and could have injured her or someone else during his escape."He was gone for three days and they didn't even know he was missing ... he could have come to my house and done anything," she said."I know it (the JDC) is not a prison but maybe they should do bed checks. That way they will know who is there and who is not," Dickey said.According to a Texarkana, Ark., Police offense report filed by the JDC, the juvenile had escaped from the center over the weekend.According to the report, the juvenile suspect was last seen on Saturday.

"The staff at the center had not realized the suspect had ever escaped," Texarkana, Ark., Police Officer Randall Knotts wrote in the report.According to the report, staff members had noticed the juvenile was not in the jail, but other inmates had told the guards the suspect had been sent to rehab.According to the report, officials at the juvenile center believe the suspect was able to hide from staff while playing basketball and then he climbed the fence and escaped when everyone went inside.

Dickey said her son hid under some type of mat on the basketball court. She said her son had been in JDC just over a month for destruction of property and insubordination. He was not due for release until July 31.She said he has also spent time in JDC on several previous occasions. Dickey learned about the escape Monday evening when her son's ex-girlfriend's mother called and said he had been to her house.He was taken back into custody about 8 p.m. MondayHelen Andrews, director of the juvenile detention center, could not be reached for comment Tuesday.

[  texarkanagazette.com

7. märz 2005

nach einem tag auf der flucht wurden zwei männer wieder verhaftet.

[  Robeson County prison escapees caught

7. März 2005
Mann wollte seine Freilassung erzwingen

Ein 30-jähriger Mann mit ungeklärter Staatsangehörigkeit brachte sich gestern gegen 13 Uhr 10 während seiner Richtervorführung mit einer Rasierklinge mehrere oberflächliche Schnittverletzungen an den Armen sowie dem Bauch bei. Das anwesende Bewachungspersonal verhinderte durch schnelles Eingreifen ernsthaftere Verletzungen. Nach der Behandlung durch einen Sanitäter erfolgte die weitere Unterbringung im Abschiebungsgewahrsam Köpenick unter besonderer Beobachtung. Als Grund für sein Handeln gab der Mann an, dass er nicht weiter in Haft verbleiben wollte.

[  berlin.de

6. märz 2005

am 5. märz ist der 8. gefangene aus der hayes prison farm im süden tasmanias geflohen.

Resignation sought following eighth prison escape

Tasmania's shadow attorney-general, Michael Hodgman, has called for Premier Paul Lennon to sack Attorney-General Judy Jackson after another escape from Hayes Prison Farm in southern Tasmania.It is the eighth time this year an inmate has walked out of the facility. Staff at the prison farm discovered 32-year-old Allan Maxwell Turner missing at a roll call early yesterday morning.Turner was serving a seven-year sentence for various crimes, including aggravated robbery and assault.The State Government has ordered an immediate review of the classification of all inmates at the minimum-security facility.But the shadow attorney-general says it is too little too late. "Judy Jackson is swanning around Europe, Austria, presumably waltzing in Vienna, and people are walking in and out of the prisons as if it's their decision," Mr Hodgman said.

[  abc.net

4. märz 2005

ein 26 jähriger versuchte am 24. februar aus dem green bay knast zu fliehen. er baute sich dazu eine puppe, die er vor sein waschbecken stellte um damit seine anwesenheit in der zelle vorzutäuschen. am mittwoch, 2.3., war der hochsicherheitsknast in dem 1.050 gefangene eingesperrt sind, immer noch unter „lockdown“.

[  Mannequin stands in for inmate on the run Dummy foils head count, but prisoner nabbed on grounds

4. märz 2005

nach 24 jahren ist in ohio ein jetzt 60jähriger mann wieder verhaftet worden. er war am 5.4.1981 nach einem urlaub nicht mehr in sie louisiana state police barracks zurück gegangen, und lebte mit neuer identität etwa 12 jahre in east liverpool. zur zeit seiner flucht war er 3 der 15 jahre ,zu denen er wegen totschlag verurteilt war, inhaftiert.

[  Man caught almost 24 years after escape
[  24 years after fleeing prison term, man living in Ohio arrested by FBI


wenige stunden nach seiner flucht wurde ein gefangener wieder verhaftet. tage später wird berichtet das gegen einen wärter wegen beihilfe ermittelt wird.

Wilson Authorities Capture Escaped Prisoner / 01. März 2005

WILSON, N.C. -- A prison inmate's run to freedom ended quickly Tuesday, as authorities recaptured him hours after he escaped, police said. Travis Shonta Allen, 20, who is serving time at Morrison Correctional Institution on drug charges, escaped custody at about 9 a.m. Tuesday as he was being transported to the Wilson County Courthouse for a hearing. After an intense manhunt, Allen was recaptured in an apartment near the intersection of Vance and Hill streets, police said. Authorities believe he knew somebody who lived in the area.

[  www.nbc17.com

Prisoner Escape Results In Charge Against Guard

WILSON, N.C. -- A prison guard has been charged in connection with the Tuesday escape of an inmate on his way to a court appearance in Wilson, authorities said. Denise Lynnette Cozart, 36, of Hamlet, has been charged with misdemeanor negligence in allowing Travis Allen to escape, authorities said. Allen was being transported from Morrison Correctional Institution, where he is serving time on drug charges, to the Wilson County Courthouse for a hearing Tuesday morning when he broke free and ran down the street. He was recaptured in a nearby apartment about four hours later. An investigation showed that Allen was restrained only by loosely fitted handcuffs. Prison policy required that he also have on a waist chain and leg shackles during transport.

[  www.nbc17.com

3. märz 2005

während der fahrt in ein krankenhaus wurde ein gefangener befreit. er war an zwei beamte gefesselt, die ihn mit einem taxi ins krankenhaus bringen sollten. hm prison service, die für die fahrten zuständig sind, sagten taxifahrten seien die normale beförderung von gefangenen die nicht als klasse a eingeordnet seien.

Minister calls for escape inquiry

Prisons minister Paul Goggins has called for an investigation into how a dangerous prisoner escaped while being taken to hospital in a taxi.Convicted robber Neil Brennan, 21, was handcuffed to two prison officers as they travelled from HMP Forest Bank to Hope Hospital, Salford, on Wednesday.The taxi was stopped by two men who threatened the guards with a gun, forcing them to unlock the handcuffs.HM Prison Service says taxi firms are routinely used to transport prisoners.A spokesman said: "It is standard practice to use vetted taxi companies to escort prisoners on medical visits unless they are category A prisoners or, obviously, using an ambulance."We take issues of security very seriously and that is reflected by statistics showing that escapes have dramatically reduced from around 300 per year in 1993/94 to less than 50 in 03/04."The Prisons Minister Paul Goggins has called for an investigation into operational issues surrounding the Forest Bank incident."Det Ch Insp Sam Hawarth, of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), has said that the hijacking was "well-planned" and that he believed Brennan may have injured himself deliberately as part of the plot.

He said: "It would appear that using taxis in this manner is a regular practice, but it is not one we were aware of."I have no doubt that the prison authorities will be reviewing their mode of transporting prisoners but that is a matter for them."Brennan, originally from the Cheetham Hill area of Manchester, is serving six years for robbery and had been going to hospital for treatment to a "minor" hand injury.Officers say Brennan may pose a danger to the public and are urging anyone who knows his whereabouts not to approach him, but contact Greater Manchester Police.Brennan was travelling from the privately-run HMP Forest Bank, built of the former Agecroft power station. It houses about 800 prisoners and sits in the middle of a £2.7 million country park with lake and meadows built by the prison.Detectives say Brennan's two accomplices were travelling in a silver 4x4 vehicle and hijacked the taxi at the junction of Forest Bank Drive and Agecroft Road, in Pendlebury, Salford, at about 1500 GMT.

[  news.bbc.co.uk

3.märz 2005

2 männer wurden verhaftet weil sie angeblich einem am 28. februar auf der fahrt vom prima county jail zum gericht geflohenen mann geholfen haben.

[  2 arrested for helping jail inmate escape

2. märz 2005

flucht von zwei jugendlichen aus der polizeihaft

[  Try this next time you're in the slammer

2. märz 2005

einer der 10 aus eshowe geflüchteten gefangenen wurde erschossen, 5 wieder verhaftet.

Escapee shot dead

Eshowe - A prisoner who had escaped from custody in Eshowe was shot dead when police attempted to arrest him early on Wednesday morning, police said. KwaZulu-Natal police spokesperson Captain Tienkie van Vuuren said Siyabonga Ntuli, 24, fired shots and attempted to run away when police tried to arrest him. He and 10 other awaiting-trial prisoners escaped from the Eshowe police cells on Friday. During the escape they shot dead Constable Siphiwe Thomas Phungula, 32, and critically wounded Inspector Tholumusa Maxwell Ntuli, 38.Van Vuuren said police received information that Ntuli was hiding in a the Njanini nature reserve outside Eshowe.Ntuli could have been responsible for several armed robberies in the area in the last few days, Van Vuuren said.He was in custody for several cases of murder, attempted murder and armed robbery. Five of the escapees were arrested on Monday in the Kwa-Magwaza reserve in the Melmoth area. Police found the five men - 26-year-old Sicelo Mseleku, 18-year-old Siboniso Magwaza, 20-year-old Delakufa Gazu, 27-year-old Zipho Cele and 18-year-old Candy Shandu - hiding in a house. Police were still searching for the other four escapees.

[  www.news24.com

2. märz 2005

fluchtversuch während der fahrt zum zahnarzt.

Inmate Pleads Guilty To Attacking Deputy

A convicted murderer accused of trying to escape jail has pleaded guilty to multiple charges, abruptly ending his trial.Estel Wayne Buck was on his way from the Warren County Jail to a dentist appointment when he allegedly took the chains from around his waist, put them around a deputy's throat and tried to choke her.Police say he then tried to take her gun.A passerby saw the attack and helped the deputy. Buck will be sentenced for aggravated robbery, felonious assault, and escape on March 29th. He faces up to 28 more years in prison.

[  www.wcpo.com

2. märz 2005

fluchtversuch aus dem sequayah county knast

Suspect Attempts To Escape From Jail

By Monica Keen, Staff Writer

Jailers foiled the attempted escape of a murder suspect from the Sequoyah County Jail in Sallisaw Monday night. Keith Kidwell, 21, of Durham, N.C., was being held in the jail on a murder warrant from North Carolina in connection to the death of a North Carolina convenience store worker. He was booked into the jail for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle after he was arrested Feb. 11 by an Oklahoma Highway Patrol trooper for driving the victim's vehicle, which was reported as stolen. Robert Gude, jail administrator, said Kidwell was in the shower next to the booking area of the jail when Dane Crum, jailer, heard a loud noise. Gude said Crum walked back in the shower to see Kidwell hanging half-way up into the ceiling. Kidwell had apparently broken the sheetrock above the shower and pulled on a trap door, which provides access to plumbing. Gude said jailers were able to wrestle Kidwell to the ground and handcuff him. No one was hurt in the incident.

Gude said the shower Kidwell was in is the only shower in the jail with sheetrock above it. He noted that if Kidwell had gotten up into the ceiling, there was no place he could have gone, but it would have been difficult for jailers to get him down. Gude said Kidwell is six feet six inches tall and weighs 285 pounds. "Their quick actions and thinking helped gain control of the situation," Gude said of the jailers. Two other jailers, Frank Lightfoot and Josh Davis, assisted with the incident. The two were not on duty at the time, but had stopped by the jail after law enforcement training. Lightfoot is a part-time Vian officer and Davis is a reserve sheriff's deputy, Gude said. Aside from Crum, others on duty at the jail were B.J. Gatlin, Shane Parks, Jenny Manley, and Sandy Davis, Gude said.Gude said he is pleased with the outcome of the incident and how the staff contained and controlled the situation.Kyle Waters, Sequoyah County assistant district attorney, said Kidwell waived extradition Tuesday, and was transported to Muskogee County Jail, where he will be held until he is transported to North Carolina.

[  www.sequoyahcountytimes.com

2. märz 2005

flucht eines mannes aus der „holding“ - zelle im gerichtsgebäude in tucson.

JAIL inmate escapes before arraignment in court

TUCSON, Ariz. Authorities are searching for a prisoner who escaped from a guard at Tucson City Court before his arraignment on a drug paraphernalia charge. Forty-one-year-old Joe Ochoa was one of six Pima County jail inmates who were being taken to a holding cell yesterday by a city marshal when he managed to escape.Ochoa ran down a hallway and out a door.Police say they found his clothing just outside the building.About 30 officers searched the downtown area by foot, bike, car and helicopter but could not locate Ochoa.City Court officials and the Police Department are reviewing their court security practices and their reaction to the escape.

[  www.kold.com

2.märz 2005
Hardee County authorities search for two escaped jail inmates

WAUCHULA, Fla. - Two inmates escaped from a jail when they squeezed through some razor wire in the facility's recreation yard, authorities said.Hardee County deputies were searching for Anthony L. Deboy, 22, and Ronald D. Smith, 31, who were discovered missing Monday night, said Maj. Claude Harris of the sheriff's office.The men apparently put a table against the back wall, squeezed through razor wire to get to a storage shed roof and escaped from the roof, officials said.K-9 units began tracking the escaped inmates, warning neighbors and searching cars traveling near the jail.About 100 inmates are being held in the jail, which has a capacity of 176, Harris said.The last jail escape in Hardee happened after Hurricane Charley damaged the jail's roof on Aug. 13, creating an opening for one inmate. He was captured in a matter of days, Harris said.Deboy, of Naples, was serving time for violation of parole on a variety of theft charges and drug possession.Smith, of Avon Park, had been charged with battery, assault and illegal possession of weapons.

2 gefangene aus dem hardee county knast geflohen.

[  bradenton.com

1.märz 2005

fluchtversuch aus dem lawrence county jail.

County jailbreak: prisoners don't get far

DEADWOOD - It was just after 10 a.m. when Deadwood Police Officer Alex Hamann was at the back door of the Deadwood Police Department, saw a commotion of a chase and ran out the back door to give foot pursuit, according to Deadwood Police Chief Kelly Fuller

Fuller said he had looked out his office window and saw some people running by but had not put the picture together to realize a jailbreak at the county jail next door was taking place. "I just looked out and saw a couple of people run by, I did not see the suspects, then I heard Alex say over the radio they were heading to the city stairs so at that point we put two and two together and figured something wasn't right," said Fuller. "(Deadwood Detective) Greg (Nelson) flew out the front door and I headed out the back."

Fuller said his thought was to take a patrol car to the top of the city stairs on Taylor Avenue, "to set up a quick perimeter in case they got that far." Chief Deputy Sheriff Joe Harmon said he had been in his office with Sheriff's Detective Randall Rosenau when the two of them saw the two men in handcuffs, wearing the tan jumpsuits with "Lawrence County Jail" on the back go running by his window. "It was pretty clear something wasn't right," said Harmon. "Just about anybody walking down the street could have taken a look and known they were prisoners and probably did not have permission to leave the jail," said Harmon.

He said the pair had been part of a string of prisoners being escorted by two jailers from the jail to court on the first floor of the courthouse when the line stretched out giving the two men a chance to bolt out the back door of the breezeway connecting the two buildings. "They just bolted out the door in handcuffs and all," said Harmon who also joined the chase behind Rosenau.

He identified the two men as Robert K Perry, 18, and Grant McClure, 18, both of Lead. Both men were in jail on charges of grand theft and now face additional charges of escape, he said. Harmon credited the quick thinking of Hamann in making the quick apprehension of the two escapees. "It wasn't more than a minute to two minutes when Alex had them at the city stairs. He really did a great job, fast thinking and the exact right response," said Harmon. Fuller also credited the quick thinking of Hamann, on his way out of the police department on a routine day but instantly realizing the problem and starting the chase. It was Hamann just behind the escapees with one half-way up the city stairs and the other further behind the first, when Hamann ordered for the pair to stop and they complied. Harmon said that before Rosenau had cleared the end of the jail, Hamann had cornered the two escapees and had them back in custody. "It wasn't but a minute or two and they were caught, it was a short lived escape," said Harmon.

"This is just a perfect example of police work," said Fuller looking back to the chase on what had been a calm and typical Deadwood morning in February, "it goes from zero to a hundred miles an hour, that quick." "It sure keeps it interesting," said Fuller.

[  www.zwire.com

1.märz 2005

eine frau aus rotorua hat sich von ihrer elektronische fessel befreit und war in ein anderes haus gezogen. jetzt soll ihr hausarrest widerrufen werden und sie in den knast kommen. ihr delikt war mehrmals fahren unter alkoholeinfluß und ohne führerschein.

Woman on home detention found at different house

A Rotorua woman on home detention took off her monitoring bracelet, shifted house and was only picked up when police were called to her new address, a court has been told. Pauline Jane Hura, 50, unemployed, was sentenced to 12 months' jail last September 23 for drunk driving and driving while disqualified.It was the third time she had been caught driving drunk and while disqualified. The Community Probation Service is now recalling Hura's home detention order and wants her to be jailed. Hura appeared in Rotorua District Court yesterday and pleaded guilty to breaching home detention. On February 17, Hura removed her home detention monitoring bracelet and left her daughter's home, going to live with her husband.She did not contact the Community Probation Service to tell her probation officer that she had left her daughter's house.Her escape from there was only picked up when police were called to a domestic dispute at her husband's house on February 21.

Alcohol was involved and as a result Hura was removed from the house and was taken back to her daughter's home. Hura was breaching her home detention release conditions by drinking alcohol. Her lawyer, Tania Macdonald, told Judge James Weir that Hura wanted to move back to her husband's house because it was costing her too much to live with her daughter. Judge Weir said he could not sentence Hura until her recall order had been heard by the parole board. She was remanded in custody to reappear on March 10.

[  nzherald.co

1.märz 2005

fluchtversuch während der fahrt vom gericht. am 17. februar wurde die geplante flucht von 2 gefangenen aus dem maguire knast verhindert.

Third-strike inmate tries escape

A convict awaiting trial for domestic violence and facing a third-strike prison sentence is now slapped with extra charges for allegedly kicking out the window of a sheriff’s van and trying to sneak away. On Feb. 4, Simuel Winston, 44, was returning from court in South San Francisco when he reportedly knocked out the window of the transportation van and began slipping out the window. The deputies reported catching him in the act before he could make it through the broken window and believe he had a car waiting for him. If anyone is ever arrested for helping Winston, they can be charged with felony conspiracy.Winston was in custody on a serious domestic violence case against his girlfriend in Burlingame. Winston, a habitual violent offender, faced a mandatory 25 years to life sentence if convicted as a third-striker. His past criminal record includes a 1995 assault with a deadly weapon and other assaults and robbery.

Two felony charges of attempting to escape and causing more than $400 in damage were added to Winston’s pending case. If convicted of those, Winston will receive a few extra years in prison. Winston remains in custody in lieu of $500,000 bail and yesterday was ordered to stand trial on the charges. Winston’s escape attempt was the first of two in just under two weeks for San Mateo County deputies. On Feb. 17, cellmates Bobby Tran and Senituli Penisoni allegedly tried escaping from the Maguire Correctional Facility by cutting through a window bar with hacksaw blades.

[  www.smdailyjournal.org

1.März 2005
Justizvollzugsanstalt Iserlohn: Möglicher Versuch der Befreiung eines Untersuchungsgefangenen gescheitert

Der mögliche Versuch der Befreiung eines 20jährigen Untersuchungsgefangenen der JVA Iserlohn in den frühen Morgenstunden des 01.03.2005 ist gescheitert. Der 20jährige Untersuchungsgefangene, der u.a. wegen schweren Raubes zu einer nicht-rechtskräftigen Freiheitsstrafe von 8 Jahren verurteilt worden ist, hatte sich in der Nacht zum 01.03.2005 in der JVA Iserlohn schwere Schnittverletzungen zugefügt. Nach Abstimmung mit dem sofort herbeigerufenen Notarzt wurde der Transport des Gefangenen in das Justizvollzugskrankenhaus Fröndenberg durch einen Krankenwagen veranlasst. Auch während des Transportes wurde der gefesselte Gefangene bewacht. Auf dem Weg zum Justizvollzugskrankenhaus wurde der Krankenwagen durch einen PKW zum Anhalten gedrängt, der Versuch scheiterte jedoch. Der Gefangene wurde daraufhin - wie geplant - in das Justizvollzugskrankenhaus in Fröndenberg verbracht und ärztlich versorgt. Er befindet sich weiterhin in sicherer Verwahrung. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ist eingeschaltet.

[  www.justiz.nrw.de

28. februar 2005

3 wärter und 4 polizisten wegen des ausbruches 3 gefangener aus dem gericht in mombasa verhaftet.

[  Policemen, Warders Investigated for Crime

28.februar 2005

ein am 30.oktober 2004 aus dem south portland youth center geflohener mann wurde wieder verhaftet.

[  Escapee from youth center held in weekend shooting

28. februar 2005

fluchtversuch nach der festnahme.

[  Jail inmate attempts to swim to freedom

28. februar 2005

in einem kurzen bericht über den fluchtversuch zweier zum tod verurteilten männer in ohio steht daß die beiden sich aus bettlaken eine art strickleiter gebaut hätten. Außerdem sei der sicherheitschef des knastes von einem informanten vorher gewarnt worden, hätte aber nicht darauf reagiert.

[  Death Row Inmates Attempt to Escape

28. februar 2005

ein gefangener wurde getötet und 4 weitere verwundet bei einem ausbruchsversuch aus einem un - knast

[  One Prisoner Killed, Several Hurt in Attempt to Escape From UN Jail in DR of Congo

28. februar 2005

3 von der hayes prison farm in tasmanien geflohene männer nach kurzer zeit wieder verhaftet. es war das 7.mal in diesem jahre das gefangene geflohen sind.

[  Hayes escapees recaptured

27. februar 2005

„ laut marc wilkens jean, dem neuen leiter des strafsystems des landes nachdem claude theodat letzten sonntag gefeuert wurde, hätte der ausbruch ohne die unterstützung von einigen wärtern nicht stattfinden können.“ „ während eines gespräches mit dem in einer polizeizelle in port - au - prince inhaftierten ehemaligen gefängnisleiters sony marcellus reichte ein papier durch die gitter das zeigte das er zusätzliche polizei und un - truppen zwei tage vor dem ausbruch angefordert hat...........er sagte daß er keine antwort erhielt“.

„marcellus sagte es dauerte 20 minuten vom beginn der schießerei bis die polizei erschien. da waren die schützen und die flüchtlinge bereits weg.“ „ am freitag wurden 5 bel air bewohner während eines von brasilianischen friedenstruppen unterstützten polizeieinsatzes erschossen. nach augenzeugen wurden die 5 zivilisten von vermummten polizisten die schwarz gekleidet waren, hingerichtet. hinrichtungen dieser art sind in bel air und umliegenden slums in den letzten monaten regelmäßig ausgeführt worden, aber diese morde kamen nach relativ friedlichen 2 wochen.“

[  A murky prison mystery
23. Februar 2005

es wurden 8 polizisten verhaftet und gegen dutzende ( mind.40) wird ermittelt. 48 der 481 geflohenen wurden bisher wieder verhaftet. dann steht in dem artikel daß die zwei ehemaligen regierungsmitglieder, von denen anfangs behauptet wurde daß ihnen der anschlag galt, seien während des riots von wachen an einen geheimen ort gebracht worden und später den u.n. - truppen übergeben. in dem knast waren 1.250 gefangene von denen lt. menschenrechtsaktivistinnen weniger als 2% verurteilt sind.

[  Eight police officers detained, dozens investigated after 500 inmates escape Haitian prison
23. Februar

lt. un sind 481 gefangene während des angriffes eines „bewaffneten kommandos“ auf den knast in port - au - prince geflohen.

20.Februar 2005

nach einer schießerei im gefängnis in port-au-prince, bei der angeblich der ehemalige premierminister yvon neptune und der ex- innenminister jocelerme befreit werden sollten ,sind nach berichten lokaler medien mehrere hundert gefangene geflüchtet.

[  Jail raid Haitian officials held

27. februar 2005

fluchtversuch eines 16jährigen.

[  Boy escapes from Sherman police

27.februar 2005

am 31. dezember flüchtete jejuan aus dem knast. am 21. januar wurde er von einem swat - team erschossen, als er vor einer festnahme flüchtete. die polizei gibt wenig auskunft was passiert ist. in einer kurzen mitteilung an die presse am nächsten tag schrieb die polizei das jejuan „ erschossen wurde nachdem er versucht hatte mehrere beamte zu überfahren“. nicht erwähnt wurde, das jejuan nicht der einzige insasse im auto war -- eine tatsache, die die polizei später bestätigte nachdem eine frau die information auf dem message board der The sun online veröffentlichte. sie sagten nur das jejuan der fahrer war, gaben aber sonst keine informationen über den zweiten insassen.

[  Family seeks answers in fugitive's death

26.februar 2005

nach neun stunden endete die flucht eines gefangenen, der zum gericht gefahren werden sollte , sich aber zu einer gruppe die entlassen wurde einordnete. jetzt sollen iris scanner im knast benutzt werden.

[  Inmate's escape prompts review

26. februar 2005

bei der flucht von 11 gefangenen aus der polizeihaft in eshowe ( im norden von kwuzulz-natal), wurde 1 polizist getötet und einer verletzt. einen tag später sind im selben bezirk 12 gefangene geflohen.

[  Police officer killed, another injured during escape
[  Police confirm more prison escapes in KwaZulu-Natal
[  Another 12 prisoners escape in KwaZulu-Natal

26. februar 2005

„ brian mcdonald ,22, aus der bronx, n.y., wurde entlassen als bedienstete des lehigh valley rehabilitation center am 11. februar in das gefängnis ( lackawanna county knast) kamen mit einer anordnung dennis mcdonald,50, aus scranton, abzuholen. brian mcdonald lief später aus dem keenan house in allentown weg, was , wegen flucht ,zu einem haftbefehl für dennis mcdonald führte.das gefängnis merkte nicht das ein fehler gemacht wurde bis zum abend des 12. februar, nachdem die frau von dennis mcdonald im gefängnis anrief und ihnen sagte daß ihr ehemann immer noch dort eingesperrt ist.“ brian mcdonald hat sich am 14. februar „selbst gestellt“.

[  Failure to check photo led to inmate mix-up

26.februar 2005

ein gefangener, der zweimal aus dem henry county knast floh, erst im dezember 2004 und dann erneut im januar, wurde im zusammenhang mit einem raub verhaftet.

[  Jail escapee nabbed

26. februar 2005

nach einem fluchtversuch ist der knast green bay unter lockdown, allerdings sind lt. dem knastsprecher besuche von angehörigen und einkauf nicht davon betroffen.

[  Inmate’s escape try prompts lockdown

25. februar 2005

nach zwei monaten auf der flucht ( 29. dezember) wurde ein mann ,der mitglied der menace of destruction gang sein soll, wieder festgenommen.

[  The hunt's been on for Yatau Her

24. februar 2005

flucht von 3 männern aus dem gericht in mombasa. dabei wurde ein wärter angeschossen. ein vierter mann, der aber nicht zu der gruppe gehören soll, versuchte ebenfalls zu fliehen, wurde aber von wärtern und polizisten erst bewußtlos geprügelt und dann verhaftet.

[  Court Drama As Suspects Escape

24. februar 2005

flucht auf dem weg zum gericht.

[  Accused Arsonists Attempts Escape

24. februar 2005

die beiden frauen die aus dem arohata knast geflohen sind, sind wegen flucht vorbestraft.

[  Arohata inmates had record of escaping

24. februar 2005

bei der flucht eines gefangenen ,der von pretoria nach johannesburg zum gericht gebracht werden sollte, wurden zwei polizisten verletzt.

[  Highway chaos as prisoner escapes

24. februar 2005

ein 18jähriger der im april 2004 flüchtete indem er sich für einen anderen ausgab und „irrtümlich entlassen“ wurde, wurde zu weiteren 18 monaten verurteilt.

[  Killer Given 18-Month Term for Escape
[  18 months for Reliance escape
[  Escape teenager given 18 months

24.februar 2005

flucht auf dem weg zum gericht.

[  Inmate escapes en route to court

23. februar 2005

weil ihm die strafe zu niedrig war, hat ein richter einen handel der zwischen staatsanwaltschaft und rechtsanwalt asgehandelt wurde, abgelehnt. der mann wird beschuldigt im august 2003 einem gefangenen werkzeug u.ä. in den knast geschmuggelt zu haben damit dieser fliehen kann ( der aber durch eine verletzung des gefangenen nicht ausgeführt werden konnte). dem deal nach sollte er dafür 3 jahre in den knast. der richter sagte dazu: „ 3 jahre wäre wie eine liebkosung .“

jetzt hat der mann nur noch die möglichkeit es entweder auf einen prozeß ankommen zulassen oder aber bei dem deal zu bleiben und den richter die strafe festlegen lassen. da einer der vorwürfe „ kriminelle verschwörung“ ist kann die höchststrafe bei 25 jahren liegen.

[  Judge rejects deal in case of failed Broward jailbreak attempt

23. februar 2005

flucht eines mannes aus dem gerichtsgebäude in miri. seine eltern und schwester überredeten ihn sich wieder bei den polizisten zu melden. flucht kann mit bis zu 2 jahren bestraft werden.

[  Prisoner makes daring escape
[  Fugitive was desperate to see his newborn

22. februar 2005

nach 5 jahren auf der flucht hat ein mann das illegale leben nicht mehr ausgehalten und ist in den knast vecumnieki zurückgegangen. jetzt muß er die restlichen 10 monate seiner damaligen strafe absitzen und wird wegen der flucht noch einmal einen prozeß haben. die höchstrafe kann dann 3 jahre sein.

[  Please let me go to jail again

22. februar 2005

ein am sonntag geflohener mann wurde wieder verhaftet.

[  Inmate captured after walking away from work program

22. februar 2005

flucht zweier frauen aus dem arohata frauenknast.

[  Two escape from Arohata prison

22. februar 2005

ein 17 jähriger der „vor einiger zeit“ aus dem knast floh, wurde wieder festgenommen. im bericht wird er immer wieder als junge bezeichnet, gleichzeitig wird aber erwähnt, daß er wegen gang - delikten im knast war und deshalb eine strafe von 5 x lebenslänglich befürchten muß.

[   Juvenile fugitive caught
   Officials: Stockton boy faces five possible life sentences if convicted

22. februar 2005

erneute flucht eines gefangenen des ashley youth detention centre. am 13. februar waren bereits zwei jugendliche geflüchtet, wurden aber nach einigen tagen wieder inhaftiert.

[  Third escape in fortnight

22. februar 2005

nach 24 stunden sind zwei geflüchtete gefangene wieder festgenommen worden. wegen der flucht sind im knast alle besuche abgesagt worden und die meisten gefangenen sind in den zellen eingesperrt.

[  Inmates Charged with Escape

21.februar 2005

zwei gefangene sind aus dem kern county knast geflüchtet, einer wurde wieder festgenommen. in dem zweiten artikel dazu ist die rede von zwei gefangenen die letzten monat aus dem wasco state prison flüchteten und von denen einer sich „selbst gestellt“ hat und der andere immer noch auf der flucht ist.

[  Deputies searching for Lerdo inmate
[  Inmates Escape From Lerdo Prison

21. februar 2005

fluchtversuch zweier gefangener aus der maguire correctional facility. angeblich hörten die wärter eine säge und verhinderten die flucht.

[  Sawing sounds betray jail plot Noise foils suspected murderers' breakout try

21.februar 2005

zwei gefangene aus dem schuylkill knast geflohen.

[  Inmates Escape From Schuylkill County Prison

21. februar 2005

gegen vier gefangene, 5 angestellte des knastes sowie weitere 8 menschen wird jetzt ein prozess geführt. die vier gefangenen waren letzten Juli aus dem Knast hall be södertälje ausgebrochen. den anderen wird vorgeworfen ihnen dabei behiflich gewesen zu sein.

[  17 prosecuted for Hall escapes

20.Februar 2005

nach einer schießerei im gefängnis in port-au-prince, bei der angeblich der ehemalige premierminister yvon neptune und der ex- innenminister jocelerme befreit werden sollten ,sind nach berichten lokaler medien mehrere hundert gefangene geflüchtet.

[  Jail raid Haitian officials held [  more information

19.februar 2005

für ihre flucht aus dem knast im letzten jahr,erhielt eine frau jetzt eine strafe von 3 jahren.

[  Pregnant escapee receives3 years in prison

19. februar 2005

ein am montag geflohener mann wurde wieder festgenommen.

[  Grant County deputies capture escapee

18. februar 2005

mind. 30 kinder sind aus einem heim geflohen. 3 wurden von der polizei beim klettern über die knastmauern festgenommen. dies ist das zweite mal in diesem jahr das jugendliche aus den geschlossenen heimen fliehen. letzten monaten sollen kinder aus bhopal geflohen sein.

[  Children flee juvenile home alleging maltreatment:

18. februar 2005

fluchtversuch eines mannes aus einem gerichtsgebäude.

[  'He freaked out' and fled

18. februar 2005

3 zu lebenslang verurteilte gefangene haben im juni 2003 im charlotte correctional institution einen ausbruchsversuch unternommen und dabei, lt. anklage, zwei menschen ermordet. jetzt wurden ihre prozeßtermine festgelegt und auch das die staatsanwaltschaft bei den prozessen gegen die 3 die todesstrafe fordern kann und lt. ankündigung auch wird. es sind 160 zeugen geladen.

[  Trials for prison murder cases delayed again

18.februar 2005

ein bericht über wärter des khunti - knastes die fordern das gefangene aus dem knast verlegt werden, und sich über ihre arbeitsbedingungen beschweren. u.a. steht da, das es 390 gefangene in dem knast befinden wovon die mehrheit naxalites sein sollen. diese stellen angeblich eine gefahr dar und seien für die 15 wärter nicht zu kontrollieren. namentlich werden 7 gefangene genannt, es werden aber auch 10 frauen erwähnt (ohne namen...) vor 20 tagen sollen 60 gefangene einen fluchtversuch unternohmen haben . 6 gefangene seien bei der verhinderung der flucht verletzt worden.

[  Shift-rebel cry in prison

17.februar 2005

in pennsylvania wurde haftbefehl gegen eine frau die letztes jahr aus dem knast geflüchtet war, und jetzt nicht bei dem prozeß erschien, erlassen.

[  Woman Who Escaped From Prison Vehicle In More Trouble

17.februar 2005

2 gefangene die mit einem moped aus dem the verne knast flüchteten wurden einige stunden später wieder verhaftet.

[  Moped escapees returned to jail

17.februar 2005

bei einem fluchtversuch wurde ein gefangener erschossen. der mann war wegen eines bankraubes im knast und sollte dem gericht vorgeführt werden. die flucht mit dem motorrad soll sein onkel , der auch boss einer bankräubergang sei, organisiert haben.

[   Rob suspect gunned down

17.februar 2005

bericht über einen angebl. geplanten ausbruch von 3 gefangenen aus dem housten county knast

[  Jail Attempted Escape

16.februar 2005

flucht eines mannes der als sog.trustee bezeichnet wird. dies sind gefangene die außerhalb des knastes arbeiten. in texas wird flucht mit knast zwischen 2 und 10 jahren bestraft.

[  County jail trustee walks away

15. februar 2005

am 7.februar ist ein gefangener aus dem whitley county jail geflohen, wurde aber leider am selben tag wieder gefasst. jetzt wird er erneut angeklagt, und kann wegen der flucht bis zu 12 jahre kriegen. außerdem versucht die staatsanwaltschaft eine „ habitual felony offender“- klage vor gericht zuerreichen, was es wahrscheinlich macht daß das gericht zur höchststrafe verurteilen wird.

[  Prisoner faces escape charges

15. februar 2005

3 berichte über die flucht einer frau. der sheriff gibt an, das sie einige stunden vor ihrer flucht eine vergewaltigung durch einen gefangenen angezeigt hatte. ein mann, der ihr geholfen haben soll, wird jetzt ermittelt und ein haftbefehl erlassen.

[  Woman escapes after jailer lets her out to smoke
[  18.05.04 / Inmate claims she was raped [  19.02.04  Man charged for alleged role in weekend jail escape

15.februar 2005

in einem artikel über die leider kurze flucht eines gefangenen steht, daß dies mit einer höchststrafe von 12 jahren bestraft werden kann.

[  Prisoner faces escape charges

15. februar 2005

ein zu 20 jahren verurteilter mann ist aus dem knast geflohen. es werden keine angaben gemacht wie.

[  Prisoner Escapes From Prison In Spartanburg County

15. februar 2005

2 gefangene ( 17 und 16 jahre) des ashley detention centre sind seit dem 13.2. auf der flucht.

[  Van found but escapees remain on the run

10.februar 2005

15 jahre nach seiner flucht wurde ralph robert annis wieder festgenommen. möglich wurde die festnahme durch ermittlungen einer zeitung. er lebte seit seiner flucht 1990 unter dem namen michael winters , zuletzt in corpus christi / texas .

„ die zeitung benutzte informationsdienste wie lexis - nexis und autotrak, internet telefonbücher, suchdienste für menschen und andere quellen. der bestimmte michael winters hatte keinen führerschein und besaß weder ein haus noch ein auto, was eher ungewöhnlich ist es sei denn man versucht seine identität zu verschleiern. nachbarn an einem früheren wohnort identifizierten annis anhand eines alten knastbildes das die zeitung ihnen zuschickte“.

er muß jetzt die restliche strafzeit (10 jahre) absitzen, plus einer strafe wegen flucht die mit 1 bis 5 jahren verurteilt werden kann.

[  Murderer caught in Texas 15 years after escape WAS TRACKED DOWN AFTER PAPER'S INQUIRIES

9. februar 2005

brian curtis ( ist jetzt 71) wurde 1991 wegen importes von lsd im wert von $1,5 millionen zu 18 jahren knast verurteilt. im jahr darauf hat er seine berufung zurückgenommen. im august 1993 floh er zusammen mit einem weiteren gefangenen aus dem hochsicherheitsknast auckland in paremoremo . dabei benutzten sie eine selbstgemachte leiter und zusammen geknotete bettlaken. die nächsten 8 jahre war er auf der flucht, und wurde in manila festgenommen. seit 2001 ist er wieder im knast in neuseeland, wegen der flucht wurde er zu weiteren 2 ½ jahren verurteilt. er hat jetzt erneut berufung gegen sein urteil eingelegt.

[  Escaper wants to renew appeal

8. februar 2005

5 menschen aus einem drogenknast geflohen. in diesem jahr sollen bisher 20 menschen geflüchtet sein, von denen 5 wieder verhaftet wurden

[  Five Escape From Jeli Drug RehabCentre

8.februar 2005

keine verurteilung für afghanischen mann der im juni 2002 aus woomera flüchtete.

[  No conviction for detention escapee

8.februar 2005

6 männer, alle wegen mord angeklagt, sind während des transportes vom gericht zum knast in faridabad geflohen.

[  Murder accused escape from police van

6. februar 2005

während der fahrt zum prozeß konnten 2 u-häftlinge flüchten.

[  Two escape from police custody

6 Februar 2005
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

seit letzten freitag suchen die bullen 6 gefangene die aus dem fujairah zentralgefängnis geflohen sind.es wurde nicht berichtet wie die gefangenen geflohen sind.

[  Six prisoners escape from Fujairah jail

5. februar 2005

flucht eines mannes aus dem knast in banning. ein anderer gefangener ist seit 4 monaten auf der flucht.

[  Riverside County Escapee Is 6th in Year

5.februar 2005

fluchtversuch während der fahrt zu einer drogenklinik.

[  FELON'S Escape from Parole Van Raises Concerns

5.februar 2005

zum 2.mal wurde james harlow eine berufung gegen das gegen ihn verhängte todesurteil abgelehnt. zum tod verurteilt wurde er wegen der tötung eines wärters 1997 bei einem mißlungenen ausbruchversuches. die zwei anderen gefangenen die ebenfalls an dem ausbruch beteiligt waren, wurden zu lebenslanger haft verurteilt.

[  Court again rejects Harlow appeal

4.februar 2005

zwei männer die in den todeszellen der mansfield correctional institution untergebracht sind, versuchten zu fliehen. „ todestrakt - gefangene sind vom rest der gefangenen getrennt . der ausbruchsversuch verursacte kurz erhöhte aktivitäten die seit dem riot im todestrakt im september 1997 seltener geworden sind.“ früher war der todestrakt in lucasville ,wurde aber nach den riots 1993 nach mansfiled verlegt.

[  Two Killers Stopped Near Manci Fence

03.Februar 2005

"Häftling floh aus Klinik
Krankheit vorgetäuscht Fluchthelfer stand bereit

Einem Strafgefangenen aus dem Gefängnis Charlottenburg ist gestern Vormittag die Flucht gelungen. Khelil F. hatte in der JVA eine Knieverletzung vorgetäuscht und so eine Verlegung in das Jüdische Krankenhaus im Wedding erreicht, dort sollte er operiert werden. In der Eingangshalle rannte der an den Händen gefesselte 30-Jährige seinen beiden Bewachern davon; mit einem wartenden Komplizen gelang ihm die Flucht aus dem umzäunten Grundstück, indem sie ein zuvor manipuliertes Zaunteil umstürzten. Anschließend sprangen beide in ein bereit- stehendes Auto und flüchteten. Das Fahrzeug fand die Polizei am Mittag wenige hundert Meter entfernt in der Nazarethkirchstraße am Leopoldplatz.
Unter Häftlingen ist es bekannt, dass Behandlungen meist im Jüdischen Krankenhaus an der Iranischen Straße erfolgen – der Komplize wusste also, wo er den Tunesier „abholen“ konnte. Khelil F. saß nach Justizangaben wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung eine Strafe von 3 Jahren und zwei Monaten ab. Strafende wäre im August 2007 gewesen. (Ha/tagesspiegel)"

[  archiv.tagesspiegel.de

02 Februar 2005

ein aus einem knast in singapur entflohener mann wurde in bali wieder verhaftet.zitat aus dem bericht: „ tang war in polizeihaft während seines laufenden prozesses. letzten freitag morgen gelang es ihm die wärter zu überreden ihn die besuchertoilette benutzen zulassen. nachdem sie fast eine stunde gewartet hatten, ging einer der 5 wärter in die toilette und befahl tang herauszukommen. nach dem es keine antwort gab brach der wärter die tür auf und fand die toilette leer vor. und das fenster eingeschlagen.“ gegen die 5 wärter wird ermittelt.

[  S'porean fugitive nabbed

2. Februar 2005
Flucht eines Strafgefangenen

Berlin, Heute morgen gegen 8.00 Uhr gelang es dem tunesischen Strafgefangenen Khelil F. (30) bei einer medizinisch angeordneten Ausführung in ein Berliner Krankenhaus zu entweichen. Der Strafgefangene befand sich mit gefesselten Händen und in Begleitung zweier Vollzugsbediensteten im Jüdischen Krankenhaus, wo ein operativer Eingriff vorgenommen werden sollte. Im Bereich der Eingangshalle rannte der Gefangene plötzlich los, wobei er von einem offenbar bereit stehenden Fluchthelfer unterstützt wurde. Beide Personen entkamen aus dem umzäunten Außenbereich, indem sie ein zuvor manipuliertes Zaunteil umstürzten. Anschließend sprangen beide in ein bereit stehendes Auto und flüchteten. Trotz sofortiger Nacheile gelang es den Bediensteten nicht, die Flucht zu verhindern. Die Fahndung wurde sofort eingeleitet. Der Strafgefangene Khelil F. verbüßte in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Charlottenburg eine Freiheitsstrafe von 2 Jahren und 2 Monaten sowie eine weitere von 1 Jahr jeweils wegen gefährlicher Körperverletzung; Strafende wäre im August 2007 gewesen. Die genauen Umstände, die zur Flucht geführt haben, werden eingehend untersucht.

[  www.berlin.de/SenJust

1. februar 2005

einem wegen raub im knast sitzenden mann gelang die flucht aus dem knast indem er die gitter aus dem fenster brach und an bettlaken herunter kletterte. Laut des Artikels wird nun zu seiner eigentlichen Anklage, das "Delikt" Flucht hinzugefügt. Flucht wird in Tennessee mit bis zu 3 Jahren Knast bestraft.

[  CARTER County Inmate Escapes

1.februar 2005

nach einer flucht aus dem saskatchewan knast am 30.1. wurden zwei gefangene in der nähe von ontario erneut festgenommen .

[  Ontario police catch Sask. jail escapees

1.februar 2005

eine wegen fluchtversuch zu weiteren 10 jahren knast verurteilter mann hat sich in seiner zelle angeblich erhängt.

[  Felon found dead in jail

31.Januar 2005

ein bay state prison gefangener , der aus der „work farm“des knastes floh, wurde nach einigen stunden durch die hinweise von denunziantinnen wieder festgenommen.
„auch wenn informationen über die ausführung der flucht von den behörden zurück gehalten werden, um keine nachahmungstäter zu ermuntern, wird angenommen das robert kazules ,so die polizei,einfach seinen arbeitsplatz verließ.“

[  Bayside inmate escapes, is caught

31. Januar 2005

am wochenende flüchteten 55 gefangene aus dem knast Sao Roque, 60 km westlich von Sao Paulo. die gefangenen haben mit selbstgebauten werkzeugen ein loch in die wand der zelle und kletterten dann über die knastmauer. in dem knast, der für 70 gefangene gebaut ist, waren z.z. des ausbruches 130 menschen eingesperrt. 14 wurden wieder gefasst.

[  Hole in wall escape by 55 prisoners

Januar 2005

In diesem Artikel, warnt die Oppostion vor weiteren Ausbrüchen aus den Knästen in New South Wales. In den letzten 3 Monaten sind, laut des Artikels, 6 Gefangene in New South Wales geflüchtet.

[  POLLIE warns of more jail escapes

31. Januar 2005

nach einem jahr auf der flucht wurde ein mann leider wieder gefasst.

[  Inmate arrested after year on run

27. januar 2005

angeblich haben 3 gefangene und zwei unterstützerinnen einen ausbruch geplant

[  Deputies: 5 involved in plot to flee jail

27. Januar 2005

FARC Aktion führt zur Befreiung von 21 Gefangenen des Gefängnisses Picaleña de Ibagué in Kolumbien

Die Aktion begann um 8.45 abends mit zwei Explosionen, gefolgt von Maschinengewehrsalven. Die Schüsse kamen aus dem „Sektor 11“ in dem Gefangene mit Vorwürfen der Mitgliedschaft in der Guerilla sitzen. Sie sind angeklagt oder verurteilt wurden wegen Rebellion, Terrorismus, Entführung oder Mord. Wenige Minuten zuvor hatte der Fluchtplan begonnen, die Gefangenen konnten die Fenster von drei Zellen zerstören und gelangten so auf den Hof. Um zu vermeiden, dass sie entdeckt würden, nutzten die Gefangenen die Deckung einer Wand um zur ersten Sicherheitsmauer vorzurücken, die an das Fußballfeld grenzt. Dort wurde die erste Sprengstoffladung gelegt. Die Explosion öffnete laut Justizkreisen, „eine ausreichend große Öffnung, dass eine Person hindurchgehen konnte. Dann gelangten sie in den Sicherheitsbereich (area de restricción) wo sich keine Gefangenen aufhalten durften.“

Die Ermittlungen weisen darauf hin, dass fast gleichzeitig FARC Gueriller@s Positionen mit ihren Maschinengewehren besetzten und einen Lastwagen und einen Kleintransporter benutzten. Sekunden nach der Explosion der ersten Sprengladung begannen die Wächter vom Pförtnerhaus aus das Feuer auf die Gefangenen zu eröffnen, diese erwiderten das Feuer und erhielten ausserdem Unterstützung von den Militanten, die die Gefängnismauern durch Beschuss splittern ließen und so besonders die Wachen die das Pförtnerhaus zu halten versuchten unter Druck setzten.

Die Wachen befanden sich im Kreuzfeuer. Ohne aufzuhören zu schießen rückten die Gefangenen schnell zur 2. Außenmauer vor, wo sie die zweite Sprengladung zündeten. In diesem Moment geriet die Lage im Gefängnis völlig außer Kontrolle. Die Schusswechsel steigerten sich und die Gefangenen konnten nach draußen gelangen. 4 von ihnen starben bei diesem Versuch. Sechs weitere wurden durch Kugeln verletzt. Zwei von ihnen starben in den folgenden Stunden im Krankenhaus.

Mehr als 20 Personen schafften es die Mauer zu überwinden und flüchteten über die Reisfelder in der Nähe des Flughafens Perales, wo die Fluchtfahrzeuge standen. Die Reaktion des Militärs und der Polizei verhinderte jedoch, dass sie zu den Fahrzeugen gelangten. Deshalb verteilten sie sich und verschwanden in den Feldern. „Wir glauben dass sie sich unter die Zivilbevölkerung gemischt haben, um die öffentlichen Kräfte zu meiden“ sagte der Coronel Peña Chivatá. Drei flüchtige wurden bei der Militäraktion wieder aufgegriffen. 21 Gefangenen gelang die Flucht. Die Untersuchungen und Aussagen einiger Gefangener weisen darauf hin, dass der Plan im Gefängnis gefasst und von FARC Milizen koordiniert wurde. Die Gefangenen benutzten Sprengstoff und Waffen, die sie in die Anstalt schmuggeln konnten. Der Sprengstoff wurde in den Toiletten versteckt.

Así fue el ataque de las Farc que terminó con la fuga de 21 internos de la cárcel Picaleña de Ibagué

Se inició a las 8:45 de la noche del martes, con un estruendo de dos explosiones, seguidas de ráfagas de fusil. Los disparos provenían del sector que ocupa en patio número 11, conocido como el patio de las Farc porque allí permanecen los guerrilleros de esa organización procesados y condenados por rebelión, terrorismo, secuestro y homicidio. El plan de fuga se había iniciado unos minutos antes. Los internos lograron romper los ventanales de tres celdas y salieron al patio. Para evitar ser descubiertos, los hombres avanzaron pegados a la pared hacia el primer muro de seguridad ubicado junto a la cancha de fútbol. Una fuente judicial informó que allí pusieron la primera carga explosiva. "El estallido abrió un boquete lo suficientemente grande para el paso de una persona. Fue entonces cuando llegaron al área de restricción, donde ningún interno puede estar", dijo el investigador.

Las investigaciones iniciales indican que casi simultáneamente, milicianos de las Farc tomaron posiciones con sus fusiles y parquearon un camión y un furgón en proximidades a los muros de la penitenciaría. Segundos después de la detonación de la primera carga explosiva, los guardias de las garitas accionaron sus armas hacia los internos, quienes respondieron el fuego y, además recibieron el apoyo de los milicianos, cuyos disparos arrancaban esquirlas en los muros de la cárcel, sobre todo en las garitas desde donde los guardianes mantenían a raya a los otros presos que intentaban alcanzar el boquete.

La guardia quedó en medio del fuego cruzado. Sin dejar de disparar, los internos avanzaron con rapidez hasta el último muro e hicieron explotar la segunda carga. En ese momento el caos se apoderó del penal. Los disparos se intensificaron. Los prisioneros intentaban ganar la parte exterior. Cuatro de ellos cayeron muertos en el intento. Seis más recibieron heridas de bala. Dos de ellos murieron en las horas siguientes en el hospital Federico Lleras.

Más de veinte presos lograron cruzar el muro y corrieron hacia los terrenos cultivados de arroz, cercanos al aeropuerto Perales, donde los milicianos habían estacionados los vehículos para la huida. Sin embargo, la reacción de la tropa y de la policía les impidió llegar a los vehículos. Entonces se dispersaron y desaparecieron en medio de los cultivos. "Creemos que se infiltraron entre la población civil para lograr evadir a la fuerza pública", dijo el coronel Peña Chivatá. Cuando Ejército y Policía comenzaron a buscar en la zona descubrieron a tres de los fugados, identificados como José Orlando Arango Sánchez, Nelson Alberto Sandoval Guzmán y Humberto Díaz Támara. "El objetivo definitivo del plan era desocupar el patio 11, pero muchos decidieron retroceder a causa de los disparos de la parte externa", precisó. En ese lugar había 193 internos. Horas después el reporte del Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (Inpec) reveló que 21 reclusos lograron su objetivo.

Las investigaciones y confesiones de algunos de los presos indican que el plan de fuga se elaboró en la cárcel, y fue coordinado con las milicias de las Farc. Los internos utilizaron explosivos y armamento que lograron ingresar al penal. Se conoce que el material explosivo fue escondido en las bases de los inodoros.

[  eltiempo.com.co

27. Januar 2005

ein gefangener der aus dem offenen vollzug im knast prescoed flüchtete und danach angeblich 1 monatlang weitere delikte begangen hat, wurde zu einer strafe 4 jahren und 3 monate verurteilt,. die strafe beginnt nach den noch verbliebenen 27 monate .
dem bericht nach hat sich der mann am 25.oktober 2004 selbstgestellt und geständnisse abgelegt.
die noch verbliebenen 27 monate werden zeitgleich mitgerechnet.

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24. JANUAR 2005

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17. januar 2005

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